Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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Future Sight was never perfect and it will probably never be but Rayleigh's hype stays true. The people wielding are notable and regarded as some of the strongest. Katakuri's not some bum for getting his circumstances exploited and being affected by gas. It's still an amazing power that gives a really remarkable advantage. I still don't have him any stronger than prior but still Future Sight's always been a big deal.

If Sanji never gains Future Sight...:josad: I still have hope, just not here, Sanji's exoskeleton and flames of passion will likely continue to be the focus against the Seraphims. But after, watch out Lucky Roux and Teach's number 3.

Katakuri, Luffy, Kaido and now Shanks. Future Sight really is a nice and convenient ability to have and I hope even if Oda makes some mistakes with it that it stays a relevant power that affects the overall flow of a battle. I kinda expect both Rayleigh and Mihawk to have it as well and probably Aokiji and Fujitora too but it's best Oda reserves it and keeps the additional user reveals spread apart.
Shanks having AP completely on a level beyond Kaido and BM makes much sense because they have the defence that he doesn't have. Oda needs to balance it somewhere
Yeah he's human with a regular body, it makes sense him having high AP.

For kaido i always believed that oda was too much of coward to make him kill someone with oneshot. For me even now kaido was an allround monster, with both good offence and defence
By shonen logic and specifically Oda logic sure. I just would find it dumb if he intends on using his personal strength ass out on the enemy's turf. One way or another Luffy beat Kaido so it's a stupid gamble

No he was a legit new world pirate, probably wouldn't lose to any captain under Yonko and maybe he'd beat guys like Beck.

But ultimately it was a flawless victory. If he's alive he's about to start painting with Bellamy
Learn from Wano: don't underestimate how big a fraud Lolda can be. Luffy, Sabo, Law, and Kidd vs Akainu and his 3 Admirals is still a bigger possibility than Luffy and his 3 Commanders vs Akainu and his 3 Admirals. Just sayin'. :jordanmf:
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