Who will be the next SH?

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Ehm… you were also very clear on other things and they also didn’t join. To a lot of readers it looked like Yamato was set up to join and then it didn’t happen. Just because you didn’t want her to join you can not say Oda was not trolling. Because he was
On Carrot yeah. But my points still stands, the treatment of Carrot is still odd.
I KNOW Oda was not trolling in the case of Yamato because I do understand their treatment. It was a clear missdirection. Something authors uses often. From the first time Yamato spoke to Luffy it was a done deal.

I understand that it can be dissapointing, but there was no trolling here. Oda didn't change his mind mid course.

Literally called the change in Yamato's mind the day 985 chapter dropped:

For a more detailed explaination:

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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
I warned you all day one. With a clear narrative reasonning. The entire "I want to sail with Luffy thing" was a narrative subversion. Oda never intended to make Yamato join.
Yamato already joined, same with Momo and Kinemon.

People here can say whatever they want, the only thing that matters in terms of being a Straw Hat is whether or not Luffy gives you the go ahead. Jinbei said it himself to Yamato: "We'll need to get confirmation from the captain before I'm convinced."

Post Wano, these are the characters not sailing on the Sunny, who Luffy clearly wanted to sail with the crew as Nakama:

Vivi (Karoo as an add on)

Tama is also on that list, but, she promised Luffy she's learn Ninjutsu, and he said once she does, she can join, so, Tama has a clear condition, but is kind of murky.

The only character that actually pisses me off here is Carrot. Oda should have just made her official after Whole Cake, it would have made sense with Pedro's sacrifice. Carrot didn't get enough screen time in Wano, so her joining at the end would have been weak, so Oda just... pushed it back.

I don't care about the fanbase's opinions anymore, Vivi, Momo, Kinemon, and Yamato are Straw Hats based off of Luffy's words and actions. Tama might get stronger, or might be held back still, but what the fuck was Oda doing with Carrot?

I don't care if Zunesha ties into opening Wano's Borders and Oda wanted her there for that, just a horrible mismanaging of her character. I hated why Yamato stayed behind, but at least it made sense.

Fucking Queen of Zou bullshit.

Why the fuck do I ever come back to post in this thread?
On Carrot yeah. But my points still stands, the treatment of Carrot is still odd.
I KNOW Oda was not trolling in the case of Yamato because I do understand their treatment. It was a clear missdirection. Something authors uses often. From the first time Yamato spoke to Luffy it was a done deal.

I understand that it can be dissapointing, but there was no trolling here. Oda didn't change his mind mid course.

Literally called the change in Yamato's mind the day 985 chapter dropped:

For a more detailed explaination:

I don’t know want to start this conversation again. As it is futile anyway. You had theories and saw points that made you believe carrot would join. I saw points and reasons why she wouldn’t join.
I saw points that made me believe that Yamato would join and you saw things that made you believe she wouldn’t join. At the end I was right about Carrot and half right about Yamato. Carrot didn’t join and Yamato has the invitation to join later(like jinbe). And you were wrong about carrot and half wrong about Yamato. She did not join, but will later.
Making a writeup about why I think Bonney is joining the crew. It's a good couple pages long at this point. Will post when done

Didn't think that Carrot would join back in WCI, and I was pretty skeptical about Yamato back in Wano (If you remember how active I was back in the older thread lmao), but I'm actually fairly convinced on Bonney. Genuinely seems like Oda's putting a lot of effort into her, and with the way things are going right now Bonney joining the crew definitely seems to be what they're building up for.

Got some stuff to get done today so I probably won't post it until late tonight
You also "warned" us that Carrot will join the crew. We both won one and lost one. From my perpective, I warned you about Carrot and how she was never set up to join, and Yamato is a strange situation, maybe a red herring. There's two sides to this, don't act like you were proven right.
I was wrong on that indeed. But my reasonning was based on the odd treatment of Carrot, this still stands.

And I was proven right on Yamato* but that was not a surprise. Again, the Yamato case wasn't even a theory, it was because of a narrative tool used by Oda.

Yamato has the invitation to join later(like jinbe). And you were wrong about carrot and half wrong about Yamato. She did not join, but will later.
I was wrong on that indeed. But my reasonning was based on the odd treatment of Carrot, this still stands.

And I was proven right on Yamato* but that was not a surprise. Again, the Yamato case wasn't even a theory, it was because of a narrative tool used by Oda.

Again, I was proven right on Carrot, and that was not a surprise either.
I haven't seen anyone bring this up, but I think the biggest point in favor of Bonney joining the crew is that Egghead sort of seems to be "her" arc, if that makes any sense. Her relationship with Kuma is a major plotline and the payoff to several mysteries surrounding both characters that have been built up over the course of hundreds of chapters. Egghead as a setting seems to be themed around Bonney's Devil Fruit, as it's an island of the future that is in truth based on the distant past. Bonney, likewise, has the ability to change objects into either their past state or one of their many possible future states. I've noticed that Oda tends to be very particular about his symbolism playing into certain themes (One of Wano's main themes was hunger, and think back to all the characters and setpieces in Wano which were named after food), so I don't think that was a coincidence. Additionally, the current storyline of Bonney taking on the pain that Kuma carried throughout his life plays very well into the theme of inherited will, and I think it could play very well into the idea present with a lot of Strawhats that your friends (i.e. the crew) help you carry life's burdens. I feel like with Carrot, her relationship with Pedro wasn't all that developed (Carrot obviously cared about him, but we never really knew much about their actual relationship) and Yamato never really formed any relationship with Oden like Momo or Hiyori or the Scabbards did; she was just deeply inspired by him. So I feel like Bonney's case for joining is a lot stronger than theirs was.

Also, although it's still way too early to say anything definitive about it, but I think they might be setting up York and Bonney as foils. York is seemingly the arc's main antagonist, and she and Bonney are both gluttons, and York wants to be a Celestial Dragon while Bonney's family was horribly victimized by them. Of course the similarities between them are very surface-level right now, but I get the feeling that it might end up going a lot deeper than that.

Of course it's still too early to say anything for certain, and I don't want to go around acting like Bonney is somehow "confirmed" to be joining the crew, but if there is going to be another Strawhat, I really do think that Bonney is the best bet.
I haven't seen anyone bring this up, but I think the biggest point in favor of Bonney joining the crew is that Egghead sort of seems to be "her" arc, if that makes any sense. Her relationship with Kuma is a major plotline and the payoff to several mysteries surrounding both characters that have been built up over the course of hundreds of chapters. Egghead as a setting seems to be themed around Bonney's Devil Fruit, as it's an island of the future that is in truth based on the distant past. Bonney, likewise, has the ability to change objects into either their past state or one of their many possible future states. I've noticed that Oda tends to be very particular about his symbolism playing into certain themes (One of Wano's main themes was hunger, and think back to all the characters and setpieces in Wano which were named after food), so I don't think that was a coincidence. Additionally, the current storyline of Bonney taking on the pain that Kuma carried throughout his life plays very well into the theme of inherited will, and I think it could play very well into the idea present with a lot of Strawhats that your friends (i.e. the crew) help you carry life's burdens. I feel like with Carrot, her relationship with Pedro wasn't all that developed (Carrot obviously cared about him, but we never really knew much about their actual relationship) and Yamato never really formed any relationship with Oden like Momo or Hiyori or the Scabbards did; she was just deeply inspired by him. So I feel like Bonney's case for joining is a lot stronger than theirs was.

Also, although it's still way too early to say anything definitive about it, but I think they might be setting up York and Bonney as foils. York is seemingly the arc's main antagonist, and she and Bonney are both gluttons, and York wants to be a Celestial Dragon while Bonney's family was horribly victimized by them. Of course the similarities between them are very surface-level right now, but I get the feeling that it might end up going a lot deeper than that.

Of course it's still too early to say anything for certain, and I don't want to go around acting like Bonney is somehow "confirmed" to be joining the crew, but if there is going to be another Strawhat, I really do think that Bonney is the best bet.
These are some great points! I still think it's a red flag that there's no hint of a role or dream yet, but maybe Kuma's flashback could change that. I still think Stussy is more likely, but I can see your point about Bonney. I guess we'll see soon enough.
These are some great points! I still think it's a red flag that there's no hint of a role or dream yet, but maybe Kuma's flashback could change that. I still think Stussy is more likely, but I can see your point about Bonney. I guess we'll see soon enough.
I completely agree with most of that. the only bit I'm a bit on the fence about is Stussy being more likely. With the info we have now, sure, Stussy has a better shot but I personally think Oda is likely to have Bonney's dream be something along the lines of "Take down the Celestial Dragons", whatever Kuma's end goal was, or both as a result of whatever she witnesses in Kuma's flashback. Granted, idk what kind of role she'd fill within the crew if that were the case but depending on what happens in the next few chapters (or whenever we actually get to see the flashback) I could see Bonney having a slight edge over Stussy. In conclusion, at the moment I think Stussy has an edge over Bonney but not by a large margin.

Edit: this is also taking into consideration the character interactions between each of the mentioned candidates and the current strawhat crew, as Bonney seemed to get along better with them IMO. maybe it was just me but that's how i saw it
Ehm… you were also very clear on other things and they also didn’t join. To a lot of readers it looked like Yamato was set up to join and then it didn’t happen. Just because you didn’t want her to join you can not say Oda was not trolling. Because he was
While I wasn’t a huge fan of the execution, I got what Oda was going for with how Yamato and Momo parallel both Oden and Kaido, and how they both left their homeland better off than either of their parents did