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I dare not to say it: But I think @Garp the Fist is right. And there is one huge little detail from the latest chapter that makes Stussy's allegiance now utmost questionable to me. (I still have not posted my thoughts about the latest chapter in the chapter's thread and therefore did not say anything here [I'm still working on the short story of Arlong finding out about Jinbe being on Luffy's crew - almost done]).

Stussy fans please - do not read, if you really like her:

Have you thought about the fact that York was working together with the government? She was determined to kill off every other Vegapunk and pushed the WG to investigate on Egghead, which in the end turned out to develope into in assassination attempt from CP0. It showed York's determination to end all the other Vegapunks!
But have you thought about the fact, that York also knows about Stussy being a spy for Vegapunk for over 20 years? Because York shares Vegapunk's thought through "Punk Records". And if York really did want Vegapunk dead, than she also needs to take this detail into account, because Stussy could have given Vegapunk the information that York and the WG plan to kill them, beforehand and prepared. (If you think about it in detail - Stussy could have given Vegapunk the intel on who it is, who wants him dead at the latest after Stussy officially rejoined Vegapunk in chapter 1072 - there was enought time and everyone was gathered there, before they split up in groups again - she did not do so.)

And if we consider that the WG did know about Stussy being a spy of Vegapunk, they did no act on the intel and send Stussy on the mission with Kaku and Lucci regardless. Isn't this a little strange to you? If the WG knew about Stussy, than they would have done something to prevent her endangering the mission. At least they would have informed the other CP0 members about Stussy's role, so that they could have prepared their mission accordingly. But Lucci and Kaku seemed to be very surprised about Stussy's "betrail".
My question is: Why did the WG not do anything regarding Stussy, if they had the intel from York or did York forget about informing them?
And if York forgot about telling them, why did Stussy not inform Vegapunk about York?
I dare not to say it: But I think @Garp the Fist is right. And there is one huge little detail from the latest chapter that makes Stussy's allegiance now utmost questionable to me. (I still have not posted my thoughts about the latest chapter in the chapter's thread and therefore did not say anything here [I'm still working on the short story of Arlong finding out about Jinbe being on Luffy's crew - almost done]).

Stussy fans please - do not read, if you really like her:

Have you thought about the fact that York was working together with the government? She was determined to kill off every other Vegapunk and pushed the WG to investigate on Egghead, which in the end turned out to develope into in assassination attempt from CP0. It showed York's determination to end all the other Vegapunks!
But have you thought about the fact, that York also knows about Stussy being a spy for Vegapunk for over 20 years? Because York shares Vegapunk's thought through "Punk Records". And if York really did want Vegapunk dead, than she also needs to take this detail into account, because Stussy could have given Vegapunk the information that York and the WG plan to kill them, beforehand and prepared. (If you think about it in detail - Stussy could have given Vegapunk the intel on who it is, who wants him dead at the latest after Stussy officially rejoined Vegapunk in chapter 1072 - there was enought time and everyone was gathered there, before they split up in groups again - she did not do so.)

And if we consider that the WG did know about Stussy being a spy of Vegapunk, they did no act on the intel and send Stussy on the mission with Kaku and Lucci regardless. Isn't this a little strange to you? If the WG knew about Stussy, than they would have done something to prevent her endangering the mission. At least they would have informed the other CP0 members about Stussy's role, so that they could have prepared their mission accordingly. But Lucci and Kaku seemed to be very surprised about Stussy's "betrail".
My question is: Why did the WG not do anything regarding Stussy, if they had the intel from York or did York forget about informing them?
And if York forgot about telling them, why did Stussy not inform Vegapunk about York?
Stussy 10th Titanic captain inc :zehaha:

Or just ANOTHER massive plothole with York being the traitor. They didn't even explain who took out the cameras
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The problem with that dream is how much it relates to another character who’s been brought up more than a few times this arc: Dragon.

I think Bonney is falling into that same trap Yamato fell into as despite starting out as a possible nakama, she’s slowly being relegated to her story being more connected to a different team. Especially if she inherits her fathers dream.

Whereas Stussy still has a chance to inherit Vegapunks which can only be completed through going to raftel.

This main difference is why many, myself included, believe Stussys a much safer choice. Add in that Bonney still has a home to return to but Stussy doesn’t she’s a safe bet.
I think this particular point is fairly weak.

Other than Robin, Brooke and arguably Jinbei(depending on what actually happened to the Sun Pirates) who in the crew doesn't have a home to go back to?
I think this particular point is fairly weak.

Other than Robin, Brooke and arguably Jinbei(depending on what actually happened to the Sun Pirates) who in the crew doesn't have a home to go back to?
He's not saying that's a requirement. He's saying that having a home to go back to leaves more potential options for a character aside from the strawhats, so Stussy not having one is a point in her favor.
I think this particular point is fairly weak.

Other than Robin, Brooke and arguably Jinbei(depending on what actually happened to the Sun Pirates) who in the crew doesn't have a home to go back to?
It’s about being an outcast. Yes many of them would be welcomed back, but none of the straw hats fit in with their home. And most were downright pariahs.

The point is that they don’t have a place that accepts them and where they’re happy outside of the straw hat crew. And it points that Stussy needs to go somewhere, and there’s no where for her to go right now except maybe with luffy
It’s about being an outcast. Yes many of them would be welcomed back, but none of the straw hats fit in with their home. And most were downright pariahs.

The point is that they don’t have a place that accepts them and where they’re happy outside of the straw hat crew. And it points that Stussy needs to go somewhere, and there’s no where for her to go right now except maybe with luffy
Boss, who of the relevant characters of

Syrup Village
Orange Town
Water 7

reject any of the strawhats?

The only one you can reasonably argue is Drum Island... but the King and all the doctors love Chopper. None of them would live difficult lives in their hometowns.
I just thought about something: Laffitte looks in many ways just like Lucci. His hat, his slender build. He looks very much like Lucci in Water 7. Also, he seems to be of a cunning nature and thinks things through and is stealthy/knows how to infiltrate. The strangest thing at the end: He is a former West blue policeman that was known for his brutality.

And if Lucci becomes vampirized (-after the bite of Stussy - because I think she is a true vampire), and can sprout bat-wings, than he will mirror Laffitte perfectly, because Laffitte can sprout feathered white wings.