He assassinated a top Iranian general you fucking yutz. That's an act of war.
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Biden is preferable by far.
Didn't Putin acknowledge that he could not invade Ukraine under Tump given how erratic his personality is ?

As for Iran, the droning didn't result in a war. "Act of war" doesn't mean much for the US, as it's in their nature to do far worse.

As much as I despise him. Trump has a better foreign policy legacy than lots of other US presidents.

That said, I don't know how long his man-baby attitude would have lasted.
Less government, domestic oil, less imigrants after biden it was free ride, great foreign politics, peace agreements, went to north korea, against war. Less taxes. Way less BS when you need to build something. I dont know the word in english where you had to pass a lot of shit. Trump was great for people biden is good for sheeps who are lazy and want everything for free
he did get rid of some taxes and i remember the US broke some hystorical record regarding their economy.The word is bureocracy.
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I have all safety gear , I told you it got past it... some bushes really suck
buy a flamethrower,kill those bitches with fire!
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Less government, domestic oil, less imigrants after biden it was free ride, great foreign politics, peace agreements, went to north korea, against war. Less taxes. Way less BS when you need to build something. I dont know the word in english where you had to pass a lot of shit. Trump was great for people biden is good for sheeps who are lazy and want everything for free
L post

Why can't you be normal for once?
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Trump anti war????? He did lower taxes tho, for rich people. And he outscored thousands of American jobs. You are really stupid if you think that I'm a Biden fan, but Trump increased drone strikes by 200%. Anti war??? You really have no idea what he actually did.
No he doesn't.
He's not from the US
, I dont listen to anyone
.....except to right wing extremist media outlets and conspiracy channels.
i doubt he actually follows american politics
He doesn't.
when you don't know what's actually happening in the world and what policies are being made.
He doesn't care what happens in the rest of the world.
He only cares about himself and his FreEDoM
No he doesn't.
He's not from the US

.....except to right wing extremist media outlets and conspiracy channels.

He doesn't.

He doesn't care what happens in the rest of the world.
He only cares about himself and his FreEDoM
lolis is the bait champ
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Fuck every single government
They don’t care about you or your country
Anarcocapitalism is the way.