Anime & Manga Sbs volume 85 clarifies speed feat in Wano

Kings fastest attack was "like a laser beam" according to zoro

Queen was spamming laser beams that failed to touch sanji

His other attacks did land tho ;)

Prove queens slower than king by a significant ammount. Prove it.

Kaku discovered his hybrid form brother mane. Such speed😂

I'll give you ryuma. He was definitely faster than absalom but absalom was his superior and had the power of invisibility and superior physical strength.

I'm still waiting...
1. Yes which means his MOVEMENT speed is that of a laser which is light lol.

a device that generates an intense beam of coherent monochromatic light (or other electromagnetic radiation) by stimulated emission of photons from excited atoms or molecules. Lasers are used in drilling and cutting, alignment and guidance, and in surgery; the optical properties are exploited in holography, reading barcodes, and in recording and playing compact discs. queen wasn't moving at the physical speed of a laser. So I don't get your point. It's actually dumb since basically what you are saying is that me shooting a gun is the equivalent of me moving at the physical speed of a bullet lol.

3. You just did since kings MOVEMENT speed is that of a lazer while QUEENS movement speed is not lol. To add king (not in speed form nor hybrid) blitzed bigmom and her crew while she was on the ship that caused her to received amnesia in the first place. A yonko was incapable in that moment of responding or reacting to kings speed lol
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1. Yes which means his MOVEMENT speed is that of a laser which is light lol.

a device that generates an intense beam of coherent monochromatic light (or other electromagnetic radiation) by stimulated emission of photons from excited atoms or molecules. Lasers are used in drilling and cutting, alignment and guidance, and in surgery; the optical properties are exploited in holography, reading barcodes, and in recording and playing compact discs. queen wasn't moving at the physical speed of a laser. So I don't get your point. It's actually dumb since basically what you are saying is that me shooting a gun is the equivalent of me moving at the physical speed of a bullet lol.

3. You just did since kings MOVEMENT speed is that of a lazer while QUEENS movement speed is not lol. To add king (not in speed form nor hybrid) blitzed bigmom and her crew while she was on the ship that caused her to received amnesia in the first place. A yonko was incapable in that moment of responding or reacting to kings speed lol
No sir. His single attack. His attack he hyped himself and was of his upper tier moves.

But the best part is that it's his head being pulled back like a rubber band. It's literally an inferior version of a laser beam. The same attack. One just retracts back😂

Meanwhile queen spams that shit.

You're a clown 🤡 stop quoting me. I'm done with this shit😂 fuckin delusional
No sir. His single attack. His attack he hyped himself and was of his upper tier moves.

But the best part is that it's his head being pulled back like a rubber band. It's literally an inferior version of a laser beam. The same attack. One just retracts back😂

Meanwhile Fat dildo spams that shit.

You're a clown 🤡 stop quoting me. I'm done with this shit😂 fuckin delusional
Cute except roronoa had more issues with alberts actual movement speed when he increased it lol. To add that scene in which Ling pulled back his head and fired it was only an issue in terms of roronoa dodging it when his blade started draining him of his stamina for Ling to point out that his own sword is fighting you lol. Essentially alberts speed form movement speed >>> his laser beak attack in speed lol.

Exactly he spams lasers that even choper dodged lol. Because his (queens) movement speed is ASS lol
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Cute except roronoa had more issues with alberts actual movement speed when he increased it lol. To add that scene in which Ling pulled back his head and fired it was only an issue in terms of roronoa dodging it when his blade started draining him of his stamina for Ling to point out that his own sword is fighting you lol. Essentially alberts speed form movement speed >>> his laser beak attack in speed lol.

Exactly he spams lasers that even choper dodged lol. Because his (queens) movement speed is ASS lol
Zoro could barely dodge that attack just like queens laser and even commented on how he couldn't handle the attack.

Tempura udon is kings fastest attack. Zoro couldn't handle it. Lings movement speed is faster than zoros. Doesn't mean it's faster than Tempura udon. You're actually stupid. You're actually dumb.

Crying about his stamina being nerfed just means he wasn't on that level. He's not on sanjis tier.

Step your game up or stop quoting me
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Cute except roronoa had more issues with alberts actual movement speed when he increased it lol. To add that scene in which Ling pulled back his head and fired it was only an issue in terms of roronoa dodging it when his blade started draining him of his stamina for Ling to point out that his own sword is fighting you lol. Essentially alberts speed form movement speed >>> his laser beak attack in speed lol.

Exactly he spams lasers that even choper dodged lol. Because his (queens) movement speed is ASS lol
Read the sbs. Choppers faster than zoro clown.
Pinzoro could barely dodge that attack just like queens laser and even commented on how he couldn't handle the attack.

Tempura udon is kings fastest attack. Pinzoro couldn't handle it. Lings movement speed is faster than zoros. Doesn't mean it's faster than Tempura udon. You're actually stupid. You're actually dumb.

Crying about his stamina being nerfed just means he wasn't on that level. He's not on sanjis tier.

Step your game up or stop quoting me
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Read the sbs. Choppers faster than Pinzoro clown.
1. Show me the chapter or sbs where it was stated that tempura was lings fastest attack. I will wait.

2. The sbs stated that roronoa places that poorly because he would get lost. The sbs also stated that zoros IA attacks are some of the fastest techniques in the verse.

3. Cute except it wasn't just his stamina. His muscle mass and dexterity was also nerfed since the drainage of haki drains more than just stamina lol.

4. You love being cute i see lol. Unlike like simpji or queen, Ling in his regular zoan form with flames on (no speed mode) blitzed bigmom (an emperor) and her crew. She was incapable of reacting. There is 0 Simpji feat that remotely shows this. There is also 0 fat dildo feats even remotely close to this showing. So again you have to atleast provide a feasible point to even entertain me
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1. Show me the chapter or sbs where it was stated that tempura was lings fastest attack. I will wait.

2. The sbs stated that roronoa places that poorly because he would get lost. The sbs also stated that zoros IA attacks are some of the fastest techniques in the verse.

3. Cute except it wasn't just his stamina. His muscle mass and dexterity was also nerfed since the drainage of haki drains more than just stamina lol.

4. You love being cute i see lol. Unlike like simpji or Fat dildo, Ling in his regular zoan form with flames on (no speed mode) blitzed bigmom (an emperor) and her crew. She was incapable of reacting. There is 0 Simpji feat that remotely shows this. There is also 0 fat dildo feats even remotely close to this showing. So again you have to atleast provide a feasible point to even entertain me
It's the only attack stated to be like a laser beam. None of the speed related aspects were ever highlight like this.

He even said it's the pinnacle of his zoan fruit

Yeah zoro would get lost. So at best he's above chopper. But he's not above luffy. So 4th place instead of 5th. Try again

Prove this happened. I seen no changes to muscle mass. His dexterity slowed down sure. In the latter half of the fight. What about everything else?

King pushed a ship back>>>actually concussing a yonko into a knockout and cracking her skull. U right 🤡

It's the only attack stated to be like a laser beam. None of the speed related aspects were ever highlight like this.

He even said it's the pinnacle of his zoan fruit

Yeah Pinzoro would get lost. So at best he's above Lebrent. But he's not above Ruffi. So 4th place instead of 5th. Try again

Prove this happened. I seen no changes to muscle mass. His dexterity slowed down sure. In the latter half of the fight. What about everything else?

Ling pushed a ship back>>>actually concussing a Akainu’s hype tools into a knockout and cracking her skull. U right 🤡

1. Cap. Since we literally see king appear and re appear using pure speed. Cute so you proved that the manga not once stated that it was his fastest move. Infact the "pinnacle of fruit ability" statement can be argued to have nothing to do with speed and more so to do with piercing power lol. So again if it's not stated to be his fastest attack then you madam are spitting headcanon.

2. There was a change in muscle mass since we literally see zoros arm shrink in size and become skinny lol.

3. Yes Ling pushed back her ship with her on it, with her crew that consisted of a commander while not being able to react, while also having her full consciousness while queen knocked out bigmom that had amnesia and forgot her moveset or whom she was and had to wait until bigmom was distracted. Thanks for brining this up since you made my point look even better lol.

4. Show the proof of the sbs stating that zoros is 4th place instead in speed if he isn't lost? I will wait
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1. Cap. Since we literally see Ling appear and re appear using pure speed. Cute so you proved that the manga not once stated that it was his fastest move. Infact the "pinnacle of fruit ability" statement can be argued to have nothing to do with speed and more so to do with piercing power lol. So again if it's not stated to be his fastest attack then you madam are spitting headcanon.

2. There was a change in muscle mass since we literally see zoros arm shrink in size and become skinny lol.

3. Yes Ling pushed back her ship with her on it, with her crew that consisted of a commander while not being able to react, while also having her full consciousness while Fat dildo knocked out bigmom that had amnesia and forgot her moveset or whom she was and had to wait until bigmom was distracted. Thanks for brining this up since you made my point look even better lol.

4. Show the proof of the sbs stating that zoros is 4th place instead in speed if he isn't lost? I will wait
Lmao king did what luffy does in g2. But slower.

Big mom wasn't any slower tho. You're clowning if that's your takeaway. Ling is commander tier speed. Sanjis speed portrayal shits on anything kings offered

I remember the scene on the cliff but I must've forgot for the king fight. I wasn't really interested
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Lmao Ling did what Ruffi does in g2. But slower.

Big meme wasn't any slower tho. You're clowning if that's your takeaway. Ling is commander tier speed. Sanjis speed portrayal shits on anything kings offered

I remember the scene on the cliff but I must've forgot for the Ling fight. I wasn't really interested
She waa slower since she could not actively use observation haki since she forgot she even had said ability lol. Not only did she have amnesia but her mindset and personality reverted back to her being a child lol. So your point is mute lol.

Sanji feats doesn't since he has only fought opponents significantly slower than kaido and king lol. So your point is mute.
She waa slower since she could not actively use observation haki since she forgot she even had said ability lol. Not only did she have amnesia but her mindset and personality reverted back to her being a child lol. So your point is mute lol.

Sanji feats doesn't since he has only fought opponents significantly slower than kaido and king lol. So your point is mute.
Big mom uses coo? Lmao. Show me😂

I'm joking but fr she lacks feats anyways. But one could argue that queen didn't either. One could argue queen was just as nerfed. He didn't use hybrid. Didn't show any indication he used coo.

However that doesn't matter much. Memes never been portrayed to have good coo. Her feats show she's a tanky character who doesn't need to dodge. So she doesn't rely on that skill.

Her speed is all natural. But still yonko tier. Coo doesn't make you faster.

I highly doubt she was significantly faster fighting kaido than vs queen. Can you provide any evidence?
Big mom uses coo? Lmao. Show me😂

I'm joking but fr she lacks feats anyways. But one could argue that queen didn't either. One could argue queen was just as nerfed. He didn't use hybrid. Didn't show any indication he used coo.

However that doesn't matter much. Memes never been portrayed to have good coo. Her feats show she's a tanky character who doesn't need to dodge. So she doesn't rely on that skill.

Her speed is all natural. But still yonko tier. Coo doesn't make you faster.

I highly doubt she was significantly faster fighting kaido than vs queen. Can you provide any evidence?
CoO increases your reaction speed since you are now capable of seeing steps ahead before an attack is landed to you. So yes it would actually
It doesn't increase your speed. Just your perception. Allowing you to react in time. IF you're fast enough
Are you dumb or something.

Increase Reaction Time. Which means your reaction SPEED increases. Perceiving something sonfast that the object is slow to you gives you more time within the smallest window to react thus the speed in which you are capable to react has increased. Which sir is REACTION SPEEDS
Are you dumb or something.

Increase Reaction Time. Which means your reaction SPEED increases. Perceiving something sonfast that the object is slow to you gives you more time within the smallest window to react thus the speed in which you are capable to react has increased. Which sir is REACTION SPEEDS
No sir. That's not the argument.

Coo doesn't make you physically faster. It just improves your perception. Allowing for better reaction. Not faster movement.

You're a fucking clown
No sir. That's not the argument.

Coo doesn't make you physically faster. It just improves your perception. Allowing for better reaction. Not faster movement.

You're a fucking clown
Reaction speed defintion:

The reaction rate or rate of reaction is the SPEED at which a chemical reaction takes place, defined as proportional to the increase in the concentration of a product per unit time and to the decrease in the concentration of a reactant per unit time. Reaction rates can vary dramatically

What you described was MOVEMENT SPEED. Which is the speed in which a person can move from point A to point B.

Do better
Sanji speedblitzed Oven in his combat speed mode. Attack and movement speed are very different.
Do recent events change your mind?
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Reaction speed defintion:

The reaction rate or rate of reaction is the SPEED at which a chemical reaction takes place, defined as proportional to the increase in the concentration of a product per unit time and to the decrease in the concentration of a reactant per unit time. Reaction rates can vary dramatically

What you described was MOVEMENT SPEED
What I'm describing is physical speed. The only thing I've argued.

You can percieve whatever you want. But if the attack is too fast to react too then you're fucked.

Ex: marco vs queen

Queen could percieve marco. Wasn't fast enough to react