El CLASICO TIME, who is gonna win? Barcelona or Real Madrid?

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Or I’m simply just hyping up my favorite character? Idk why that bothers youguys so much

I literally never see you say nothing to a zorofan for doing the same. There’s been plenty this entire chapter but instead you agree with and suck up to them to fit in as usual

The double standards is crazy
I berate them too, but they've just been hiding in the woodworks lately as Zoro literally hasn't been in any of these chapters and neither has Sanji.
So back into your hole you go, little goblin.
It's time for the Garp lovers to shine.
22 years ago : Prime Garp (upper-mid top tier) & Prime Sengoku(upper-mid top tier) needed high diff to beat Shiki (high top tier) in 2v1

But people think 38 years ago:
Prime Garp (mid top tier) & Prime Roger (mid top tier) beat Xebec (who's above prime Shiki and prime Linlin) + Young WB (solid top tier) & Young Linlin (low top tier) + Rookie Kaido (high tier) in 2v4

Garp couldn't beat WB, Shiki, ROGER 1V1
Roger also couldn't beat his pirate rivals 1v1
But somehow they won 2v4 (well add also Shiki, so 2v5) at God Valley .
They beat Xebec and Kaido That's it
Bruuh have some decency and close your two piece reader account again and don't become another Neckbeardtard like your comrade from the league of coppers and negative iq:mihugh:
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