El CLASICO TIME, who is gonna win? Barcelona or Real Madrid?

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What? Kidd is a fucking scrub. Aramaki is a Yonko.

I don't think Shanks was this close. He had to use CoO.

This is Shanks' reaction to Ryokugyu wanting to go all out:

**** had his veins out:

This was his reaction at Midd trying to shoot his affiliate Captains:

You can tell he was more mad at Ryokugyu wanting to go all out vs Momo and his servants.
Sure buddy..
Was he asleep from Dadan and Gear 2? I’m noticing a consistent pattern of Garp almost getting killed from complete fodder characters. Lol

Also sleeping deathbeard could repel YC2 Ace but sleeping Garp almost died from Morgan. Lol
Oh.. Is that like Kuzan being kicked into the sky by pre ts Luffy?
Or maybe it's like Akainu not being able to knock out Curiel?
Or Kizaru being split apart by Apoo?

Formerly Seth

Same Yamato who told Momo to call for Luffy and the others, because "they are better than him", with Momo refusing, as he wanted to fight on his own. So in a sense, Shanks was the one to save the day by interfering, but it doesn't mean Luffy could not have. Kaido keeping enemies like Greenbull away is something Greenbull stated himself.
Marines are weird with their priorities.

Ryokugyu neg diffs King and Queen and tells them that Marines don't have resources and time to deal with them?????????
What did you read? Magellan one shotted BBP, not the other way around. :mihanha:

And considering many new scars and the metal wing on Magellan post-TS, he certainly was not one shotted by Teach. :kailaugh:
And do you know what happened when BB came back?
The feat has come from a Marine. That's the thing.
Trying to say the other Marines can do what Garp can is association fallacy, we know he's a special star from the fact that he matched Roger in his prime and beat Chinjao.
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