Potential techniques shown in this fight from marines to the bb pirates
Hibari: loaded with different ammunition for her vegapunk gun, 2 basic haki, can use soru
Kuchaku and gruss: devil fruit users, 2 basic haki
Tashigi: Has a new sword that becomes a light saber (vegapunk perfected light saber), 2 basic haki, 3 rokoushiki techniques- soru, geppo and Rankyaku
Helmeppo: devil fruit in his blades , 2 basic haki and 6 rokoushiki techniques - soru, geppo, Rankyaku, tekkai, shiga, kamui-e
Coby : Advanced observation haki, basic armament, 7 rokushiki techniques - geppo, tekkai, Rankyaku, shigan, kamui-e, Rokougun. A special version of rokougun in the form of a shigan to cause internal destruction while targeting pressure points, life return to increase stats 10 fold.