One Piece Chapter 1080, "The Legendary Hero"

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This fell alot like impeldown, prisonners trying to break free while helping shishibukai, warden chief ordering his underling pizarro to capture the prisonners. the underling failling meaning warden chief is going to take matter in his own hand. The hero coming to free prisonner. We are about to see why shiryu was feared even more than magellan. he is about to do multi-tasking.
Again cap. You stated that he could not morp the island in any form with out causing destruction . Turns out he can since he was even able to force his face several times on the island in the same chapter. Are those face carving permanently altered thanks to his fruit? If not then he could do the same with any body part catch coby then reform the space in which he used back to normal.
We'll see later if he can reconstruct the town that Garp destroyed.
If he cant then i was right. If he does, then ill take the L
Yeah right everyone wants to see Hibari and Prince Grus who were introduced like 6 months ago instead of all the other big shots.
They're the future of the Marines, and this is already a chapter focused on Koby, so why not introduce his buddies?
All it takes is one slash from Shiryu.
Bro, Shiryu has like 0 feats.
Sure he was compared to Magellan but Magellan was hurt by pre ts Luffy and nearly died from pre ts, one DF Blackbeard.
Also, if Lafitte and Devon are still unaccounted for… kill Saturn, get Devon to take his place, hypnotise anyone who witnessed it? Has potential, but I think it’ll just be Kuzan solo going to Egghead.
It might ne used this opportunity to reveal Laffitte's powers too. We have:

Pirate Island Squad of Shiryu, Pizarro, Wolf and Vasco Shot

Blackbeard, Burgess, Augur, Doc Q are in Winner Island (or on the move of they finished business there by now)

That leaves Kuzan, Laffitte, Devon possibly for the Egghead squad. Since Koby alone wont cut it for BB's plan maybe Saturn will. Kill Saturn and make Devon cosplay as him and proceed with his plan or some shit.
Is this the greatest chapter in OP history?

Not for me to say, but also, yes. A Garp/Blackbeard Pirate/Marine chapter, following on from last chapter’s glorious destruction of Kid? Oda is spoiling me.

Appreciate the coloured scans but did have to go back and look at the raws to try and get a better idea of what everything was to look like.

First up, the BB fruits. Excellent. That thread about Sanji vs Pizarro last week was very timely. A superior version of Pica’s fruit- I liked making the skull talk. Fits very well with a corrupt King, you can imagine him using this to keep an entire island hostage, plus testing Sanji’s CoO as Sanji tries to naviagate his way around an ever changing island that is also trying to kill him.

We pretty much knew Wolf’s fruit.

Shot’s also fitting my Brook vs Shot agenda. It’ll be an entertainment battle of some kind, where Shot is trying to get everyone drunk as hell while Brook is using his power of music. Also, if Shot has arsonist tendencies, Brook has freezing powers to battle it.

For the Sword squad, amazing how one simple chapter gives them that bit of hype. Do I think they are super strong, no. But I can see them as the young future of the Marines. They’re interesting. Oda should have done something like that for Kid and Law’s crews years ago, as it is, the attempt with Law’s crew came far too late and no one will ever care about Kid’s after what happened to them.

Plotwise, two very interesting things- Blackbeard’s plan, and SWORD. SWORD first, thing they will have been inspired by Garp, not directly led by him. Don’t think he has the attention span or desire to actually set up a thing like that. But a squad of semi rogue Marines picking fights with Yonko outside the command structure, that has Garp all over it.

Also, bold of Kuzan to reveal that to Blackbeard…

Blackbeard’s plan is also very interesting. Seems he’s trying to replicate what he did as a Warlord, on a grander scheme. Get accepted by the WG. Why? Because, like Rocks, he wants to be King of the World. And I think he’s trying to manoeuvre a situation where he gets an invite to Mariejois. Easier to get invited than to break in. And he’s got a crew that are designed to wreak havoc when they get inside the place. Think his overall plan is a grand coup, killing Imu, the Gorosei and the Celestial Dragons and plonking himself on the Empty Throne.

Also, if Lafitte and Devon are still unaccounted for… kill Saturn, get Devon to take his place, hypnotise anyone who witnessed it? Has potential, but I think it’ll just be Kuzan solo going to Egghead.

And for the main event, my man. Garp. That’s how you make a fucking entrance. Drop a nuke of a fist the enemy island. Probably has blown up all his allies. Who gives a fuck, Garp doesn’t. The real Hakiman of the series. Even in his old age this man still has it. Imagine this guy before he started getting old, two years ago? No wonder the Celestial Dragons couldn’t fire him, they’d be shitting themselves that he’d casually wreck Marijois for his severance package.

… now, where the hell is Smoker?
Holy shit I was thinking about Vasco vs Brook too!
So who should have the df from boa we know everyone has a df power so why the boa df?
Pizarro=island island fruit
Bb= wb df and dark logia
Shiryu= has one
Doc q= has one
Devon= has one
Burgess= has one
Pony D goat= has one
Lafitte= open
The big guy=has one
Aokiji= has one
And vasco shot= has one

so I think bb knows how someone can get two df powers so devon should have two one I dont think this df power works on a man or the 10th titan captain
Sure he was compared to Magellan but Magellan was hurt by pre ts Luffy and nearly died from pre ts, one DF Blackbeard.
Pretty sure Magellan got jumped by BB with his new recruits and Shiryu where it was mentioned he got badly beaten. Someone like Jinbei and Crocodile with a punch of recruits wanted no smoke from Magellan and Ivankov called Shiryu even more dangerous than him.

But you are right in one point, I want some feats. I hope we get something next chapter.
Pretty sure Magellan got jumped by BB with his new recruits and Shiryu where it was mentioned he got badly beaten. Someone like Jinbei and Crocodile with a punch of recruits wanted no smoke from Magellan and Ivankov called Shiryu even more dangerous than him.

But you are right in one point, I want some feats. I hope we get something next chapter.
Yeah.. But Magellan still got beat up by Luffy.