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its funny but u were the unbearable one. ur the first person i ignored in a mafia game before. achievement i must say
cool i forgot i had you on ignore for like 6 months cause youve been unbearable to play with since the start. only other persons to achieve this treatment is Rion and Midnight.

i forgot i also quit playing here because of you to begin with.

i also forgot you came to me and apologized for the way you acted in the past.

i forgot i thought you "changed" but went to being the complete shit cunt of a person that you are.


The End and the Beginning
Sure, scum reading me for something and the actual reason I got lynched is something else. Did you scum read me? sure you did. Would you been able to get me lynched off a back and forth that was discontinued because a major shit show happened with ultra situation? I don't think so. It would of probably clogged the thread instead.

I don't think you are being earnest right now to be honest. You had a good read yes, but it would of not proved much of furtution. There is a good chance you would of gotten mislynched even lol.
I doubt I would be getting mislynched but sure, my point is there were valid reasons to catch you on.
Town roles part 1


When were you under the impression this game is..
Posting the full setup, @Ratchet I hope you read it.

Town Part 1

You are Genshiro Okikiba!

[Passive - Loyalty] Genshiro is loyal to his captain commander Yamamoto, he will learn the name of the first ability that targets Yamamoto.

[Passive - Grisled Shinigami] Genshiro has been a shinigami for eons, this longevity allows him to knows much of what there is to know about the soul society, if he is targetted by anyone not of the gotei 13 he roleblock them the following cycle.

[Active - High Spiritual Power] Target a player and vote silence them. ( 2 shot)

[Active - Golden Guard] Target a player and protect them for a phase.

[Active - Deflecting Stance] Genshiro may assume this stance and deflect the first action targetting him in a phase towards its user. ( 2 shot)

[Active - Practical] Genshiro is a very practical man, he may target a wagon and learn of its true vote.( 1 shot)

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13

You are Yumichika Ayasegawa!​

[Passive - Narcissist] Yumichika is a narcissist who judges almost everyone and everything by beauty. He is also incredibly vain. He doesnt tolerate ugliness and can each cycle brand a player as ugly. This will make it so his abilities cannot be blocked or actively protected against by his target.

[Passive - Insightful] Yumichika is able to detect the most unlikely things. He will learn of a given action's type that has been used that cycle.

[Passive - Enhanced Sense of smell] Yumichika's sense of smell is extremely developped, for example he was able to smell a hollow's presence while it was far away from him. He will learn the name of one of ability types of the first player that targets his target.

[Active - Ruri'iro Kujaku] Yumichika's Shikai, activated through typing out the release command ''Bloom'' followed by the ability's name. Granting him the following abilities:

- On odd cycles roleblock a target player
- On even cycles disable an active ability from a target player
- Post restrict a player of your choice and if they fail the ability become immune to them for a cycle
- Target a player and destroy one of their x shots
- On odd cycles Target a player and redirect them at night
- Target a player and seal one of their passives for a phase, exceptions apply

[Active - Bakudou proficiency] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13

You are Kyoraku Shunsui!

“Flowers are disturbed, god of flowers weeps, winds of Heaven are disturbed, demon of Heaven laughs. Katen Kyōkotsu!”

[Passive - Laid Back] Shunsui's laid back nature leads him to avoid conflict if he can help it, he will always try to talk it out with an opponent and only uses force as a last resort. You have to make it through the cycle without being voted, if you are you will lose your vote power that cycle.

[Passive - Tsukiyubi ] A technique where the user simply extends the index and middle fingers of one hand in unison while they are in contact with an opponent. Sending them flying. The first player that targets you with a harmful action each cycle will have it sent back to them. With the exception of rolecrushes.

[Passive - Veteran Captain] Shunsui is one of the oldest members of the Gotei 13 and as such commands respect from underlings and peers alike, his vote power counts for 2.

[Active - Katen Kyokotsu] Shunsui's Shikai, a double edged one at that, that can be activated by typing out the command ''Sing Katen Kyokotsu'' in the PM. This ability allows him access to the following ones:

[Active - Bushogoma] Shunsui's blades join together, forming a spinning circle of wind that, upon contact with a target, envelopes the target with tornado-like intensity. The attack is not only dangerous, but can disorient an opponent trapped within it. Target a player and RPS them, if you win Jail them. If you lose Jail yourself.

[Active - Takaoni] Whoever is higher up wins is the gist of this technique. Target a player and if you have made more posts than them that phase vote block them the next one. If you didnt vote block yourself.

[Active - Kageoni] The rule of this game is that whoever gets their shadow stepped on "loses", whoever is targetted more that cycle will lose. If the loser is your target you will receive their targetting history for that cycle. If the loser is you Kageoni will be disabled the following cycle.

[Active - Irooni] Activate this then choose a target, then choose two colors and one you think your target will pick. A message will be sent to your target with your choices. If he choose the color you guessed the target will be rolecrushed for a phase. If he doesnt you will be rolecrushed instead.

[Active - Daruma-san ga Koronda] Shunsui and his opponent will be marked as being it, there will be a best of 3 RPS and the winner survives. The loser gets ultra killed through immunities. Usable Day 5 or later. ( 1 shot) Non refillable.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13

You are Mayuri Kurotsushi!

“I hate perfection. To be perfect is to be unable to improve any further.”
[Passive - Mad Scientist] Mayuri sees everyone and everything not as a living being, but as an object to be researched—including himself. Each cycle he may target a dead role and absorb one of their abilities at random.

[Passive - Cruel] Mayuri enjoys toying with his opponents, especially so when they are hurt. If your target is suffering from a harmful action your abilities on him as unstopable.

[Passive - Information network] Mayuri keeps track of most of the happenings in the soul society, on Day 3 he will receive a census of the true state of the game.

[Passive - Hojiku-Zai] Locked.

[Active - Nikushibuki] Mayuri may stab a player or himself and transform them into liquid, rendering them unable to attack or be attacked. This acts as a commute.( 2 shot)

[Active - Niseshada] Mayuri meld with the color and texture of the environment. Camouflaging himself. He may target a player during the day and watch them.

[Active - Ashisogi Jizō] Mayuri's Shikai that he can unclock by typing out the release command ''Claw Out'' followed by the ability's name In the PM. Unlocking the following ability.

[Active - Ashisogi Jizō Kyodo Yon] Mayuri sticks his finger in one eye of his zanpakuto causing it to begin leaking a dark fluid while the zanpakuto opens its mouth to scream. Anyone not of Mayuri's blood who hears the scream for 4 seconds will be paralyzed. Any player visiting you will be roleblocked that phase. ( 2 shot)

[Active - Bankai] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13

You are Jushiro Ukitake!

[Passive - Frail Body] Ukitake suffers from a sickness that renders him unable to do much most of the time despite his great strength. He will first need some rest before getting into action. You will need to wait until Night 1 to be able to use your active abilities.

[Passive - Senior Captain] Ukitake is one of the oldest captains in the Gotei 13, as such his vote cannot be silenced.

[Passive - Kind Nature] Ukitake is a very kind man and this kindness makes him grant anyone that visits him that phase a redirect immunity buff for a phase.

[Active - Sōgyo no Kotowari] Ukitake's shikai that allows him to use the following abilities:

- Target a player and refill them
- Target a player and protect them from redirects.
- Target a player and give them the ability to send a message
- Target a player and allow them to night post in the thread
- Target a player and give them double actions to their abilities
- Day 5 or later target a player and remove them from the game for as long as you are alive.

[Active - Kotowari] Ukitake may target a player and render them immune to thread silencing.

[Active - Masterful Tactician] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13

You are Mareshio Omaeda!
[Passive - Highly Arrogant] Mareshio is a highly arrogant man, he always underestimates his enemies. This leads to him disregarding protects on him.

[Passive - Fiercely Loyal] Mareshio is extremely loyal to his division and will do anything it takes to protect it. If a member of that division is about to be lynched he will take the lynch instead.

[Active - Sekienton] A Kido that Omaeda uses to distract an enemy. He may target a player and use it on them, the first ability they will use will be redirected at random.

[Active - Gegetsuburi] His shikai ability, his sword transforms into a giant spiked ball and throw it into an enemy, rolecrushes them for a phase. Only usable at night.

[Active - Gegetsuburi Shield] Omaeda may target a player and protected against any close quarter abilities for a phase.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13

You are Jirobo Ikkanzaka!
[Passive - Count to ten] irōbō believes strongly in making his opponents regret their poor decisions, going so far as to count to ten when first confronting them in order to give them time to properly regret encountering him to begin with. You have to quote the player you want to vote 10 times before doing so.

[Passive - Kamaitachi Jirōbō] Irobo was dubbed this nickname because of his extreme weapons proficiency, he has access to a wide array of weapons that do different things. This passive also makes it so Irobo will delay the first kill in the game directed towards town on an even cycle for a cycle.

[Active - Tsunzakigarasu] The name of his Shikai that gives him access to the following abilities, usable Day 2 or later:

-Target a player and give them a super bullet proof vest for a phase
- Target a player and block their first action.
- Target a player and delay their first action for a phase
- Target a post and place a trap on it, the player that posts in it will have their first ability redirect at random
- Target a player and make it so that their vote is on themselves ( they will not know about this nor will it be shown) ( 2 shot)
- Target a player and render them unable to be protected for a phase
- Target a player and render them unable to be buffed or refilled for a phase

You may only use 3 of this abilities a cycle.

[Active - Blade Recreation] Allows Irobo to use one of his abilities twice that phase.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13

You are Soi Fon!
[Passive- Trained Assassin] Soi Fon is well trained in the arts of assassination, when targetting a player she cannot be redirected.

[Passive- Speed Clones] Suì-Fēng is able to create at least 15 clones of herself at once using Shunpo. She will dodge the first harmful action targetting her every cycle and learn its effect.

[Passive- Poison resistance] Since a young age Soi Fon has been subject to many torturous trainings, one of them was to build up poison resistance for the sake of her duties. She is thus immune to poison. But she cannot be targetted by healing spells.

[Passive- Masterful Reiatsu Control] Due to her position within the Onmitsukidō Suì-Fēng is trained in the mastery of hiding her spiritual presence from detection. She is thus immune to track/watching abilities and her first ability each cycle will not appear in a writeup.

[Active - Shunko] An advanced technique that combines hand-to-hand combat and Kidō. She fights by surrounding her back and arms with pressurized Kidō, creating a wind vortex around her. Target a player and destroy 3 incoming actions from them. Lasts a phase. (3 shot)

[Active - Suzumebachi ] Her Shikai that requires typing out the release command ''Sting All Enemies to Death'' followed by the name of the ability in the PM. This only needs to be done once for the rest of the game and will grant her the following ability:

[Active - Nigeki Kessatsu] Quite literally meaning death in two steps, she may target a player and mark them, If the same player gets hit by this ability the following cycle the will be regular killed.
---Enhanced Nigeki Kessatsu--- If more then half of the town dies this ability will trigger, activating this will make her nigeki kessatsu's kill go through immunities. Exceptions apply.

[Active - Kazaguruma] She may target a player with this ability and cause them to fire off their abilities at random for a phase.(1 shot)

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13



What could have been...
cool i forgot i had you on ignore for like 6 months cause youve been unbearable to play with since the start. only other persons to achieve this treatment is Rion and Midnight.

i forgot i also quit playing here because of you to begin with.

i also forgot you came to me and apologized for the way you acted in the past.

i forgot i thought you "changed" but went to being the complete shit cunt of a person that you are.
i literally dont remember what ive done to u but u r welcomed to put me on ignore lol


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
All you fucks thinking about retirement better come back in June!

I'm hosting the WG mafia players game.
@Dr_Professor83 @MUUGEN @SoulKiller @Sallucion @Mashiro Blue etc. etc.

It's my game and it's hosted again after 2 years. So please, do try and come.

and someone else tag all the other runaways.
Well I will pass

I don't have much time to play.

And, without giving time I don't think I can do justice with the roles and efforts required to be put especial when thread moves so quickly


The End and the Beginning
ratchet played the best in the game from subjective standpint. anyone who calls himself townie shud be lucky hes putting half as much effort into moving the game forward
This is kind of the issue I have with these players coming out saying I was terrible I think. I don't believe anyone put more into day 4 in terms of getting the PoE to play, it led to mostly accurate reads too - I just wasn't able to quite put all the pieces into place. It's just super dishonest to point to being forced to claim Day 2 (and correctly catching scum off of that, at least initially) and say that means I was awful.
Town roles part 2


When were you under the impression this game is..
Town part 2 @Ratchet

You are Rangiku Matsumoto!

'' To know Sorrow is not terrifying. What is terrifying is to know you can't go back to the happiness you could have.''
[Passive - Charming] Rangiku is a woman who isn't afraid to use her charms to seduce opponents into doing what she wants. The first player that targets her each cycle gets their vote silenced against the following cycle.

[Passive - Easy Going] Rangiku is very easy going and doesnt trouble herself much with the happenings around her, she believes that her friends got this. As such she can only vote on the main wagon.

[Active - Tenteikūra] A Kido spell that allows one to transmit a message to a target of their choice. Target a player and send them a message. If you target the same player a second time create a chat with them. If you target them a third learn their alignment.

[Active - Shunpo] Rangiku may target a player and teleport behind them, effectively hiding behind them. They will take actions meant for you. ( 2 shot)

[Active - Haineko] Rangiku's shikai that she may access by typing the release command '' Growl'' followed by the ability name in the role PM. This will unlock the following abilities:

[Active - Neko Rinbu] Rangiku can create an enveloping cloud which she can then enclose around her opponents, turning it into a deadly tornado. Target 3 players and prevent them from using protective abilities that phase. ( 2 shot)

[Active - House] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13

You are Central 46!
[Passive - Central 46] You are the central 46, the governing body of the soul society. At the begining of the Ryoka invasion you will be revealed to the thread.

[Passive - Highest Authority] You are the highest authority in the soul society. You cannot be killed for as long as more then half the gotei 13 members are alive.

[Active - Curfew] You may decide to impose a curfew for a night, stopping all actions. Usable only after a member of the soul society dies. Exceptions may apply to this. ( 1 shot)

[Active - Emergency Council] You may decided to decree an emergency night council, this allows night chat and voting. Usable only after a member of the soul society is lynched. Cannot be used in conjunction with curfew. ( 1 shot)

[Active - Execution] Day 5 or later you may select 5 players and put them up for execution, these will be the only ones that can be lynched that day. If you mislynch however you will lose your highest authority passive forever. ( 1 shot)

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13

You are Ganju!
[Passive - Hot Temper] Ganju's hot blooded nature means that whoever targets him with an ability will have one of their x shots removed.

[Passive - Shiba family] Ganju is apart of the Shiba clan and his clan has his back. He will learn of the first person targetting him each cycle.

[Active - Senpen Banka] Ganju uses scorch ball-type fireworks to throw at his opponent, the explosion from the fireworks disorients heavily, target a player and redirect them.

[Active - Seppa] By moving his hand in the same pattern as the trembling current, the sign of the Shiba clan, Ganju can reduce anything he touches to sand. Target a player and destroy one of their active abilities for a cycle.

[Active - Ranken Seppa Sen] A stronger version of Seppa. Target a player and destroy 3 of their active abilities for a cycle. ( 1 shot)

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13

You are Abarai Renji!

[Passive - Childhood Friends] You and Rukia are childhood friends, therefore your vote and actions on her are nullified.

[Passive - Determination] Renji's is an extremely determined man and nothing will stop him from achieving his goals, he is immune to rolecrushes.

[Passive - self-designed-goggles ] Renji enjoys wearing fancy eyewear so he designed these goggles himself, we arent sure if they actually help him in battle but logic dictates that they should improve his eyesight. He cannot be redirected.

[Active - Zabimaru] Renji can access his shikai by typing out the release command '' Roar Zabimaru'' in the PM. This can be done during the day and will just unlock your shikai giving him access to the following abilities:

[Active - Higa Zekko] Renji can use his spiritual power to levitate the disconnected or broken segments of Zabimaru into the air, allowing him to execute a one-shot omni-directional attack. Target a player and super roleblock them.( 1 shot)
---Go Zabimaru!---
Target a player at night and roleblock them

[Active - Bankai: Sōō Zabimaru] Renji may target a player and roleblock them, if he targets them again they become rolecrushed for a cycle. If he targets them again they will be rolecrushed through immunities for a cycle. If he targets them a 4th time render them vanilla for a cycle.
---Crush Zabimaru--- Target a player and challenge them to an RPS, if you win superkill them. Usable Day 4 or later.( 1 shot)

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13

You are Zaraki Kenpachi!​

"Death and pain are just a small price to pay for the enjoyment of battle!"

[Passive - Eyepatch Power Seal] Zaraki wears this eyepatch he requested the Shinigame research and development insitute to create. In addition to reducing his depth perception and range of vision, it also seals the bulk of his power . He wears this because he loves fighting so much that he cannot fight most opponents at full strength and enjoy it, as he would defeat them too quickly, Kenpachi starts the game with no immunities and will suffer the brunt of any harmful or disruptive actions the first time they hit him, but then however he will adapt to them and become immune to them. With the exception of rolecrushes and game removal. When it comes to kills he will instead increase the effectiveness of his Sword Slash ability each time he is ''killed''. Some exceptions to this death immunity may apply.

[Passive - Reiatsu Bells] In order to further give the enemy an advantage, Zaraki wears bells on each spike of his hair. These bells can only be heard by enemies he is approaching. Thus any player you target will know you targetted them.

[Active - Immeasurable Spiritual Pressure] Kenpachi's spiritual power is monstruous indeed, even dwarfing his peers. His power is such that when exercising a fraction of it he can prevent anyone from even moving or coming near him. You may activate this ability to protect yourself against rolecrushes for a phase. ( 2 shot).

[Active - Sword Slash] Kenpachi doesnt possess a shikai or bankai, he doesnt even know the name of his zanpakutou. He never felt the need to train these abilities for fighting opponents as his freak strength does the job just as well. At night target a player with a kill.

[Active - Ryodan] Ryodan is a technique which Zaraki uses when he is gripping his sword with two hands. It allows one to split an opponent down the middle, day 3 or later target a player with a superkill. However you will not be able to use Immeasurable Spiritual Pressure that cycle.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13

You are Akon!
[Passive - Science Unit] As a member of the science unit Akon is able to gain access to useful information. He will know if any investigation ability was used during the day phase.

[Passive - Assistant] Akon is an assistant in the science unit, this means that he will not be able to lead with votes, he can only place his vote onto a wagon that has atleast 3 votes on it.

[Active - Acid Vial] Akon may drop this acid to dissolve things, he can target a player and destroy one of their x shot abilities.

[Active - Genius Scientist] Akon's scientific genius allows him to use every tool at his disposal to identify a target. Night 2 onwards he may target a player and dicern their alignment.

[Active - Analaysis] Akon may choose to analyse something to deduce its origin. He may target a player and learn of one of the ability types that they have.

[Active - Truth Serum] Akon may target a post and lie detect it. Usable Day 4 or later. (1 shot) Non refillable.
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13

You are the captain commander of the Gotei 13 Yamamoto Genryusai!
[Passive - Leader of the Gotei 13] As the leader of the gotei 13 Yamamoto can defer to his subbordinates and leave them to use actions at first, then he will take actions when all else fails. His abilities will unlock night 1.

[Passive - Humungous spiritual pressure] You possess extreme spiritual power, higher then most everyone's. This makes it so you cannot be hurt by anything other than Kenpachi, Aizen, Ichigo and Bankai abilities. He cannot claim his role nor actions in the thread nor can he aknowledge them or he will be modkilled.

[Passive - Final boss] ???

[Passive - Important Message] Yamamoto may decide to send a message to a player once a cycle. ( 2 shot).

[Active- Hitotsume: Nadegiri] A precision cut of extreme force and speed which can slice through large, multi-story high opponents. Target a player and vanillify them for a cycle. Exceptions may apply.(1 shot) Usable Day 3 or later.

[Active- Onibi] Yamamoto performs a powerful thrust with a blunt weapon, creating a large, gaping, cylindrical hole in a target. Day 4 or later target a player and super kill them. (1 shot)

[Active- Sokkotsu] Stronger than Ikkotsu, it is a powerful two-fisted punch used by Yamamoto, the attack completely destroys the opponent. Target a player during the day and mark them. They will die the next cycle if not healed.

[Active- Ittō Kasō ] Also called the spell of sacrifice, Yamamoto may target a player and if he makes contact, Omega kills himself with the target. Usable Night 5 or later.

[Active- Ryūjin Jakka] Yamamoto's Shikai that he can access by typing out the release command "Reduce All Creation to Ash" in his role PM, this needs to be done as soon as he gain access to his abilities to gain access to the following:

[Active- Jokaku Enjo] This technique creates an immense wall of flame, which surrounds the target and forms a huge contained sphere of flame in which to imprison enemies. Target a player during the odd nights and jail them.( 2 shots)

[Active- Taimatsu] This technique allows Yamamoto to create a great inferno with a simple wave of Ryūjin Jakka. The fire generated by the attack completely consumes whatever is caught within it until only ashes remain. Target a player and destroy one of their abilities. (3 shot)

[Active- Ennetsu Jigoku] Creates seven or more immense pillars of flame which surround an area. this attack has a huge zone of effect and will affect anyone in the area. Target a player and any player targetting them that night will be burned. If they are not healed they will become rolecrushed the following cycle for a phase. (2 shot)

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13

You are Retsu Unohana!

"While it is good to be energetic, please remain quiet inside the hospital. As long as you are still inside this building, your lives are in our hands. Please do not forget that."

[Passive - Polite] Unohana is a very soft spoken and polite individual, she may always address others in the thread in a polite manner. If she does she is immune to roleblocks.

[Passive - Feared] Despite her gentle nature several members of the gotei 13, including captains, fear this woman. As such she will dodge the first kill targetting her in the game.

[Passive - Veteran Captain] Unhana is the oldest member of the gotei 13 barring Yamamoto himself. She is wise beyond her years, as such in the event of a tie between wagons her vote will count for 2.

[Passive - Medical Corps Captain] As the leader of the medical corps Unohana sees her fair share of injured or dead shinigami coming through, as such she will learn of the first person that's been targetted by a kill each night. Starting Day 3 She will also be able to talk to the dead in the form of a dead chat.

[Active - Autopsy] Target a dead player and see if they havent been tampered with. Can only be done on bodies that have been dead for more then a cycle.
---Results--- Activating this ability will also tell Unohana whom the player visited the previous night.
( 2 shot)

[Active - Mastered Kaido] Unohana is very proficient in the art of healing, she may target a player and heal them.

[Active - Minazuki] Unohana may target two players with this Shikai and then place them inside its mouth, they will be protected and healed for a phase. ( 2 shot)

[Active - The First Kenpachi] Unohana's past is shrouded in mystery, for those unaware she appears to be a kind and solemn lady, but under that facade is a bloodthirsty individual who wants notice but dance with death for all eternity. She may target a player with a kill, if that kill fails and she targets that same player the following cycle it upgrades into a superkill, if it fails again and she targets the same player again the cycle after. It upgrades into an Ultra kill. The last stage after that is Omega Kill.
---Death's Dance--- Unohana may choose to skip the first step and upgrade the kill into a superkill.( 1 shot) Non refillable.

[Active - Master Healer] Unohana may target a player and encourage them, giving them one of the following:

- Refill one of their abilities
- Grant them double action for a phase
- Amplify one of their abilities

She may not self target with this ability.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13

You are Yasochika Lemura!​

[Passive - Social Gathering] As the vice president of the men's shinigami association Lemura enjoys organizing gatherings with his fellow gotei 13 members. As such every odd cycle he will invite all the players in the game into a discord chat, allowing night talk there.

[Passive - Shinigami] As a shinigami Lemura possess some amount of spiritual pressure, this allows him to help others mask their presence. Targetting a player will render them immune to role cops for a cycle. He will also protect the first player he targets against the first harmful action targetting them.

[Active - Lecture] Yasochika may choose a player to give a lecture to, while doing so the target's abilities are downgraded in effectiveness.

[Active - Sound Advice] Yasochika may choose a player to give some advice to, teaching them how to defend themselves. Target a player and render them immune to rolecrushes for a phase.

[Active - Uplift] Yasochika may choose a player and uplift them, granting them redirect immunity for a phase.

[Active - Sword Block] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13

You are Kuchiki Bykuya!

[Passive - Prideful] Kuchiki Byakua is a very prideful individual and shows it, he will need to speak to other players in a very condescending manner. If he keeps this PR up he will become immune to roleblocks.

[Passive - Kuchiki Clan Leader] Byakuya is the leader of the nobe house of Kuchiki, he thus has 2 VP on even days.

[Passive - Lawful] Kuchiki doesnt like disorderly behaviour, as such any player who has voted more than 4 players that phase will have Byakuyas actions always find him.

[Passive - Conflicted] Locked.

[Active - Senka] Kuchiki teleports behind an opponent and seals their reiatsu, he may target a player and prevent them from using their Zanpakutou abilities for a phase. (2 shot)

[Active - Utsusemi] Byakuya moves at rapid speeds leaving an afterimage behind, activating this will allow Byakuay to dodge the first action targetting him that phase. Exceptions may apply. (2 shot)

[Active - Senbonzakura] Bykuya's Shikai ability that can be accessed by writting the release command ''Scatter'' followed by the abilities name. Allows him to rolecrush a target of his choice for a phase. if he targets that same player again rolecrush them through immunities. If he targets them a third time, bleed them and they will die the following cycle.

[Active - Bankai: Senbonzakura Kageyoshi] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13

You are Nemu Kurotsushi!
[Passive - Daughter] Nemu is the artificial creation of Mayuri Kurotsushi, she is very shy by nature and always sports a melancholic expression. She will reject any neighbor chat attempts.

[Passive - Bio Augmented Gigai] Nemu's biological structure has been artificially augmented; as the product of Gikon and Gigai technologies, she possess various modifications and enhancements. Making her highly durable. She is immune to all harmful actions.

[Passive - Involuntary Cell Division Accelerator Failsafe] In the event of her death Nemu's head will survive, she will become a treestump for the remainder of the game.

[Active - Chemical Repository ] Mayuri has stored multiple drugs inside Nemus body and they will attack her opponents depending on what area of her body they strike. Activate this ability and if she is targetted by a kill, super roleblock your opponent. If you are targetted by a harmful ability, delay their actions for a phase. ( 2 shot)

[Active - Tedoriru] Nemu can twirl her hand and forearm like a drill and move her arms at excessive speeds. Target a player and break any active protection they have on them that phase. ( 3 shot)

[Active - Gigon Jurinju] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13

You are Toshiro Hitsugaya!

“We are all like fireworks. We climb, shine, and always go our separate ways and become further apart. But even if that time comes, let’s not disappear like a firework. Let’s continue to shine… Forever.”

[Passive - I am not a Child!] Hitsugaya dislikes anything that he deems childish as well as being described as something close to a child, such as being deemed as akin to an elementary school child, thus he will have to create 3 posts a day explaining why being childish and immature is a big no no in the game thread.

[Passive - Young Genius] Histugaya's potential is one of a kind, he managed to become captain at a really young age thus, his capacity for learning is almost unmatched. He will thus absorb the first action targetting him as a one shot, with the exception of Investigative abilities and rolecrushes.

[Passive - Youngest Captain] As the youngest captain of the Gotei 13, Toshiro doesn't possess the amount of sway and respect older captains have. Thus in the event of a wagon tie his vote will be rendered 0.

[Passive - Heavenly Guardian] Hitsugaya's sense of duty is almost unmatched, he will do whatever it takes to protect the seireitei, thus he cannot be affected by additional votes.

[Active - Hyorinmaru] Toshiro's shikai that can be accessed by typing out the release command '' Sit Upon the Frozen Heavens '' in your PM. Granting you the following abilities:

[Active - Tenso Jurin] One of Hyōrinmaru's basic powers, as well as its strongest. It allows him to control the weather in the immediate vicinity, or more specifically, the water in the surrounding atmosphere. You may target two players and bus drive them at night.

[Active - Rokui Hyketsujin] Hitsugaya can lay down a trap by placing five snowflake-shaped ice crystals on the ground in a pentagonal formation. When an opponent steps on it he becomes encased in ice. Target a player and disable their active abilities for a phase.

[Active - Shinkū Tasō Hyōheki] Locked.

[Active - Bankai: Daiguren Hyorynmaru] Unlocks Day 2.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13

You are Rukia Kuchiki!

"We stand in awe before that which can not be seen... And we respect, with every fiber, that which can not be explained."

You are a miller
[Passive - Lawbreaker] Kuchiki Rukia broke the laws of the soul society and is set for execution, she therefore scans guilty to investigation attempts on her.

[Passive - Prisonner] Rukia is currently a prisonner, thus she is limited in what she can do. She may only use one action per cycle. And can only vote once.

[Passive - Vindicated] In the event that Aizen and Gin die, your prisonner passive will be removed.

[Active - Sōren Sōkatsui] Rukia's a practitioner of Kido and can use it well, this specific spell allows one to fire off two energy attacks towards a target, this will have a two pronged effect. The target will first have their first action after they were effect be blocked. Then if they try and use the same action again as their first one the following cycle they will have it be disabled for a cycle.

[Active - Sode no Shirayuki] Rukia's Shikai that can be accessed by typing out the command '' Dance'' and then followed by the name of this ability in your PM. Giving her access to the following:

[Active - Some no mai, Tsukishiro] Rukia draws a circle with her zanpakuto, freezing anything inside it. The first person that targets her each cycle will have their actions delayed by a cycle.

[Active -San No Mai Sirafune] Rukia calls out the name of the dance, which allows her to gather moisture in the air to the tip of Sode no Shirayuki, creating a blade of ice. Anyone targetted by this blade will have one of their passives frozen for a phase. Exceptions may apply.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13

You are Sentaro Kotsubaki!

[Passive - Loud] Sentaro Kotsubaki is a man that speaks in a very loud voice, he is easily detected. Thus he cannot be vote silenced or janitored.

[Passive - Occasional Drunk] Sentaro Kotsubaki enjoys his alcohol and this can lead me to be clumsy at times, during odd cycles his vote has a 50% chance of going somewhere else at random.

[Active - Shunpo Master] Sentaro is a master of shunpo and is able to appear in front of someone at a moments notice. He may use this ability to target a player during the night and watch them. Can only be used once every 2 cycles.

[Active - Stubborn] Sentaro is a very stubborn man and once he's made up his mind there is no changing it. He may target a write up and reveal one of its ???. Usable at night.

[Active - Kido blast] Sentaro may send a kido blast and destroy a given target. Target a writeup and destroy it. Doesnt work on death writeups.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13
This is kind of the issue I have with these players coming out saying I was terrible I think. I don't believe anyone put more into day 4 in terms of getting the PoE to play, it led to mostly accurate reads too - I just wasn't able to quite put all the pieces into place. It's just super dishonest to point to being forced to claim Day 2 (and correctly catching scum off of that, at least initially) and say that means I was awful.
You were a massive headache. I spent quite a bit of time complaining that you were the person we needed dead most but unkillable lmao
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