Break Week Why is Zolo more popular despite Sanji is portrayed to be more important

You need a sufficiently high intellect to be a Sanji fan and understand his character,
And high emotional quotient too. Not everyone can understand the mental struggle he needs to overcome or why he has participles.

Most fans don't have enough life experience, especially younger fans who never burdened by anything. Older fans have built their life outlook, so they understand why Oda write this or that.

This is why some things in Sanji's story, is him deemed weak/pathetic/not interesting by those fans.
This myth that Sanji is this complex character is baffling.
Because there is deeper layers to most Sanji's traits and it is interconnected. That's why it's more complex than most shounen Anime characters.

For example, his role as a cook.

- It ties to his Technique names, which is themed around cooking.

- Cooking also ties to his Technique power, which is fire & fire resistance, befitting a cook.

- It then ties to his character, being kind, as a cook's role is to serve, cater, and provide to everyone.

- That kindness led to him being more defensive than aggressive, which is why he is seen saving people often.

- Being defensive as main trait, this is why he gets Exoskeleton, a sturdy body as main powerups.

- Oh, and with a sturdy body, he could explore the depth of the sea, which is his dream All Blue.

- Did I say that All Blue is about ingredients from everywhere, ties to his cook role?

This aspect alone thriump 99% of most action shounen character, even MCs.
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There are more examples for other aspects of his character.

1. You think he wanted an invisibility fruit because he wants to peek at women/womanizer (shown in Thriller Bark). Then you realize that he just want be invisible and escape his family's bullying (shown in WCI).

2. You think he acts like that because he wants to hook-up. Later you realize that it is because his childhood, only his mom and sister are kind to him.

3. You think he develops stealth for no reason. Turns out he developed it because he runs away from home & escape his family.

4. You think he can fly because it's a leg technique. Turns out it's because his mother's name is Sora (Sky).

5. You think he is a good swimmer for random reason, and a speedster to opposite his peer who focus on strength, turns out they're a mobility feature because his dreams is achieved by reaching a place.
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You need a sufficiently high intellect to be a Sanji fan and understand his character, whereas Zoro is more designed to appeal to people who read picture books and have short attention spans, he's extremely simplistic and is your generic tough guy, unfortunately there are more people who fit into the latter than the former, which results in Zolo being the more "popular" character.
Sanji fans are the rick and Morty fans of the op fandom
A cook is about the least important member of the crew you can think of. Even a musician is more important to keep everyone entertained and their spirits up.

Nami proved the crew doesn't need a cook when she made fish for Luffy by following a simple recipe on the way to WCI. She was also the one who told them about eating citrus to combat scurvy.

The only thing Lanji does is stop Luffy from eating everything on board, which is more of a gag role than anything else. He's not a particularly important fighter and his dream is negligible.

In fact he's historically done more to hold the crew back than help them. He almost died just by looking at mermaids which led to a major crisis, he abandoned his crew to marry some cyclops which almost destroyed his crew, he has had to be saved by Nami on multiple occasions because he couldn't hit women and doflamingo clapped him so badly Law almost got killed trying to save him.

Put Nami in charge of the kitchen and there would be no noticeable difference in any of their adventures. Especially now that Jinbei has joined who eclipses Lanji as a fighter.
A cook is about the least important member of the crew you can think of. Even a musician is more important to keep everyone entertained and their spirits up.

Nami proved the crew doesn't need a cook when she made fish for Luffy by following a simple recipe on the way to WCI. She was also the one who told them about eating citrus to combat scurvy.

The only thing Lanji does is stop Luffy from eating everything on board, which is more of a gag role than anything else. He's not a particularly important fighter and his dream is negligible.

In fact he's historically done more to hold the crew back than help them. He almost died just by looking at mermaids which led to a major crisis, he abandoned his crew to marry some cyclops which almost destroyed his crew, he has had to be saved by Nami on multiple occasions because he couldn't hit women and doflamingo clapped him so badly Law almost got killed trying to save him.

Put Nami in charge of the kitchen and there would be no noticeable difference in any of their adventures. Especially now that Jinbei has joined who eclipses Lanji as a fighter.

Nami: A cook is an absolute necessary.

Oliver: A cook is not important.

Nami in charge of kitchen:


Classic Oliver.
The insecure answer : it is because Zoro is for kids while Sanji is for adults.

Which was prove to be factually false by the age group popularity poll done in Japan.

The reason why Zoro is more appreciate is that he has qualities that most of people can relate to no matter the age while having no repulsive character flaws.
And high emotional quotient too. Not everyone can understand the mental struggle he needs to overcome or why he has participles.

Most fans don't have enough life experience, especially younger fans who never burdened by anything. Older fans have built their life outlook, so they understand why Oda write this or that.

This is why some things in Sanji's story, is him deemed weak/pathetic/not interesting by those fans.
''I understand drawings made for Japanese teenagers thus I am smarter and feel more emotions than other people''
This is literally what anyone with very little social experience would say...
This can't be real :milaugh:
''I understand drawings made for Japanese teenagers thus I am smarter and feel more emotions than other people''
This is literally what anyone with very little social experience would say...
This can't be real :milaugh:
You oversimplify things too much.

There is a reason why genre & demographic exist, because every manga is targeted to different people who have different preferences.

Some people can consume slice of life. Some people will never read Yuri or Yaoi.
Characters also meant to have different traits, and different people will lean towards their preferred favorites.

So, for example, if you haven't experienced depression, it'll be harder for you to appreciate a seinen tragedy manga and corelate with the gloomy MC.

One Piece have different casts with different serious topic related to them. So some people will appreciate a char more if they understand that meaning&story behind the character.
If Sanji was so important, then why wasn’t he the second member of the crew to join?

All joking aside, personally I like how Zoro is the stern one to Luffy’s happy-go-lucky personality. Yet we do have moments where Zoro’s goofy side shines through. Dynamics like theirs can be pretty popular.
Sanji can't be the 2nd to join because this position often times is used to contrast the MC. This is why Zoro/Killua/Sasuke is the more serious type.
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''I understand drawings made for Japanese teenagers thus I am smarter and feel more emotions than other people''
This is literally what anyone with very little social experience would say...
This can't be real :milaugh:
You got it the other way around.

It's not "I'm a Sanji fan, so I'm intellectually & emotionally capable", but "I can understand who Sanji is and what he has gone through, so I appreciate him".
Luffy would be dead already without Zoro.

Mihawk would kill him at Baratie. Mr 1 at Alabasta. Kaku at Enies Lobby. Pica at Dressrosa. King at Wano.
Lol, braindead. Zolo would have been Killed by Helmeppo if Luffy, his God, didn't save him. Zolocucks like you don't have the brain to talk about cannon stuffs and resort to asscannon like the losers you lots are.
Luffy already died and like Jesus resurrected himself while fodder peasant Zolo, took Mink cum, chopper's treatement, rested while Sanji carried him and saved him from Queen and King 1 v 1, nearly died beating a YC1 that was negged by leanbull.
Zolokeks like you are fodder in real life, will be one shot and cry like losers in a real life fight, will never get laid, will never matter to anyone but talk as if you own the world behind keyboard.
If you are a Zolokek, you are a joke and a loser.
Its simple. Sanji's character is for intellectuals. Meanwhile zoro's whole character is made for pure retards and childish brainless people. The reason zoro is more popular is because as a percentage there are more retards in general in the society than intellectuals :kayneshrug:

Many retards in a certain fandom cant even understand this basic stuff which further proves my point :milaugh:
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