If BB and Law are on egghead, Kizaru and Saturn as well

This incoming Dragon appearance is about to be legendary
Who sa
Augur didn't even warp him how he saved him? He landed on his own, there is no warp effect and his body stance is landing from jump.

Law had submarine and underwater crew advantage to retreat, BB didn't even let Law retreat.

Shanks gets bodied by serious BB as well.
LOL. Extreme mental gymnastics + copium here.
Augur TP'ed him from certain death by falling into the sea and Law cut Stronger, BB's only way of staying up in the air.
Law would've easily TP'ed to land whilst BB would've drowned to death had it been a 1v1. LMFAO.
LUL. They were irrelevant in the exchange in the air. Blackbeard + Augur + Stronger basically dogpile Law in a 3v1 in the air and Law came out unscathed, Stronger got 1 shot and Blackbeard also was about to get 1 shot had Augur not saved him. HAHAHAHAHA. Lul who cares about retreats when you're about to neg diff your opponents? Lmfaoo