Spoiler One Piece Chapter 980 Spoilers Discussion

Who would win?

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People want Zoro to always have things in his way during the fight to never use excuses Lol

Also, now Zoro fans are hiding behind Luffy's shield

"b-b-b-but Luffy also"
stop using someone else to justify it, when both Zoro/Luffy are different character with different mindset, one is always serious and on guard, the other is always carefree and falls to the easiest traps
One spent the half of last arc working on an ability to stop that from happening


Why isn't Apoo a Tobi roppo then?
Why is Kizaru not FA then?
Why wasn't Garo FA or admiral then?
People never got the chance to rank up or didn't want the spot

Apoo never got the chance until now
Flyers never go the chance to be calamities until now
Kizaru didn't wanna be FA
Garp didn't wanna be admiral

It doesn't mean Kizaru isn't strong to be FA nor Garp isn't strong as Admiral
Or Apoo isn't strong as Flyers

Apoo already has shown better feats than flyers... He would roast P1 who can't even handle base RS Sanji attacks.
None of them was swordmen,though,that was what i meant to say.So if that happened,maybe not king but someone else
Well Zoro never said that non-swordsmen were not included in his promise to never lose again until his next fight with Mihawk so technically yes he broke his promise. And I really doubt that Zoro will be able of matching, even less defeating King in their first fight.
Yeah, he doesn't understand the KIND of ABILITY it is! But not that he's getting attacked with Haki or not

Haki can be sensed through an attack my friend

So he was figuring out during Saboady how far those supernova can dish out, which is why he was being sarcastic a lot of times while standing on the side, watching them fight pacifista, because he's interested in those supernova, wants to see what they can do... and in same way, he didn't sense danger of haki from Apoo attack, so he just stood there watching
The Fuck ? :choppawhat:

Did you see the picture ? Kizaru was fucking surprised, he didn't understand how Apoo cut his arm that's all, it's the same here, Luffy and Zoro got hurt because they didn't understand the Ability of Apoo


Not at all lol. How else would you interpret that? Luffy gets straight up knocked out while Zoro does not?

Apoo uses a different attack on Zoro but maybe he was straight up using a more deadly attack on Zoro, there’s no way to really know yet.
To be fair, his explosion attack seems to be the stronger attack as he used it as a finisher against Kizaru and felt like Kizaru was down for the count as a result. Though Luffy has the novelty of FS, Zoro does not....so he has even less of an excuse to be done in like that when you look at it from that perspective.
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