Spoiler One Piece Chapter 980 Spoilers Discussion

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With FS tho, I'm a bit confused on how it works. Only way it'd make sense is that you can't use it if your focus isn't on a particular ting or maybe you even to have the intention to see it. Coz if you think about it, without there being some sort of filter/cap, you just keep getting random events in ur head..lolz...Which would explain why Luffy hasn't used FS in certain situations. Moreover CoO isn't used constantly as it drains Haki so Luffy doesn't have his CoO on all the time. Another thing to note on FS is that Katakuri failed to realize that flampe interfered in his fight with Luffy, so you prolly have to pick what to see.
Zoro got hit two times even tho his wankers said that with the almighty FS he has, no one can touch him except top tier , what a loser :milaugh::milaugh:
Having FS and being hit two times by Apoo :gokulaugh::gokulaugh:
This would never happen to Luffy :kata:
Looking forward to your excuses after the full chapter is out and mighty FS user nowhere to be found. :myman:
Luffy saw with his FS that it'll be a shitty attack so bother dodging it:kayneshrug:

Yes, excuses. Every time he gets trashed, Lulffy fans come up with an excuse.
Katakuri didnt need excuses, he was one step ahead no matter the situation, Luffy isnt and never will be.
The fact that they are fine afterwards doesnt change that FS on Luffy has different purpose than on Katakuri.

Zoro dodged a huge explosion point blank before TS when CoO wasnt a thing and from an opponent far above him. That's a feat, not Luffy's trash feats against fodder.
Zoro's CoA is just fine and Enma is as irrelevant as it always was. Luffy's FS is to be a step ahead of Apoo, he wasnt. Condom is trash.
There is plenty of fodder around tho, he may flex FS on them.
This part is really ironic. What's your excuse about Zoro being trashed as well? That's the third opponent in which Zoro was unable to cover his body with hardening, I can play the same game, dude.
Katakuri himself confirmed that Luffy can see the same future like him. Are you really disregarding manga facts because it does not support your fanfiction about "plot elements"?
This is just another conjecture based on nothing.

I don't care what Zoro dodged before the TS, is this some dick measuring contest, or what? You are too much obsessed with Zoro vs Luffy, lmao. My initial point was that FSless Luffy dodged an explosion much bigger than this one without problems in which this entire scene does not make sense from begin with, you follow?
That's why Zoro did not cover his body in CoA against all of his opponents? Zoro's CoA is just a plot element after all. Imagine hating a character so much, you have to use a controversial feat, in which both Luffy and Zoro were used as hypetools, just to justify your baseless headcanon about Luffy's FS.

Don't worry fam, you simply have to swallow your L like I do. Luffy and Zoro were simply hypetools for Apoo and Apoo was a hypetool for Kidd. :kayneshrug:
Why did you leave out Luffy when Apoo owns him too?
Because he did not read it. Let me explain:

This what the spoiler provider wrote:

"Apoo hits Luffy in the face with a sonic wave, then he cuts Zoro and finally he sends a explosion to Luffy."

This is what they read:

"Apoo hits Luffy in the face with a sonic wave, then he cuts Zoro and finally he sends a explosion to Luffy."

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