I'd never pretend Carrot could face some of the higher ups in BB crew she's mid tier, but i'm not delusional enough to think she can beat Kuzan.
So i dunno why people are saying Smoker can beat Kuzan in any capacity whatsoever.
I wonder what some people here are smoking... haHaa get it?
So i dunno why people are saying Smoker can beat Kuzan in any capacity whatsoever.
I wonder what some people here are smoking... haHaa get it?

Sulong on the go
+ Snow Fruit
Kuzan is someone that fights primarily with his fruit, we have not seen much in terms of hand to hand which Carrot excels at and Sulong enhances.
Kuzan also does his work through freezing people, sometimes throwing ice weapons. Snow won't give full immunity but it would help resist it. Not to mention logia mobility plus sulong mobility will make her hard to hit with any ice attacks, let alone grab.
She ices Perospero no sweat with the medicine, think of what can be done with the logia
I firmly believe she stands a chance against the ex-admiral, and does well with people below him.