Who will be the next SH?

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I'd never pretend Carrot could face some of the higher ups in BB crew she's mid tier, but i'm not delusional enough to think she can beat Kuzan.

So i dunno why people are saying Smoker can beat Kuzan in any capacity whatsoever.

I wonder what some people here are smoking... haHaa get it?

Picture it with me fella
Sulong on the go
+ Snow Fruit

Kuzan is someone that fights primarily with his fruit, we have not seen much in terms of hand to hand which Carrot excels at and Sulong enhances.

Kuzan also does his work through freezing people, sometimes throwing ice weapons. Snow won't give full immunity but it would help resist it. Not to mention logia mobility plus sulong mobility will make her hard to hit with any ice attacks, let alone grab.

She ices Perospero no sweat with the medicine, think of what can be done with the logia
I firmly believe she stands a chance against the ex-admiral, and does well with people below him.
Time to revisit the SH vs BB topic






Unless you think 1. Sanji is fighting a stronger opponent than Zoro, 2. Zoro will noot fight the obvious swordsman, 3. Someone stronger than the 2 is joining, the crew is complete and Kuzan wont have a 1v1 with a SH. Maybe Law "joins" after all, his crew is done for and Bepo might not survive long like this. So the pexking order is:






So search for the matchups in there
Top 3 in my opinion are

Smoker - The Aokiji parallel . A Marine disillusioned with the WG's justice joins a pirate crew to enact his own version of justice. Would also be a fun matchup vs Kuzan and help him regain his way.

Law - The Heart Pirates are done as stated by Blackbeard. Law will likely team up with Luffy to rescue the rest of his crew, but I think the iconic polar tang being destroyed is a symbolic way of ending the crew. I think once Blackbeard is defeated his crew will disband so Law could achieve his dream.

Carrot - Unfinished character arc, now thanks to Chopper's medicine has the ability to turn Sulong at will making her a viable combatant against the enemies left in the story

Smoker is my top option right now, kinda crazy that he would be the slowest burn if he joins. Almost 900 chapters in the making
These are certainly the 3 whose stock rose this chapter.

Personally, I think Smoker is a long shot. The matchup works on an ideological level, but him beating an admiral is simply absurd. Given that that's the only thing that changed for him, I can't see it.

Carrot simply missed her chance. If she was going to join the crew, it would have been in Wano. There is absolutely no reason to delay her by so long given how weak she is compared to the rest and how the Minks' biggest moment already passed.

Law is the only one of the 3 that's feasible. His strawhat arc is already finished perfectly so he needs no additional setup, his crew is gone, and he fits easily against Kuzan from a powerscale perspective.

But in the end, I still put my money on Stussy or Bonney. Vegapunk's dream combined with his death flags are too hard to ignore. I suspect Zoro or Sanji will fight Kuzan while Stussy matches perfectly against Lafite, or Bonney against Vasco shot (heavy drinker vs heavy eater) or Catarina.

Or maybe Law and one of the two joins and Moriah decides to join blackbeard afterall. Who knows at this point.
Picture it with me fella
Sulong on the go
+ Snow Fruit

Kuzan is someone that fights primarily with his fruit, we have not seen much in terms of hand to hand which Carrot excels at and Sulong enhances.

Kuzan also does his work through freezing people, sometimes throwing ice weapons. Snow won't give full immunity but it would help resist it. Not to mention logia mobility plus sulong mobility will make her hard to hit with any ice attacks, let alone grab.

She ices Perospero no sweat with the medicine, think of what can be done with the logia
I firmly believe she stands a chance against the ex-admiral, and does well with people below him.

I always liked the idea that Luffy commanders Zoro/Sanji would have paralel sub-comanders similiar in power level, Yamato/Carrot, since there's so much paralels between all of them
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Nah, I won't get any hopes up. Unless Zunisha appears there is really no chances right now. But I find it funny that Oda thought about the same things with the medecine.
Actually since Oda is only doing hype things i wouldn't be suprise if Zunesha just straight up showed up somewhere.

Tama has better feats than Oden did at her age.

At age 8, Oden's feats were visiting the pleasure hall, getting drunk and fighting gamblers and defeating a bear.
Meanwhile Tama tamed the wild mountain baboon, was tortured by gifters and didn't say anything, bonked a yonkou crewmate unconscious, survived Kaido when he attacked her and Speed, manipulated Big Mom into saving Luffy and Kidd from Udon, went to Onigashima on her own and was integral in a war against two Yonkou.
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The fact is that Luffy already accepted Tama.
She had a sad flashback.
She was introduced as a kunoichi apprentice and Shank's role on Roger's ship was apprentice.
She's a Kurozumi orphan in the land famous for persecuting them.
She developed a stronger bond with the crew than she has with anyone in Wano or the strawhats with any non-nakama character.
She was introduced in the first chapter of Wano and all of her scenes were with the strawhats.
Luffy's last words before killing Kaido were about making people starve. He also said in Udon his main motivation was his promise with Tama.
She was promised to join Ace's crew when Yamato wasn't.
Luffy let her use the strawhat, this only happened with Nami and Ussop before.
I could go on all day, honestly, but the fact remains that she asked to become Luffy's nakama next time they met and Luffy agreed, and Nami, who was supposed to be the one against bringing children on board, also did.
How can others even compete?
let me answer that, they can't. Because they aren't nakama material, it's that simple.
You can close this thread now.
Posted this on a discord server so I figured I should repost it here

1. The title of the Chapter references Kuzan being the final titanic captain. It would only make sense for there to be a chapter titled "the tenth" in reference to the final strawhat to contrast this.

2. The Blackbeard Pirates are meant to be an evil reflection of the Strawhats. The only character other than Akainu who could possibly be considered a foil to Kuzan is Smoker

3. Despite being a Marine, Smoker has proven himself to be a genuinely trustworthy ally to the Strawhats. When Doflamingo confronted him at Punk Hazard, Smoker refused to give away the Sunny's location and wouldn't budge even at the cost of his own life.

4. Smoker has gone through a character arc throughout the series where he went from antagonistic towards Luffy to deeply respecting him. The idea of that respect going one step further by having Smoker join Luffy's crew really isn't that far fetched.

5. Smoker is one of the first characters to be affected in Luffy's journey as Joyboy. He started the story as a bored Marine who spent his life capturing rookie pirates before they could enter the Grand Line. Luffy would actualize Smoker after meeting him, as capturing Luffy became a goal that Smoker could dedicate himself to.

6. Smoker has repeatedly shown to have a dream of pursuing his own justice. While this isn't exactly a "goal" in the same way it is for other Strawhats, it's the exact same reason why Kuzan joined Blackbeard.

7. Right now in the manga, old faces are returning at a rapid rate. But Smoker, who was last seen traveling to Egghead, is nowhere to be seen with his fellow Marines. Not even Tashigi. Combine that with his growing disillusionment with the Marines as an institution and his conversation with Kuzan about leaving the Marines during Punk Hazard, the implication here is that Smoker is no longer a Marine.

And putting all of that together, it really does seem like Smoker is the final Strawhat

These are certainly the 3 whose stock rose this chapter.

Personally, I think Smoker is a long shot. The matchup works on an ideological level, but him beating an admiral is simply absurd. Given that that's the only thing that changed for him, I can't see it.

Carrot simply missed her chance. If she was going to join the crew, it would have been in Wano. There is absolutely no reason to delay her by so long given how weak she is compared to the rest and how the Minks' biggest moment already passed.

Law is the only one of the 3 that's feasible. His strawhat arc is already finished perfectly so he needs no additional setup, his crew is gone, and he fits easily against Kuzan from a powerscale perspective.

But in the end, I still put my money on Stussy or Bonney. Vegapunk's dream combined with his death flags are too hard to ignore. I suspect Zoro or Sanji will fight Kuzan while Stussy matches perfectly against Lafite, or Bonney against Vasco shot (heavy drinker vs heavy eater) or Catarina.

Or maybe Law and one of the two joins and Moriah decides to join blackbeard afterall. Who knows at this point.
No Smoker beating Kuzan makes complete sense in terms of powerscaling. Smoker can't be frozen since he's a smoke logia and he has a seastone weapon. Smoker touching Kuzan with his jitte would remove Kuzan's leg. I'd actually argue Smoker would have the advantage in a fight
Luffy's barely half the man Roger was, he can't keep a damn kid safe.

Look what's happening with the Seraphim :gokulaugh:

Tama is already stronger and more useful than Shanks and Buggy were back then, once she finishes her training Luffy won't need to worry about her as she will have the evasiveness of a ninja + fighting at long range due to her DF.
Also, everyone knows that Luffy will surpass Roger eventually.
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Imagine Tama using the substitution jutsu!

Meanwhile Tama tamed the wild mountain baboon, was tortured by gifters and didn't say anything, bonked a yonkou crewmate unconscious, survived Kaido when he attacked her and Speed, manipulated Big Mom into saving Luffy and Kidd from Udon, went to Onigashima on her own and was integral in a war against two Yonkou.
+ survived a Hybrid ancient zoan slash to her face and was walking around making gags soon after