Who will be the next SH?

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If this were the case, she would have joined. They need her, broccoli man proved it :ihaha:
Yamato had to give up on her dream of 20 years because of how fucking weak and useless the scabbards are at protecting their own damn country.

At least I would have understood and made peace with her staying if Kaido had actually killed off all the scabbards. Too bad Oda’s too much of a chickenshit to kill more than a handful of people in a fucking war. :lawsigh:
He is not. Yamato is a great character and fits great with the guys in the strawhat crew. Boa has a crush on Luffy and is not made as a love interest of Luffy’s. For that Luffy would need to have a crush on her and not vice verca. Jinbe had a crew as well still managed to join. So why is it such a big issue for boa suddenly? Stussy is unique as a clone, strong and can fulfill Vegapunks dream.