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Can you elaborate on these please? I don't recall anything from Kagura in particular to gain a read from them.
"Wonder Woman > Batman"
Lynching even if they read town

On a more serious note, being a goodie goodie always warrants suspicion. Eventually they melt under pressure if actually scum
I don't know half the players so bear with me
I'd love to hear the reasons behind these reads.
For you I thought you were pretty defensive of a casual lynch so early in the game, and someone like Melkor who was already under pressure, a lynch you infact started as a joke

Also why wouldn't you want to vote with Melkor, even emphasized it more than once
Pretty defensive for page 8 lynch imo
Especially from someone you started a lynch train against as a joke
Okay this is weak as shit. If you look at my posts, especially my interaction with Falcon, I was saying that I had a confirmed check on your slot. Do you think I'm serious with my vote and suss of you, Melkor? I'm playing loose and trying to have fun because I'm being very serious in Champs. Yet you take my easy bait and decide to throw and OMGUS vote on me. Do you really think I'm someone that struggles with an entrance into a game? I just don't think you actually believe that. As well, all I asked Ratchet was a simple question of if he was power wolfing, and you've for some reason taken that as me saying I've caught wolf Ratchet in five pages. I feel like this is an extremely weird take from you considering how experienced you are with me and how familiar you are with my wolf game. I don't like this at all.


The Sol King
Good thing that both kills failed.

Looks like I was right about the setup, 2 mafias + 1 cult.

Red is town.
Blue is Batman's crew, mafia.
Green is League of Shadows, 2nd mafia.
Purple is the cult, likely has Joker and/or Black Mask as characters if we consider the WU.

I will go to sleep now, but I'll be active once I wake up.
you focus on that rather than the fact that you are being called out as scum?
I mean, literally my post before that is me explaining what my reaction was about. It's funny you're saying I'm not worried about being called scum but Sakaz has said I'm over defensive of being called scum. Which is it?
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