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Ah, what do I say here... *hastily flipping through the What Would Ultra Do section in Mafia For Dummies*

If you read his posts, you'd know
Why are you playing like this? If you suss me, throw a vote on me. There's no reason to shade my name and try to say I look opportunistic and then do absolutely nothing with it. If a townie has a read and feels decent about it, they're not just going to sit on their hands like you are.
Fiiiiine I'll spell out the things that pinged me for ya

1. His vote was all over the place , but almost exclusively on people already under fire. Like some kind of supersheep
2. Cowardly attempt to CFD me with no reasoning
3. Then claims he wanted an inactive lynch so active players can step it up day 2
4. Of his few posts ON day 2 as of my post he mainly just demanded someone explain their reads and then got defensive about being called defensive
5.(not relevant to my post as it happened after iirc, but part of why I still don't like his vibes)then all he did was post his own list of reads with no reasoning, and his list is inconsistent dogshit
These are your reasons for sussing me and yet you still can't throw down a vote?

1. How was my vote all over the place? I voted Melkor and then I think I changed it once more. I can't even remember where my vote ended.

2. I mean, all I asked was 'who wants to lynch Kiku'. I definitely suss you, but to call it cowardly when I have said I don't really like your slot is a bit of a stretch. Also, don't think I've ever been called a coward before. I would say this comment is more defensive than anything I've done.

3. I mean, yeah, considering the state of D1, I didn't really have a problem with Ratchet's plan to get rid of inactive. However, I voiced my disagreement going after UwU because he was a slot that hadn't even posted yet. Remind me where your vote ended up again?

4. Now this is the second time you've tried to characterize what I've done in a negative light, the first calling me a coward. I didn't demand anything from anyone, I asked someone to explain their reads further. And please define defensive to me? You called me defensive for my interaction with Melkor when I was literally the one who started the interaction with Melkor this game. I was the one who called out his lack of memory despite him wanting to suss for me an activity excuse. Never once did I care about the vote on me, I care that he had conveniently slowly backed away from his wolf read on me for what I deemed to be silly reasons. But let me guess, you'll just call this response defensive as well.

5. Come play any game with me and I always try to throw down some sort of D1 reads list, as any alignment. You have to start somewhere with reads and sometimes those reads are weak as shit, which I literally admitted to the very next post. How come you're ignoring the fact I said they were weak reads? How come you didn't ask me for any clarification on any of them? You want to call me opportunistic, but I find it opportunistic to sit there and call me a coward, say I'm defensive, and that my reads are shit, without actually trying to press, push, or vote me. Even now responding to this post, you apparently feel this strongly about my slot but have yet to do anything, you didn't even mention me in this post. It seems more like you know I'm not going to be around a lot and that you can just throw shade without consequences.
Do I NEED more than one thing for a scum read on day 2 in a 30 page game? If you look at my exact words I said "not a lot to go on but so far I'm feeling destroya is a little opportunistic". You have accepted my point in regards to this. Ergo I will refuse any more pushing based on it
Where was I opportunistic? Opportunistic is me jumping on the UwU wagon and just leaving my vote there. Opportunistic is me following another player onto a vote or push. You're calling me opportunistic because I offered your name as a vote and now you're getting defensive.
So we shouldn't pressure people who barely post to speak. Thank you for the lesson, Defensive-San
I gave you five separate posts to respond to, including a response to the reasons you suss me, and this is what and how you choose to respond?

##Vote Lynch Kiku
I gave you five separate posts to respond to, including a response to the reasons you suss me, and this is what and how you choose to respond?

##Vote Lynch Kiku
I'm not going to bother responding to your other posts since you don't even remember your own posts from day one, and I dont have time to vote you right now because my vote is busy on xlaw right now. You'll have to beg for my attention some other time, alas
I'm not going to bother responding to your other posts since you don't even remember your own posts from day one, and I dont have time to vote you right now because my vote is busy on xlaw right now. You'll have to beg for my attention some other time, alas
I said I don't remember where my vote ended up. But nice excuse.

Lock this slot wolf.

These are your reasons for sussing me and yet you still can't throw down a vote?

1. How was my vote all over the place? I voted Melkor and then I think I changed it once more. I can't even remember where my vote ended.
Here, as an act of good will,, I'll use this point as one example of the several times you were factually incorrect in your little manifesto
1. You vote Melkor as a joke(after I already did, can't even make a joke without sheeping smh)
2. You vote for yourself after Rej votes for you(can't even vote for yourself without sheeping smh)
3. You vote ekko in response to muugen saying he's down to lynch ekko
4. Did not vote Indigo or Pew, but expressed willingness to vote for them when Rstchet mentions it
5. Suss me for voting ekko(lol. lmao.)
6. You change votes again to UwU because ratchet asked for it(noticing a pattern here? Baa once if yes)
7. Lastly, you switch votes to me, which is your first original thought all game... but not really, because you weren't even the first to sus me. Nor do you direct any sort of questions AT me, despite my being active

So even discounting joke votes and agreements to vote that didn't actually result in anything, thats 4 different vote changes that are clad in the clothes of a sheep

Now, I haven't the time nor inclination to repeat this process for the 4 other points you butchered, so you'll just have to live with the knowledge that you have narrowly avoided a long winded schooling
Here, as an act of good will,, I'll use this point as one example of the several times you were factually incorrect in your little manifesto
1. You vote Melkor as a joke(after I already did, can't even make a joke without sheeping smh)
2. You vote for yourself after Rej votes for you(can't even vote for yourself without sheeping smh)
3. You vote ekko in response to muugen saying he's down to lynch ekko
4. Did not vote Indigo or Pew, but expressed willingness to vote for them when Rstchet mentions it
5. Suss me for voting ekko(lol. lmao.)
6. You change votes again to UwU because ratchet asked for it(noticing a pattern here? Baa once if yes)
7. Lastly, you switch votes to me, which is your first original thought all game... but not really, because you weren't even the first to sus me. Nor do you direct any sort of questions AT me, despite my being active

So even discounting joke votes and agreements to vote that didn't actually result in anything, thats 4 different vote changes that are clad in the clothes of a sheep

Now, I haven't the time nor inclination to repeat this process for the 4 other points you butchered, so you'll just have to live with the knowledge that you have narrowly avoided a long winded schooling
I didn't really pay attention to the sequence of events in day 1 as I subbed in later.
I had other issues with his playstyle, with this his sus radar is through the roof
Will wait for a reply nonetheless
The fact that you want to say my vote on myself is sheeping Rej's vote on me is all I need to know that you're full of shit.

Come talk if you want to respond to my other points.
I didn't really pay attention to the sequence of events in day 1 as I subbed in later.
I had other issues with his playstyle, with this his sus radar is through the roof
Will wait for a reply nonetheless
Kiku your mate? I don't mind baiting wolf teams out at all. My life means nothing in the grand scheme.
I gave you 7 separate points to respond to, including a response to the reason you suss me, and this is what and how you choose to respond?

Still waiting for Xlaw to open up. Taking a while ;/
Not, you didn't make seven separate points, you told me that I voted for four different people. You're just recounting the events of my vote history, not making any points.

Thank you for repeating exactly what I said to you, though. That's what sheeps do, yeah?
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