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It was like two pages, do you not really have time to read it? Are you scum happy to watch from the sidelines?

The funny thing is I am not really liking either party in this.

@Destroya I were your strongest scum read yesterday but I do not see you pushing me today. Did your opinion about me change?

@Kiku what did you not like about Destroya's list? You mentioned it was "inconsistent dogshit".
Oh you're on your scum meta. I say this because you're doing what scum you would do, rather than town you. Town you knows, and has commented/lambasted/lamented that yes While I have beer I will glaze over some peoples posts. Especially Ekkos spam posts. Also town you would have asked further on my ability claim, which I know you saw since you reached to that post, while as scum like now you just ignored it and have me as a scum read.

[Vote Lynch LM]
Shoot Kiku. When they flip wolf, we can go after Sakaz and get two for the price of one this day.
Think kiku might be town
I think Charlie rolled indie this time
The night will come.. dont worry...
Night will come to Charlie, good luck
Interesting guess we have to take out catwoman, the true catwoman is Anne Hathaway!
Its prob kagarushi
we can have a second wagon Psy tbh
Sigh. I am town!
Oh you're on your scum meta. I say this because you're doing what scum you would do, rather than town you. Town you knows, and has commented/lambasted/lamented that yes While I have beer I will glaze over some peoples posts. Especially Ekkos spam posts. Also town you would have asked further on my ability claim, which I know you saw since you reached to that post, while as scum like now you just ignored it and have me as a scum read.

[Vote Lynch LM]
i mean, we have 30 minutes and people aren't there to change votes, it's kinda late to start new wagon
Vote count
Day #2, Vote Count #2
up to post #1,162


Rej - 7
Kiku - 2
Destroya - 2
Zolo - 1
Lord Melkor - 1
SakazOuki - 1
Conquistad0r - 1


Reborn: Conquistad0r
Lord Melkor: Rej
Charlie: Kiku -> Rej
Rej: Muugen -> Kiku -> Lord Melkor
Muugen: Ratchet -> Ekkologix -> Rej
Xlaw: Rej
Kiku: Xlaw -> Destroya
Destroya: Conquistad0r -> Kiku
SakazOuki: Destroya
Kagurashii: Ekkologix -> Rej
Ratchet: Kiku
Psylocke: zolo
T-Pein: SakazOuki
Zolo: Rej
Pot Goblin: Rej

Biggest problem is inactive could get subbed in, if they are town we lose some roles and numbers. Having no scum kills so far makes me sick.

With so many teams around we might not be the majority soon.

For now:
Vote lynch hime
hime is whatever rn, i'd much rather go with pot/kagu, but i guess it's better than town

Vote Lynch Hime
Okay. Good I did not went to sleep yet.

Vote Lynch Hime

Do we have anything on her other than not being active?
Oh you're on your scum meta. I say this because you're doing what scum you would do, rather than town you. Town you knows, and has commented/lambasted/lamented that yes While I have beer I will glaze over some peoples posts. Especially Ekkos spam posts. Also town you would have asked further on my ability claim, which I know you saw since you reached to that post, while as scum like now you just ignored it and have me as a scum read.

[Vote Lynch LM]
Rej - 3
Kiku - 2
Destroya - 2
Zolo - 1
Lord Melkor - 2
SakazOuki - 1
Conquistad0r - 1

Votes so far
Taking a quick look at hime's iso, there isn't really anything that sticks out nor is there anything that really screams wolf. I'm not quite sure where the votes come from. If she gets yeeted, I won't stop it, but I don't think I can contribute when I don't feel strongly about it.

##Vote Lynch Lord Melkor

I still feel good about this slot. I think he's trying to take an aggressive approach here to try and switch things up from his last few wolf games. I think the way he handled my slot was fairly disingenuous. He started by wolf reading me for silly reason, slowly pulling away from his wolf read, only to come back to it and saying I've looked different this game (with no reason). I think despite being an active poster, he hasn't said much, and his pushes haven't really been that strong.
i mean, we have 30 minutes and people aren't there to change votes, it's kinda late to start new wagon
I'm also at work, have no Idea about the Hime push beyond that its replacing Rej because someone wasted a shot to uncult him in an Aries game. Its an Aries game, even if you uncultured a person its gonna result in someone else being culted immediately.

Meanwhile I'm 99% sure on Melkor and my vote is more secondary to an ability I sent. I could be wrong, thats not a new position to me at all
Vote lynch Lord Melkor

self-preservation vote but whatever at this point, his vote also looks the worst on me
he voted me purely for lack of activity and then made up reasons later saying ive only posted abt mechanics
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