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*Fires up the AI bot to write another cursed fanfic*

Title: "Mihawk's Hare-raising Revelation"


Carrot, the reluctant Queen of Zou after the events of Wano, sits on her throne looking bored. Suddenly, the grand doors swing open, and in walks the imposing figure of Dracule Mihawk, the World's Strongest Swordsman.

Mihawk?! What are you doing here?

(smiling mysteriously)
Carrot, my dear, I have come to reveal something truly important. Please sit down.

Carrot hesitates but eventually takes a seat, her curiosity piqued.

Fine, what is it?

(lowering his voice)
Carrot, I have a secret. A shameful secret that I can no longer hide. You see, I have a... a secret penchant for bunny minks.

Carrot's eyes widen in disbelief.

Wait, you mean... you like rabbits?

Yes, and it's time for me to come clean. Many years ago, during a drunken night on Zou, I had a passionate affair with a female rabbit mink. Unfortunately, she passed away before you were born.

Carrot's jaw drops, and she struggles to find the right words.

You... you mean to say that... you're my father?

(nods solemnly)
Yes, Carrot. I am your father, and I regretfully admit that I have a daughter with a bunny mink.

Carrot bursts into laughter, unable to contain her amusement.

This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! You, the stoic and unapproachable Mihawk, fathered a bunny mink?! Hahaha!

Mihawk's serious demeanor cracks, and a faint smile tugs at the corner of his lips.

Yes, it is quite absurd, isn't it? But it is the truth, Carrot. You are my daughter, and I am here to acknowledge that fact.

Carrot wipes away tears of laughter, struggling to compose herself.

(still chuckling)
Oh, Mihawk, this changes everything! I mean, who would have thought?

Indeed. I may be the World's Strongest Swordsman, but it seems I'm also the World's Strongest Bunny Mink Father.

They both share a genuine moment of laughter, their bond forged in the most unexpected of circumstances.

So, does this mean I inherit your swordsmanship skills?

Perhaps, Carrot. But remember, you'll always have your natural ability to... hop around with grace.

They laugh together once more, embracing the newfound connection between them.


So this is why Oda had Carrot clashing with Zoro too!?


Carrot's laughter subsides, and a serious tone fills the room. She looks at Mihawk, her eyes filled with anticipation.

Mihawk, if you truly are my father, then I trust you. Please tell me more.

Mihawk takes a deep breath, his expression resolute.

Carrot, there is something I must confess. The reason I've always refused to duel Shanks is not solely due to our rivalry. It's because Shanks harbors a deep prejudice against non-human races, especially minks like yourself.

Carrot's face turns serious as she listens intently.

Shanks? But he seems so honorable. I never thought he would hold such discriminatory views.

Indeed, appearances can be deceiving. But I have witnessed firsthand his mistreatment and hatred towards your kind. It sickens me. As your father and a member of the Cross Guild, I promise you this: Buggy, Crocodile, and I will fight for the rights of minks and other non-human races in the world of One Piece.

Carrot's eyes fill with a mixture of pride and determination.

Mihawk, I cannot express how grateful I am to have you as my father. And I know my mother would be proud. She always dreamed of a world where minks could live amongst humans without judgment and discrimination.

I will make your mother's dream a reality, Carrot. Together, we will challenge the prejudices that plague this world and strive for equality.

Carrot stands from her throne, her resolve shining through.

Let's do it, Mihawk. Let's show the world that unity and acceptance are the true strengths of the Grand Line.

Mihawk smiles, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

We will, Carrot. With the Cross Guild behind us, we shall pave the way for a brighter future, where furryphobia and discrimination have no place.

They clasp hands, a powerful bond forming between them, united in their cause.




My reaction to this information:

I think they’ve come up with a way to make it fun for themselves by making vague hints (“Fasten your seatbelts” “Chapter 1084 > 1083 + 1082” - stuff like this is subjective!”) which generate discussion, theories, powerscaling, etc.
that’s the goal of the hints. Also I reject “make it fun for themselves”. Just look at this thread when hints drop, people have a lot of fun trying to decipher them or creating agendas over it.
Information is almost never straightforward, and we’re left waiting a bit to figure out if the information we get is even accurate or not. It’s not as nice as it seems if you consider the negative aspect..
here’s the thing, we’re not owed shit. Once you realize this the spoilers cycle it’s a lot more fun. we already get spoilers really early, the hints which are decipherable are the cherry on top

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Too mate man!

I dont know whats more ironic, that you're against this idea in particular and trying to stop me or I was too busy writing it up to see your response trying to stop me and thus you might have been succesful LMAO!

Wait...too mate? Wtf? Lmao.

Of course I'd be against it! :suresure:

The god damn furry trial man.... :josad:
that’s the goal of the hints. Also I reject “make it fun for themselves”. Just look at this thread when hints drop, people have a lot of fun trying to decipher them or creating agendas over it.

here’s the thing, we’re not owed shit. Once you realize this the spoilers cycle it’s a lot more fun. we already get spoilers really early, the hints which are decipherable are the cherry on top
I suppose it comes down to personal preference then.