Bougya Debunked, now stop tagging me

In the same Page , they hyped Akainu just to use him to props Shanks Lmao

<< 世界の海賊の一人であり、まりんふぉーどに到着した際、海軍は彼が たいちゃく さかいさいきょう 持つ脅威に気づき、退却した。 彼は世界最強の剣士であるほーくあい・み [かも] けっこう 「いせい ほーくとの決闘により名声を得た後、激しくぶつかり合った後、強力な かいまく こちんゆう むくち 海賊を勧誘し、数々の領土を征服し、ついに四となった。 この無口な 獅子は、どのような行動をするのだろうか >>

<< He is one of the world's greatest pirates, and upon his arrival in Marineford, the Navy realized the threat he posed and retreated. He gained fame by dueling with the world's strongest swordsman, Hawk Eye Dracule Mihawk , and after a fierce clash, he recruited powerful Nakama , He conquered numerous territories, and finally became the fourth Emperor . How will this silent lion act? >>

In the same Page , they hyped Akainu just to use him to props Shanks Lmao

<< 世界の海賊の一人であり、まりんふぉーどに到着した際、海軍は彼が たいちゃく さかいさいきょう 持つ脅威に気づき、退却した。 彼は世界最強の剣士であるほーくあい・み [かも] けっこう 「いせい ほーくとの決闘により名声を得た後、激しくぶつかり合った後、強力な かいまく こちんゆう むくち 海賊を勧誘し、数々の領土を征服し、ついに四となった。 この無口な 獅子は、どのような行動をするのだろうか >>

<< He is one of the world's greatest pirates, and upon his arrival in Marineford, the Navy realized the threat he posed and retreated. He gained fame by dueling with the world's strongest swordsman, Hawk Eye Dracule Mihawk , and after a fierce clash, he recruited powerful Nakama , He conquered numerous territories, and finally became the fourth Emperor . How will this silent lion act? >>
Common L for lee. His threads always back fires :suresure::suresure:
Thing is, it's the golden age of piracy. Most of the endgame key players are logias and Aokiji's and Akainu's are arguably the most devastating.
Not even the old legends prolly had to encounter the awakening of such over the top S-class devil fruits.

Even if that source would be wrong, it's nonetheless just likely, that they at least compete for the top.
Said this before anf will say so until we've seen otherwise. Logia awakening and theirs in particular will be op.
Edit: Also does not help that outside of it, Aokiji was portrayed as a speed demon and Akainu as an endurance beast. Those guys are tough
Doesn’t matter lol. The fact is Akainu is stronger than every pirate in history given that the previous guy who people thought was the strongest Marine in history was equal in strength to the strongest Pirate in history.

Everyone loses to Fairy condom in the end, Akainu isn’t alone in that.
So he lost to a condom. And will be forgotten by everybody when Luffy conquers everything.

"Hey I'm the strongest marine to ever lived"

See? Nobody cares :luuh:

In the same Page , they hyped Akainu just to use him to props Shanks Lmao

<< 世界の海賊の一人であり、まりんふぉーどに到着した際、海軍は彼が たいちゃく さかいさいきょう 持つ脅威に気づき、退却した。 彼は世界最強の剣士であるほーくあい・み [かも] けっこう 「いせい ほーくとの決闘により名声を得た後、激しくぶつかり合った後、強力な かいまく こちんゆう むくち 海賊を勧誘し、数々の領土を征服し、ついに四となった。 この無口な 獅子は、どのような行動をするのだろうか >>

<< He is one of the world's greatest pirates, and upon his arrival in Marineford, the Navy realized the threat he posed and retreated. He gained fame by dueling with the world's strongest swordsman, Hawk Eye Dracule Mihawk , and after a fierce clash, he recruited powerful Nakama , He conquered numerous territories, and finally became the fourth Emperor . How will this silent lion act? >>
Wow, that did not go great. Mihawk fans can use this too now.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
The Navy was too scared to fight Shanks because of his power. Despite having someone stronger than Prime Garp:steef:

Thanks for this Lee. Appreciate you tagging me in this thread:cheers:
It was Sengoku who ordered the stand down lol. Akainu is stronger than characters who mid diff Shanks. If Akainu was Fleet Admiral back then, your idol Holy Knight Shanks (aka St. Charlos’s) pet would be dead right now. Lol

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
It seems the big text from the left is from Oda's interview.

But what about the Akainu bit? Is it from an Editor?
This was taken from an interview with Oda himself. So unless the interviewer just made shit up (extremely unlikely) then this is as good as Oda’s own word.

Especially since everything else on page 34 is correct:

Akainu > Roger and Garp is a confirmed fact.



And here is the entire Page 34 which Sandman_AP lied to cover up:

This is not a drill, I have checked the source and this appears to be legit. This came directly from Oda’s mouth in an interview done with Sound & Recording Magazine in 2012.

This is not even remotely fucking surprising lol. Garp was never a legitimate candidate for this title and only fools thought so. I actually thought Kong had a shot at being stronger but I ain’t mad.

And people actually thought Garp would kill Akainu (or any Admiral) at Marineford lmfao. This would also seem to imply Akainu > Roger and Akainu > Kaido by extension as well since Kaido is inferior to Roger and Garp ~ Roger?

“Akainu is so strong, he could become the Pirate King in less than a year…”

@Bogard @TheAncientCenturion @Veku @Sentinel @Playa4321 @MarineHQ @SakazOuki @silverfire @scoobie3 @ZenZu @JoNdule @AkainuTheGrimReaper @EmperorKinyagi @The White Crane @Kurozumi Wiwi @Wuuuke @Extravlad @kurwa @ShishioIsBack @Garp the Fist @HA001 OF THE RAIN @Light D Lamperouge @Owl Ki @Den_Den_Mushi @Red Admiral @Uncle Van @Xione @SkySanji @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy
Well fuck turns out it was real but no problem it only hypes up shanks even more than it does to Akainu 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Navy retreated after realising the threat shanks possesses 😹

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Well fuck turns out it was real but no problem it only hypes up shanks even more than it does to Akainu
How? Lmfao

We already knew the Navy stood down when Holy Knight Shanks showed up. How does that give us any new information? This gives Holy Knight Shanks no more hype than he already had. Holy Knight Shanks is still weaker than Roger, Whitebeard, and Garp. And now that we know Holy Knight Shanks is a corrupt Holy Knight, even the Navy standing down has an entirely new context.

Sakazuki on the other hand is now confirmed to be stronger than the all-time strongest, and also by definition stronger than Kaido and Big Mom who are also superior to Holy Knight Shanks.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Still fake as fuck, looks like it was put together by a kid in photoshop.

AssmiraL bros have a long history of propagating fake panels, it hasn't even been more than a few months since they were circulating this gem, something that was also fake mind you.
Desperately coping and seething now that you’ve devoted your entire life to the premise that Yonko > Admirals and now Admiral >= Pirate King is fact lmfao.

The guy posted the link to buy the magazine, posted the entire page 34 and translators have confirmed that his translation is correct.

SkySanji: “it looks fake!!! Muh tier list!!”
Damn, so we went from:
• Fake picture.
• Fake source.
• Fake translation.
• "L"ee.
• Get a more respectable translator.
• Only manga matters anyway.
• Something disingenuous two shotted claim, something something.
• Wait, it actually kinda hypes Shanks? It's legit now! AdmiraLLLLLL!!!!!!!! *Chimpanzee whooping noises*.

Come on folks, stop embarrassing yourselves. :shame:

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Damn, so we went from:
• Fake picture.
• Fake source.
• Fake translation.
• "L"ee.
• Get a more respectable translator.
• Only manga matters anyway.
• Something disingenuous two shotted claim, something something.
• Wait, it actually kinda hypes Shanks? It's legit now! AdmiraLLLLLL!!!!!!!! *Chimpanzee whooping noises*.

Come on folks, stop embarrassing yourselves. :shame:
Yep we went from

-Fake news! Not real! It just looks fake!

-To “oh it’s real?! Well it says something about Holy Knight Shanks that we knew already so AdmiraLLLL! (Please ignore the part that confirms Akainu as the all time strongest please god)”