Bougya Debunked, now stop tagging me

Lmfaooo gets even more crazier every second, don't have much idea about twitter, but bud got his twitter locked after calling out sandman,its even more crazier sandman blocked him πŸ’€

@SakazOuki seems like i found @Elder Lee Hung little brother 🀣 nah honestly can someone confirm whether it's real or fake so i can start using the Haki King's scan in that page
Damn didn't know there was this many Goatkainu fans in the community

Formerly Seth



And here is the entire Page 34 which Sandman_AP lied to cover up:

This is not a drill, I have checked the source and this appears to be legit. This came directly from Oda’s mouth in an interview done with Sound & Recording Magazine in 2012.

This is not even remotely fucking surprising lol. Garp was never a legitimate candidate for this title and only fools thought so. I actually thought Kong had a shot at being stronger but I ain’t mad.

And people actually thought Garp would kill Akainu (or any Admiral) at Marineford lmfao. This would also seem to imply Akainu > Roger and Akainu > Kaido by extension as well since Kaido is inferior to Roger and Garp ~ Roger?

β€œAkainu is so strong, he could become the Pirate King in less than a year…”

@Bogard @TheAncientCenturion @Veku @Sentinel @Playa4321 @MarineHQ @SakazOuki @silverfire @scoobie3 @ZenZu @JoNdule @AkainuTheGrimReaper @EmperorKinyagi @The White Crane @Kurozumi Wiwi @Wuuuke @Extravlad @kurwa @ShishioIsBack @Garp the Fist @HA001 OF THE RAIN @Light D Lamperouge @Owl Ki @Den_Den_Mushi @Red Admiral @Uncle Van @Xione @SkySanji @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy
I mean.

Oda said that Akainu would finish OP in 1 year. He never said that about anyone else.

This here what you posted would be just an overkill.
I mean.

Oda said that Akainu would finish OP in 1 year. He never said that about anyone else.

This here what you posted would be just an overkill.
He said he has to be careful not to make the protagonist too strong for the manga.
He clearly didn't mean Akainu was too strong in general, otherwise he wouldn't have put him in the manga if he could shit stomp everyone else.
It's a clear cut case of Occam's Razor.
Much easier to assume he means the manga it self would be ending in a year than to assume he meant Akainu would magically grow from getting high-extreme diffed by Sickbeard to being able to stomp the whole verse in a year.
He said he has to be careful not to make the protagonist too strong for the manga.
He clearly didn't mean Akainu was too strong in general, otherwise he wouldn't have put him in the manga if he could shit stomp everyone else.
It's a clear cut case of Occam's Razor.
Much easier to assume he means the manga it self would be ending in a year than to assume he meant Akainu would magically grow from getting high-extreme diffed by Sickbeard to being able to stomp the whole verse in a year.
I am wondering if he attacked whitebeard another time after the magma fist in the stomach instead of talking would this be his Victory lol
I mean.

Oda said that Akainu would finish OP in 1 year. He never said that about anyone else.

This here what you posted would be just an overkill.
He said serialization will end in one year. One piece time works differently than our time. One year in real time it can even be months or years in OP time.

Also in SBS oda mentions Kaido as strength example when akainu was mentioned by questioner