[FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

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Vote lynch Hime

Head Assassin: Place a kill order on MD and I will approve. If you don't, you are gay, and I will never approve anything you send in, ever.
As for me. It's so important to have a safe and inclusive space for everyone to express themselves and feel accepted. It's wonderful to see this server come together to show support for LGBTQ+ individuals and celebrate Pride Month. It's a reminder that we still have a long way to go in terms of achieving equality and acceptance for all, but it's also a sign of progress and hope. I'm proud to be part of the Mafia Cult community because it values diversity and actively works towards creating an inclusive environment.
I'd missed that response, though I would argue that the idea being you can't be town to you being the vig (and still not conceding the first statement anyway) is inconsistent by itself
Confusion about a role she probably has never heard of can be somewhat reconciled. Instantly assuming I'm the sole townie in the assassin pool is ???
Why do you keep putting my position down to thinking she overreacted? It's not that, it's that her position doesn't really follow for me given what has been discussed.
I thought you said she overreacted. I will retract me saying that you called her that.

It's also worthy to note that she actually voted Ultra with me AFTER his claim. If she had voted before, I maybe would have overlooked it, but looking at her posts, she votes Ultra right after he claims, using my vote on him to enter the game, and then immediately goes into saying his claim is wack and there's no way he's town. Ultra brought up a good point as well that she later says that we won't get another assassin claim, seemingly shifting her position from not believing Ultra, to believing him.
[Vote hime]

@hime how did you go from saying there was no way Ultra was town and calling out his claim but then believing him and saying there's no way we get another assassin claim?
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