[FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

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The End and the Beginning
So, where's everyone's reads at rn?

@Ultra I see you suspecting people, but do you have any Town reads?
1. RippedCal - Null
3. MonochromeYoru - Null/Scum
4. T-Pein™ - Null
5. Ultra - Town
6. ConquistadoR - Null/Town
7. Kiku - Null/Town
8. hime - Scum
9. Dr. Watson - Null
10. Joygirl - Twn (the dedication to the PR mainly)
11. Midnight Delight - Null (policy vote)
12. Naomi - Town
13. Mr. Reloaded - Null (I feel like I should have a read here, just nothing impressionable, if I had to pick, town because of how he's engaging with the thread)
14. Alwaysmind - Null/Scum
15. Destroya - Lean Town
16. Psylocke - Lean Town - I'm actually coming around to a town read for her engagement with the thread, I don't have a logical progression to demonstrate this, but I'm okay with her so far
17. MitchMatch - Scum
18. KWEH - Null
19. Orwellian - Null
20. Dr_Professor83 - I want to say Null, I can come to a town lean and I think he looks better between him and Tweet, he's leaned a little too much into the trolling but it's NAI for him, I wish he'd make this easier
21. MangoSenpai - Null
22. Underworld Broker - Null
23. NikaInParis - Lean Town
24. Flower - Lean Town
25. Michelle - Null (I'm aware she's busy, so will need to be patient with the slot)
26. Grammaton - Null/Town (at the very least though, I don't think he's scum with hime)
27. @Neeko
Yes. So you went at CWAC with CWAC that’s what I was saying.

And in your 3 post she quoted, all of it was filler worthy.

If you had done that but were on the ball that’s a different thing. But you weren’t accomplishing anything either so it stands out when one of your lone posts is just chirping at someone for useless post.
I don't agree that my posts were useless
what is my weakness???

No it's not even like that. I'm just having fun.
Also, Naomi is too funny. Let's keep her until endgame.

Wow, Is this AM flexing.........at Midnight?

I'm tired too, maybe I'm imagining this.
Your weakness is EVERYTHING

tries laughing maniacally but only manages a few decidedly adorable kwehs


The End and the Beginning
I don't agree that my posts were useless
This isn't the first time you've altered what you're arguing against subtley - he never said your posts were useless - he said they were mostly passive and not actually aimed at generating reads or addressng arguments - and that you're going for low hanging fruit.
gee, I don’t know

could it be that I was responding to flower saying she was pretty sure it wasn’t multiscum, and I wanted her to clarify without asking her anything role related?

You think she's gonna just...

...nevermind yeah she might say something like that without proof
Those numbers are assumptions made by experience as player and as creator (host). Let me educate you, peasant: For this assasination mechanis to work without being too one-sided in either town´s or scum´s favour it must be guaranteed that this is somewhat balanced like a scale. There is the possibility that the assassins are 1 town, 1 indie, 1 maf. But if the town indie dies it automatically would immediately become scumfavoured and the other way around. With that high number of players there is a good possibility that there are two scum teams. If we created a mafia round with such mechanis and two scum teams we would give each mafia team one assassin and to make up for this giving town two assassins. Plus our consent is that there is most likely an indie assassin too, right? So if one town assassin dies it might not automatically turn into scum´s favour completely as the two mafia assassins would be from different teams and could possibly be assassinating each other or the team members from the opposing team too.

The biggest point is however that the assassins are depending on the person who is giving them their orders as well as Ultra´s suggestion that town should get together and giving that person a recommendation which player they want to see dead. We would personally add that as soon as the first town assassins falls dead we should all rethink this mechanic and either only publically nominate players we are 100 % sure of or make it clear that the person giving the orders should simply stop giving them.
This isn't the first time you've altered what you're arguing against subtley - he never said your posts were useless - he said they were mostly passive and not actually aimed at generating reads or addressng arguments - and that you're going for low hanging fruit.
He said they weren't accomplishing anything, "useless" is just another word for that

And I think that last part is something you inferred and not something he said
1. Cal - Null/Town
2. Ratchet - Lean Town
3. Yoru - Null
4. Pein - Null
5. Ultra - Lean Town
6. Conquist - Null
7. Kiku - Null/Town
8 Hime - Town if Cal‘s vouch is real. Else lean scum.

9 Watson - Null
10. JG - Town read
11. Midnight - Null
12. Naomi - Lean Town
13. Reloaded - Moved back to null
14. AM - Null
15. Dest - Light Town
16. Psychic - Null
17. Mitch - Null/scum
18. Tweet - Null/scum
19. Fang - Null
20. Prof - Light Town
21. Mango - Null
22. Broki - Null
23. Nika - Lean Town
25. Michelle - Null
26. Gramma - Moved back to null.
27. Magic - null.

I have too many nulls which is frankly concerning since most of them didn‘t even low post.
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