General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

Koby doesn't deserve the Admiral or fleet Admiral Position, I dont want to see him with it... Koby is overrated.
I prefer to see more Helmeppo...
King Cobra is not dead. Possibly Pell sacrificed himself to save him.

Shirahoshi is wearing a shirt that is exactly like Luffy's was during his time there but Her size. FANGIRL!


:pepeke: Admirals and Mihawk fans can keep trying
But I'll wait when one of them oneshots a top commander dude with one blow without using adCoA and Dfs while being in base form.
I was and still am unimpressed that Sabo ate the Mera Mera no mi. I would have prefered to see someone else eating it.
She should have eaten the Mera Mera no Mi, and joined Straw Hats. At Dressrosa, Monet might make a comeback to defend her Young Master, only to be faced by Rebecca and her newfound power.

That way, Oda could actually develop her during all Zou arc, WCI arc (Oda included her to be in WCI team), and Wano arc. We are getting closer to the end yet still no next nakama yet... Even Jinbe was left behind in WCI for whatever reason.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
:pepeke: Admirals and Mihawk fans can keep trying
But I'll wait when one of them oneshots a top commander dude with one blow without using adCoA and Dfs while being in base form.
This has always been an unfair argument. You're comparing a character known for brute strength to characters known for their DF powers.

That's like saying Zoro>>>Luffy cause Luffy needs a DF to one shot people while Zoro uses strength.


Kid being useful with powers...plot device
Kids should always stay useless and then they are good character....
Akainu isn't evil, just willing to go to nearly any extreme to achieve his vision of justice. He's also the strongest character alive.

Pirates as a whole are boring as antagonists, most of the reason I read OP is for the subplots surrounding the CD's, WG and marines, and I hope they become the main villains front and center, rather than in the background.

Jinbe is a great character and would be a good addition to the strawhats with his mix of strength and competence.