Controversial What's the biggest Stephen Paul L?

Biggest Stephen Paul L?

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"Animal Kingdom Pirates"

For those wondering why Stephen chose Animal Kingdom Pirates, here is why he chose it.

According to Stephen Paul, the translator of One Piece for VIZ, "Animal Kingdom came from 'Hyaku-juu' which literally is the kanji for "hundred" and "animal" but it actually means 'all manner of beast/animal.' A common use of that is 'hyaku-juu no ou' which is 'king of the beasts' aka Lion. Kaidou's title is 'Hyaku-juu no Kaidou' so, given the implication, and the reference to him as the strongest creature alive, I called him 'Kaido, King of the Beasts.' As an analogue I decided to go with Animal Kingdom for his crew, since it's implied that he rules over them, and they obviously have a wide variety of animal-powers in the Gifters."