[FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

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We assume that the assassin mechanic at least last night was still in favour of town, as we have chosen Destroya as our primary target (we excuse for that) and scum would surely not have missed the opportunity to shoot him if they had majority and could control the mechanics. Kiku now looks not so good, scum tracker?
Why, after offering X as a target, are you automatically assuming he's town and then town assassins saved him rather than he's scum and the scum assassins saved him? Wtf. You reversed your position so easily
We assume that the assassin mechanic at least last night was still in favour of town, as we have chosen Destroya as our primary target (we excuse for that) and scum would surely not have missed the opportunity to shoot him if they had majority and could control the mechanics. Kiku now looks not so good, scum tracker?
If they were scum tracker it would probably be the rolecop variant and they'd keep the results to themselves and just kill him at night without any risk of town leader protection. Pushing him knowing he's going to claim cop would just make him look bad.


The End and the Beginning
No I'm saying you proposed something where your next lead is almost always I'm scum.
I never advertised it as a lead lol - my vote is on you, I think you're scum, for the reasons I've outlined already today. I was responding to Prof because instead of just saying Tweet must be Town or Tweet must be Scum, I came to a thought that may be worth consideration.

I got ignored anyway, so you have nothing to worry about!


The Rogue Prince
I assume he scans inno

Unless Ekko wants a repeat of the Dressrosa SoulKiller tantrum
He's basically transfigured now.
I targeted him and got back his feedback.

I also crosschecked that it was Dest & not some other Mahito target but claiming his feedback in parts and making him claim the other parts.
He's town & i wasn't manipulated last night phase.


Why, after offering X as a target, are you automatically assuming he's town and then town assassins saved him rather than he's scum and the scum assassins saved him? Wtf. You reversed your position so easily
Conq seems to be sure on this (most likely mechanically) and he also was right on Broki before. And we are not fully caught up yet.


The End and the Beginning
What do you propose we’d do with Tweet if we lynched Magic & he flipped scum here @Ratchet ?

And vice versa
Vig but the issue is scum Magic or Town Magic doesn't really impact Tweet, so it's not a good thing to use to read him from (and vice versa). Tweet is probably the most sensible lynch from a min max perspective but given my read on Magic, I'd like to let today play out at least rather than settle on one course.
So, not caught up as your queen has just come home and only read the night post so far, we had royal duties to do (*sitting in garden, playing with butterflies*)

We can basically scumlock KWEH, there was no reason for mafia to waste their ability and the way that Broki was fixated on Reborn we assume that it was not a random lynch redirect, it most likely had the condition to get another player on a certain amount of votes. This makes a lot of players that switched to Reborn look sus although Cal looks a bit like the option that is almost too obvious as he was leading this. Ratchet on the other hand, as we mentiond last day phase already, looks very sus and he could simply let players like Cal take the blame for this. His behaviour was inconsistent, first he argued to hammer KWEH but then he even encouraged other players to join this CFD as it got rolling! However, Cal shall not be ruled out.

The chat with hime worked and Flower, Mitch and ourself are also still alive, so were inclined to believe she is town. Now if Mitch fulfilled his promise hime should be able to create another chat next night phase which would also confirm Mitch.

Husbando sister alliance is in full motion again! :catrude:

Losing a town assassin is of course bad but Alwaysmind was absolutely not helpful this round.
With Ultra, KWEH and Michelle having another three claimed assassins it is almost sure one of those must be fake. Scum not killing Michelle despite her not being protected by the town leader and scum deciding to kill Naomi instead which only claimed to be Survivor is surely strange and shall not go unnoticed. On the other hand, she dueled Broki yesterday.
Why would you want an additional neighbour's chat over another duel?
I never advertised it as a lead lol - my vote is on you, I think you're scum, for the reasons I've outlined already today. I was responding to Prof because instead of just saying Tweet must be Town or Tweet must be Scum, I came to a thought that may be worth consideration.

I got ignored anyway, so you have nothing to worry about!
speaking of being ignored, i kinda got ignored too yesterday
still waiting on ppls thoughts if any
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