So, not caught up as your queen has just come home and only read the night post so far, we had royal duties to do (*sitting in garden, playing with butterflies*)
We can basically scumlock KWEH, there was no reason for mafia to waste their ability and the way that Broki was fixated on Reborn we assume that it was not a random lynch redirect, it most likely had the condition to get another player on a certain amount of votes. This makes a lot of players that switched to Reborn look sus although Cal looks a bit like the option that is almost too obvious as he was leading this. Ratchet on the other hand, as we mentiond last day phase already, looks very sus and he could simply let players like Cal take the blame for this. His behaviour was inconsistent, first he argued to hammer KWEH but then he even encouraged other players to join this CFD as it got rolling! However, Cal shall not be ruled out.
The chat with hime worked and Flower, Mitch and ourself are also still alive, so were inclined to believe she is town. Now if Mitch fulfilled his promise hime should be able to create another chat next night phase which would also confirm Mitch.
Husbando sister alliance is in full motion again!
Losing a town assassin is of course bad but Alwaysmind was absolutely not helpful this round.
With Ultra, KWEH and Michelle having another three claimed assassins it is almost sure one of those must be fake. Scum not killing Michelle despite her not being protected by the town leader and scum deciding to kill Naomi instead which only claimed to be Survivor is surely strange and shall not go unnoticed. On the other hand, she dueled Broki yesterday.