Who will be the next SH?

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I quite like the idea. Especially since we know that SWORD did infiltrate other pirate crews as you said it. It would be an interesting twist on the whole situation.
Yeah I mean it’s no coincidence that as we learned about Sword we’re seeing more of characters that were former Marines. Corazon was a member of sword and he infiltrated the Donquixote Pirates and that set the precedent.

As for the nakama debate - we just wait. I think the next chapters will be crucial (I especially want to see Shaka's face, because I think he just behaves like Lucci and they are related, which would make the "nakama thread" go crazy).
Absolutely - Shaka would be interesting but I doubt the satellites come from the genomes of any individuals. Edison and Pythagoras are robots. Atlas and York are human-ish. Lilith and Shaka are the only ones that seem to be potentially human and Shaka last I checked was killed by York, right?

I still see it as Bonney and Vivi are the only possibilities for joining the crew. Yamato maybe but that’s a long way off.
Yeah I mean it’s no coincidence that as we learned about Sword we’re seeing more of characters that were former Marines. Corazon was a member of sword and he infiltrated the Donquixote Pirates and that set the precedent.

Absolutely - Shaka would be interesting but I doubt the satellites come from the genomes of any individuals. Edison and Pythagoras are robots. Atlas and York are human-ish. Lilith and Shaka are the only ones that seem to be potentially human and Shaka last I checked was killed by York, right?

I still see it as Bonney and Vivi are the only possibilities for joining the crew. Yamato maybe but that’s a long way off.
I can understand that - they have gotten much panel-time in recent chapters and are about to get even more. Alone that makes them top candidates and likely seem very much important - Vivi much more than Bonney in my opinion.

As for Yamato: I also do not think that she will become a Straw hat. That train has departed.

What I do not like is that Oda is not really coming forward with the most important stuff around the Stellar and his Satellites. We still do not even know what his brain looks like and how he acquired these Satellites of his.
Also, even if we know much aabout MADS, we still know so little. it would be great if we finally could get the whole story and not a piece of info here and there from time to time. I have a feeling we will get a much needed flashback soon, involving Vegapunk, MADS, Kuma and his Satellites. I hope so, al least.
So, could this be taken as a possible indication that Oda has been thinking about having Yamato on the Sunny despite how Chapter 1057 turned out

I believe there's a reason Yamato didn't leave immediately with the strawhats but Oda still does intend for her to join... There are no accidents...
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Yamato’s in a reasonably simple situation.

She wants to join the crew
She has an open invitation to join the crew
She can’t come until Wano is safe without her.

That means she will be a Strawhat. Only question is when. Cause at this stage, Wano being safe may well be a grand finale, war is over moment. That would leave Yamato being a Strawhat only for the last chapter, Strawhats sail into the distance for more adventures but the story is over. In which case, I‘m not counting her really.

Oda did a bad job with her on Wano. She was constantly overshadowed by Momonosuke and never really got that one big “ah good, this is why she’ll be a Strawhat in the future” moment like Jinbei giving Luffy his blood. The way the arc ended I don’t really care if she’s in the same boat as Tama as joining the crew one day in the long distant future when the series is over.
This is a reasonable take...
I think Yamato definitely will become a strawhat. It’s just too early for her to join.
I think the main thing from what I saw is that Yamato just didn't have a meaningful enough motivation to actually sail at sea.

Brook is motivated to sail in order to deliver the song of his dead to crew a long-lost whale.

Jinbe is motivated to sail with the hopes of improving fish-men/human relations.

And Yamato, was ultimately motivated to sail just to party and drink at sea like Oden did.

Think back to Yasopp's motivation to sail, he left his wife and kid and his wife ended up dying of sickness without him being there, all to just seemingly party and drink.

If it was just a matter of it being Zoro and Sanji's fault Yamato didn't join back then, Oda could have easily given Zoro more special swords and Sanji more special suits to play around with.

So I can only conclude Yamato is in Wano there for her own benefit, to realize a more meaningful purpose to sail from Momo, since he wanted her to be free to enjoy her sailing at sea.

So after Momo proves himself, I can only imagine Momo would make some promise with her that would motivate her to sail once and for awhile, to which Momo would then give her that final push.

It's either something like that, or that Yamato dies in Wano, with her dreams dying with her.

So unless one wants to make the claim Oda is trying to make Yamato die there with her dreams without ever seeing Luffy again, then I think I'm in reason to believe the former.
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Oda did a bad job with her on Wano. She was constantly overshadowed by Momonosuke
Thing is though, Oda had Yamato say she wanted to sail with Luffy In Chapter 985, yet seemed to try to take advantage of every moment possible to pair her up with Momo despite what she said previously. There were opportunities for Yamato to help Straw Hats like Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, etc. when they got into trouble or had to escape an enemy, yet the only time Yamato helped a Straw Hat other than Luffy was hitting Hatchan for Franky. It's not until the dust settled is when she introduced herself to the entire crew, and Oda only really focused on Yamato having a big moment with Momo even after she told them she'd sail with them.

Oda wouldn't have had Yamato say everything she said if she was just going to stay in Wano forever, so the conclusion I come to that makes the most sense is that Yamato is meant to be in Momo's life first before being in Luffy's life, so that Momo can basically be the one to push her into Luffy's life once and for all.

If none of that makes sense, then I encourage people to tell me what actually does.
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Details that could move things forward for Bonnie and Bunny.

Where was Carrot during the festival? She was last shown with the minks but by the end of it she wasn't with them. She wasn't shown with Chopper/Sanji/Nami/Brook/Jinbei or any of the strawhats. She wasn't shown with the samurai or scarbards. I was half expecting even a panel with yamato of all people but it was nothing. Chopper has been really getting to me because a lot of important events were caused by his offscreen interactions (Meeting Tama, Selling Moon Dust to Bepo). Oda had an interview with a manga artist who drawn a detective series. He mentioned clearly showing the audience what is going on because expert fans are good at guessing but causals aren't. We are finally getting details about reverie which happened nearly a month ago. How much did this man offscreen and how much more will he off screen? For Bonnie she is suffering from this because oda offscreen the memory. What was he trying to hid? Why does only Bonnie get to experiece it?
Funny, I was just thinking about Vivi and Jinbe's cases when you said this.
Reading comprehension is the key. Those who compare Yamato to Vivi and Jinbe don't have it, therefore Oda can bait them all he wants they never learn anyway.
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Never forget the towels :ihaha:
How can I? The towels are cemented in the Hall of Shame forever :suresure:
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It's settled, Yamato and Ulti joining the crew.
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I think the main thing from what I saw is that Yamato just didn't have a meaningful enough motivation to actually sail at sea.

Brook is motivated to sail in order to deliver the song of his dead to crew a long-lost whale.

Jinbe is motivated to sail with the hopes of improving fish-men/human relations.

And Yamato, was ultimately motivated to sail just to party and drink at sea like Oden did.

Think back to Yasopp's motivation to sail, he left his wife and kid and his wife ended up dying of sickness without him being there, all to just seemingly party and drink.

If it was just a matter of it being Zoro and Sanji's fault Yamato didn't join back then, Oda could have easily given Zoro more special swords and Sanji more special suits to play around with.

So I can only conclude Yamato is in Wano there for her own benefit, to realize a more meaningful purpose to sail from Momo, since he wanted her to be free to enjoy her sailing at sea.

So after Momo proves himself, I can only imagine Momo would make some promise with her that would motivate her to sail once and for awhile, to which Momo would then give her that final push.

It's either something like that, or that Yamato dies in Wano, with her dreams dying with her.

So unless one wants to make the claim Oda is trying to make Yamato die there with her dreams without ever seeing Luffy again, then I think I'm in reason to believe the former.
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Thing is though, Oda had Yamato say she wanted to sail with Luffy In Chapter 985, yet seemed to try to take advantage of every moment possible to pair her up with Momo despite what she said previously. There were opportunities for Yamato to help Straw Hats like Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, etc. when they got into trouble or had to escape an enemy, yet the only time Yamato helped a Straw Hat other than Luffy was hitting Hatchan for Franky. It's not until the dust settled is when she introduced herself to the entire crew, and Oda only really focused on Yamato having a big moment with Momo even after she told them she'd sail with them.

Oda wouldn't have had Yamato say everything she said if she was just going to stay in Wano forever, so the conclusion I come to that makes the most sense is that Yamato is meant to be in Momo's life first before being in Luffy's life, so that Momo can basically be the one to push her into Luffy's life once and for all.

If none of that makes sense, then I encourage people to tell me what actually does.
It was plot. Oda most likely changed his mind after one month break. Most SHs already get little focus and with yamato it would be worse.

The explanation is not inverse but out of verse.