Who will be the next SH?

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Well, people are getting bored and need some entertainment, and going through nakama candidates can provide some?

Although, I personally want some manga material for analysis... Eh.
Yes, a new chapter would actually be nice.

Do you think we will go back to Egghead again? I hope and think that Oda has timed this big break just to start where he had left off in Egghead. We have already gotten the pinnacle of the side plots - so I finally want some action from the main plot again.
Yes, a new chapter would actually be nice.

Do you think we will go back to Egghead again? I hope and think that Oda has timed this big break just to start where he had left off in Egghead. We have already gotten the pinnacle of the side plots - so I finally want some action from the main plot again.
Oh, I hope the flashback is over, so we are most likely to get to Egghead.

However, there's a cliffhanger with Garp, and I would kinda like to see how his fight went, as of now I'm afraid that "big news" will be Garp dying off-screen, cementing Kuzan as a pirate and a rogue, and also confirming that there will be +1 SH. I'd love to see that fight, though.

Still, story wise, we gotta get back to Egghead, we're in the middle of the arc, and the main fights haven't even started yet.
Oh, I hope the flashback is over, so we are most likely to get to Egghead.

However, there's a cliffhanger with Garp, and I would kinda like to see how his fight went, as of now I'm afraid that "big news" will be Garp dying off-screen, cementing Kuzan as a pirate and a rogue, and also confirming that there will be +1 SH. I'd love to see that fight, though.

Still, story wise, we gotta get back to Egghead, we're in the middle of the arc, and the main fights haven't even started yet.
Yeah, you are right - the Garp-situation didn't really make sense. The old marine didn't even go against BB, but Aokiji. I still don't know what to make of it. It's just weird writing. Maybe Oda will go back to that plot once more at a later time?
Yeah, you are right - the Garp-situation didn't really make sense. The old marine didn't even go against BB, but Aokiji. I still don't know what to make of it. It's just weird writing. Maybe Oda will go back to that plot once more at a later time?
Why is it weird? There was a panel where Shanks said Teach had left Hachinosu (and we saw the corner of his ship outside of Egghead before this Sabo flashback) - so he's literally not there for Garp to fight.

We'll see what happens after Egghead or the next arc (assuming it's not Elbaf because that's bound to be a huge arc) - in the meantime, Egghead is setting up Bonney to be a really well fleshed out character - what are people's thoughts on her chances?
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I do like how you evaluate chances and hints someone puts on the table in an objective manner.
Can't say I am truly objective but I try to be!
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Why is it weird? There was a panel where Shanks said Teach had left Hachinosu (and we saw the corner of his ship outside of Egghead before this Sabo flashback) - so he's literally not there for Garp to fight.

We'll see what happens after Egghead or the next arc (assuming it's not Elbaf because that's bound to be a huge arc) - in the meantime, Egghead is setting up Bonney to be a really well fleshed out character - what are people's thoughts on her chances?
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Can't say I am truly objective but I try to be!
I believe @Rambles meant it's narrative wise weird that Garp fights Kuzan (and is likely to lose), and not BB. Now they do have connection to each other, former teacher - student bond, but yeah, if Garp dies, I'd expect BB at least to be there.

Bonney seems to be tied with Revos, she may follow Kuma's legacy, she already helped Sabo and he helped her back, so her joining Revos wouldn't surprise me.
I believe @Rambles meant it's narrative wise weird that Garp fights Kuzan (and is likely to lose), and not BB. Now they do have connection to each other, former teacher - student bond, but yeah, if Garp dies, I'd expect BB at least to be there.

Bonney seems to be tied with Revos, she may follow Kuma's legacy, she already helped Sabo and he helped her back, so her joining Revos wouldn't surprise me.
I still don't see how that's weird - who said Garp was gonna die here?

She's tied to Kuma, not the Revolutionaries, and it can be argued the Strawhats owe Kuma a lot to their survival pre-skip and for the Sunny's safety during the timeskip - both the Strawhats and the Revolutionaries share a very close bond to Kuma

Additionally, if Bonney has the Toki Toki no Mi but applies it differently to lady Toki, her devil fruit fits the Goroawase pattern of the Strawhat Pirates and their devil fruits - it's hypothetical but also makes sense. Wouldn't be surprised either way but I don't think it's fair to say that because she's spoken to Sabo once she will join the Revolutionaries. You have to remember who is she at present with right now? That group has a higher chance of recruiting her since they're literally there together

Not saying she will be a SH but I think she'd be an interesting addition
I still don't see how that's weird - who said Garp was gonna die here?

She's tied to Kuma, not the Revolutionaries, and it can be argued the Strawhats owe Kuma a lot to their survival pre-skip and for the Sunny's safety during the timeskip - both the Strawhats and the Revolutionaries share a very close bond to Kuma

Additionally, if Bonney has the Toki Toki no Mi but applies it differently to lady Toki, her devil fruit fits the Goroawase pattern of the Strawhat Pirates and their devil fruits - it's hypothetical but also makes sense. Wouldn't be surprised either way but I don't think it's fair to say that because she's spoken to Sabo once she will join the Revolutionaries. You have to remember who is she at present with right now? That group has a higher chance of recruiting her since they're literally there together

Not saying she will be a SH but I think she'd be an interesting addition
KArasu will be far more interesting addition
So, could this be taken as a possible indication that Oda has been thinking about having Yamato on the Sunny despite how Chapter 1057 turned out

I think Yamato definitely will become a strawhat. It’s just too early for her to join. Same as it was to early for jinbe to join on Fishman island. What do I mean by this? It’s simple from the beginning there was a balance in the strawhats and that was Luffy strongest, zoro second and Sanji third. Had Jinbe joined it was quite ambigues where he stands and his bounty was also bigger than Luffy’s and Zoro’s. At fishman island he could have been stronger than zoro and Sanji and maybe even Luffy. After WCI though not so much. It is clear by now that both Sanji and zoro are stronger than him. Yamato has the same problem, strength wise she is right now on the same level as zoro if not above. So Oda has postponed her joining until zoro and sanji become a little stronger and the dynamic shifts to Zoro>Sanji>Yamato. This is why he left her with an invitation just like jinbe. I assume she will join when they return for Pluto.
Yamato’s in a reasonably simple situation.

She wants to join the crew
She has an open invitation to join the crew
She can’t come until Wano is safe without her.

That means she will be a Strawhat. Only question is when. Cause at this stage, Wano being safe may well be a grand finale, war is over moment. That would leave Yamato being a Strawhat only for the last chapter, Strawhats sail into the distance for more adventures but the story is over. In which case, I‘m not counting her really.

Oda did a bad job with her on Wano. She was constantly overshadowed by Momonosuke and never really got that one big “ah good, this is why she’ll be a Strawhat in the future” moment like Jinbei giving Luffy his blood. The way the arc ended I don’t really care if she’s in the same boat as Tama as joining the crew one day in the long distant future when the series is over.
I still don't see how that's weird - who said Garp was gonna die here?
Well, Garp definitely fights Kuzan, and he does have a chance of dying there, student-mentor setup, think Anakin and Obi Wan. Plus, there was a narration bow of some big news on the last Egghead chapter, this could be it?

I'm not 100% Garp dies, it's more like 25% chance, but it's there for me. Plus it would make Luffy fight BBP rather sooner than later.

She's tied to Kuma, not the Revolutionaries, and it can be argued the Strawhats owe Kuma a lot to their survival pre-skip and for the Sunny's safety during the timeskip - both the Strawhats and the Revolutionaries share a very close bond to Kuma

Additionally, if Bonney has the Toki Toki no Mi but applies it differently to lady Toki, her devil fruit fits the Goroawase pattern of the Strawhat Pirates and their devil fruits - it's hypothetical but also makes sense. Wouldn't be surprised either way but I don't think it's fair to say that because she's spoken to Sabo once she will join the Revolutionaries. You have to remember who is she at present with right now? That group has a higher chance of recruiting her since they're literally there together

Not saying she will be a SH but I think she'd be an interesting addition
Well, I don't have much against Bonney, but I also don't think she will add a lot to the table. On a surface personality wise she's basically a female Luffy, being a hot-headed glutton (and seeing how Oda doesn't really have time for SH crew I won't be surprised if he doesn't show any more depth to her character). Her fruit is interesting, but I doubt it's the one that Toki had. Also, we still don't know what Kuma's memory was about. And Luffy gave a lift to many people, didn't he? So, for me it makes more sense for Bonney to join Revos and fulfill Kuma's legacy, but if she joins SHP, I won't be mad.
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I still don't see how that's weird - who said Garp was gonna die here?

She's tied to Kuma, not the Revolutionaries, and it can be argued the Strawhats owe Kuma a lot to their survival pre-skip and for the Sunny's safety during the timeskip - both the Strawhats and the Revolutionaries share a very close bond to Kuma

Additionally, if Bonney has the Toki Toki no Mi but applies it differently to lady Toki, her devil fruit fits the Goroawase pattern of the Strawhat Pirates and their devil fruits - it's hypothetical but also makes sense. Wouldn't be surprised either way but I don't think it's fair to say that because she's spoken to Sabo once she will join the Revolutionaries. You have to remember who is she at present with right now? That group has a higher chance of recruiting her since they're literally there together

Not saying she will be a SH but I think she'd be an interesting addition
The outlay of the situation is odd, in a way, that I still can't imagine where Oda wants to go with it. If BB were to fight Garp and the old marine would loose, I very well could imagine Oda using this to set up Luffy against BB. With Aokiji as his current opponent however, I still am not sure where he wants to lead us - or what purpose this serves.

You also could say - I cannot imagine what consequences Oda will draw out of the current setup between Aokiji and Garp and which character it will affect most.

As for the matter of the 11th crew member: We actually have one very well fitting candidate for the last seat on the sunny. The gorowase fits with his DF perfectly. He is someone, who actually fits Jinbe's description in chapter 979 of the post, the last member of the SHP needs to take up, very well: "[...] the key will be having someone who can calmly observe the state of the battle.". And this person is currently even doing so and observing the state of the battle and even gives analytical output, so Luffy and Zolo can act accordingly. He had ample introduction during Water 7 and Enies Lobby and was fleshed out there. Now on Egghead, we see him questioning the WG's decision and even ignoring given orders, which is really strange since he we know him differently - people even call him the loyal dog of the WG. The whole crew knows him and had at least once interacted with him. Him becoming the last crew member would not even mean Oda would need to flesh out the character in the upcoming arcs anymore - because he did that already.

Even if I am the only one here that thinks so - Lucci is actually the most obvious choice for the last place on the Sunny. :ihaha:
Well, Garp definitely fights Kuzan, and he does have a chance of dying there, student-mentor setup, think Anakin and Obi Wan. Plus, there was a narration bow of some big news on the last Egghead chapter, this could be it?

I'm not 100% Garp dies, it's more like 25% chance, but it's there for me. Plus it would make Luffy fight BBP rather sooner than later.

Well, I don't have much against Bonney, but I also don't think she will add a lot to the table. On a surface personality wise she's basically a female Luffy, being a hot-headed glutton (and seeing how Oda doesn't really have time for SH crew I won't be surprised if he doesn't show any more depth to her character). Her fruit is interesting, but I doubt it's the one that Toki had. Also, we still don't know what Kuma's memory was about. And Luffy gave a lift to many people, didn't he? So, for me it makes more sense for Bonney to join Revos and fulfill Kuma's legacy, but if she joins SHP, I won't be mad.
Yeah I get it - honestly the way I see it is Kuzan is most likely the guy in charge of SWORD and it’s been his prerogative to have SWORD infiltrate the different Yonko crews to keep the WG informed on their movements - it’s what Drake did and I suspect this could be what Rockstar is doing in the Red Haired Pirates. Part of this is looking the part, hence why Kuzan is fighting in the first place. More than likely I expect Kuzan will “lose” and let Coby go, possibly as an arranged exchange for Garp himself - which then gives Luffy reason to go to Hachinosu

I think Bonney adds a lot to the table. She adds to the anti-government dynamic that Jinbe, Franky and Robin carry within the crew - plus a “female version of Luffy” would be quite fun! That being said she’s far more aggressive and thoughtful than Luffy so she is different enough to be a distinguishable character, especially because she clearly holds grudges which is quite a unique trait amongst the crew.

Anyway, maybe an awakened Toki Toki no Mi time skips the user’s surroundings? It would make sense to me. Anyway, I know it’s all very hypothetical but I am only suggesting and asking these things because Oda’s clearly fleshing her out a lot here as she’s going to have a very big role in the story one way or another, and this has caught my attention.

Luffy’s given lifts to plenty for sure so I’m not saying it is happening, it’s just an interesting possibility
The outlay of the situation is odd, in a way, that I still can't imagine where Oda wants to go with it. If BB were to fight Garp and the old marine would loose, I very well could imagine Oda using this to set up Luffy against BB. With Aokiji as his current opponent however, I still am not sure where he wants to lead us - or what purpose this serves.

You also could say - I cannot imagine what consequences Oda will draw out of the current setup between Aokiji and Garp and which character it will affect most.

As for the matter of the 11th crew member: We actually have one very well fitting candidate for the last seat on the sunny. The gorowase fits with his DF perfectly. He is someone, who actually fits Jinbe's description in chapter 979 of the post, the last member of the SHP needs to take up, very well: "[...] the key will be having someone who can calmly observe the state of the battle.". And this person is currently even doing so and observing the state of the battle and even gives analytical output, so Luffy and Zolo can act accordingly. He had ample introduction during Water 7 and Enies Lobby and was fleshed out there. Now on Egghead, we see him questioning the WG's decision and even ignoring given orders, which is really strange since he we know him differently - people even call him the loyal dog of the WG. The whole crew knows him and had at least once interacted with him. Him becoming the last crew member would not even mean Oda would need to flesh out the character in the upcoming arcs anymore - because he did that already.

Even if I am the only one here that thinks so - Lucci is actually the most obvious choice for the last place on the Sunny. :ihaha:
All I know is it will lead to Luffy wanting to go to Hachinosu after Elbaf - I did write more on this above

Goroawase specifically fits Fuku Fuku, Neko Neko, Toki Toki and Nikyu Nikyu. So it’s not definitive. The key for someone to observe the battle doesn’t necessarily have to have any significant meaning but it could be a hint, key being that because it only could be it’s not certain. They already have people capable of doing this, especially Robin
Yeah I get it - honestly the way I see it is Kuzan is most likely the guy in charge of SWORD and it’s been his prerogative to have SWORD infiltrate the different Yonko crews to keep the WG informed on their movements - it’s what Drake did and I suspect this could be what Rockstar is doing in the Red Haired Pirates. Part of this is looking the part, hence why Kuzan is fighting in the first place. More than likely I expect Kuzan will “lose” and let Coby go, possibly as an arranged exchange for Garp himself - which then gives Luffy reason to go to Hachinosu
I quite like the idea. Especially since we know that SWORD did infiltrate other pirate crews as you said it. It would be an interesting twist on the whole situation.

As for the nakama debate - we just wait. I think the next chapters will be crucial (I especially want to see Shaka's face, because I think he just behaves like Lucci and they are related, which would make the "nakama thread" go crazy).
Yamato’s in a reasonably simple situation.

She wants to join the crew
She has an open invitation to join the crew
She can’t come until Wano is safe without her.

That means she will be a Strawhat. Only question is when. Cause at this stage, Wano being safe may well be a grand finale, war is over moment. That would leave Yamato being a Strawhat only for the last chapter, Strawhats sail into the distance for more adventures but the story is over. In which case, I‘m not counting her really.

Oda did a bad job with her on Wano. She was constantly overshadowed by Momonosuke and never really got that one big “ah good, this is why she’ll be a Strawhat in the future” moment like Jinbei giving Luffy his blood. The way the arc ended I don’t really care if she’s in the same boat as Tama as joining the crew one day in the long distant future when the series is over.
It's Yamatover, my guy.