Who will be the next SH?

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Yeah, Kuzan was talking about himself here, not Smoker. Did you ignore the Fujitora flashback where Smoker dedicated himself to becoming a much stronger Marine just after the events of Punk Hazard? Its clear where his commitment lies.

So basically:
1. Loguetown - being a Marine
2. Alabasta - being a Marine
3. Marineford - being a Marine
4. Punk Hazard - being a Marine

Smoker’s dissatisfaction with the events of Alabasta and Punk Hazard in particular are what lead to the flashback of Fujitoras I mentioned above. Additionally, is Garp a pirate? Did he join Roger’s crew after the God Valley incident? Does Garp enjoy all of his Marine duties? The answer to all of those questions is “No” and he is still a Marine. In this way Smoker can be seen as Luffy’s ‘Garp’ parallel - the Marine hero that will ultimately be the one that gives Luffy the most trouble.

Bro even Akainu and Fujitora are disillusioned with the Marines. Are they going to be Strawhats too? You seem to have missed the point of the final saga: to change the world Government. The Marines will undergo significant change and the Marines like members of SWORD and the admirals I mentioned will be central to that. If they aren’t, then that’s terrible writing by Oda given the lengths he’s gone to to characterize these Marines in this specific way

There’s a lot that’s going to happen in the final saga. We will likely have an arc for every one of the following islands (if not most of them):
- Egghead
- Winner
- Elbaf
- Emptee Bluff
- Hachinosu
- Lodestar
- Laugh Tale
- Final War/Mariejoa
- Some kind of epilogue arc

that’s minimum 400 chapters of content given we can say with confidence that Elbaf and the final war arcs will both be at least the length of Whole Cake (with Final War likely being larger than Wano). There’s plenty of time for Smoker to show up somewhere. It doesn’t have to be Egghead. Oda has clearly written Egghead to be a Buster Call incident, hence all the Vice Admirals. The Arc will be over in the next 10-15 real-time chapters. Not sure what this has to do with joining the Strawhats though.

Probably the same way he felt after Luffy saved Alabasta and the kids of Punk Hazard. He didn’t leave the Marines then, and he won’t leave them if he is on Egghead. Smoker is one of the characters that cares nought for history.

Just like the Admirals do. How have you not tweaked that the chances are he’s going to be a post-final war arc Marine Admiral? The chances are if he resigns from the Marines he becomes a member of SWORD, not a Pirate.

D. None, become a member of SWORD
E. He never resigns

I pick these two. You talk about this stuff like it’s inevitable
I don't see this as being inevitable, I'm personally hovering at around a 60% chance of this being possible. You've already covered the main weakness with SH Smoker, being that there still hasn't been a "straw that broke the camel's back" moment for him. I believe that Egghead (if he travels there) will be that moment, as it would conflict with his personal justice. Now, is it possible for him to instead join SWORD? Sure, it's possible. Even him remaining a normal marine is possible. I just don't think that those two options are quite as effective in completing his arc as a character.

First off, comparing the Egghead incident with the God Valley incident is a false equivalency. The Egghead incident is a pirate protecting a benign scientist from an entire fleet. God Valley is a Marine and a pirate working together to defeat a malicious pirate. The two events simply don't compare.

In regards to Garp and Smoker's similarities, I believe they differ in that Garp hasn't been framed in the same manner that Smoker has. Most of the arcs Smoker plays a role in ultimately end in disappointment for him due to his own lack of agency within the Marines. This gives Kuzan's lines in Chp 699 much more meaning. In regards to "Smoker being Luffy's Garp", I feel that there's multiple problems with this, like:

1. Powercreep; tbh, Smoker really hasn't been on Luffy's level ever since Post-TS, being ragdolled by way too many characters (ie Law, Vergo, Doflamingo) to be that "big strong Marine" that Garp represents. Luffy on the other hand has been gaining a billion powerups to cement himself as a top tier in the OPverse. If Luffy and Smoker were to fight, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being just like Luffy vs Lucci, where he just gets utterly destroyed.

2. Smoker has never been seen as the main "hero of the Marines". If anyone is most likely to fit that role (at least post-war) it's Koby, who has way superior portrayal in this regard.

All in all, Smoker simply isn't Garp. They're both different characters, each with their own arcs and traits. I won't even begin to go into discussing the other admirals mentioned, as they're clearly different from Smoker.

Smoker's own arc is him realizing that being a pirate doesn't make one inherently evil, and being a marine doesn't make one inherently good. Realizing that one can achieve justice no matter their label, and joining the SHs for this purpose. Would be a nice parallel to Kuzan joining the BB pirates and would allow for both of them to interact more once the two crews brawl.
smoker cope
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i wouldnt even put it past oda to make smoker join
but he would be a terrible addition
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smoker would be better in law's crew or lack-thereof, but even then id rather him be involved with sword even if he does get kicked out of the marines for rebelling.
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he can be the usopp of deez lakes s word (shh its shit dont tell mommy) pirates
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or brook since oda doesnt care about him
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I like to break down the current status for canadates and their fans. Tell me if I'm right for Vivi and Yamato.

Vivi fans are in a good place. They've been following the bread crumbs for nearly 14 years and all of the sudden events are coming together nicely. Personally I'm not a Vivi fan, but her relevent to the story has become clearer. Not sure what she is going to do or where she is going but it seem to be building up to an interesting payoff. Vivi has yet to develop in a meaningful way so it is anyone's guess what she'll do later. Base on some creamy hints however the world will be at war.... What would Vivi's objective be in all of this? The image below represent Vivi fans nicely aging and finding thing interesting over time.

Yamato fans are kinda strange, they actually thought her main characteristic would "character development away" over time in a series where character never change too much. I'm sure Nami will give away money selflessly or ussop won't lie and be strong eventually. They love everything about the character except the main piece... Maybe they were reading Yamato Piece, I heard it is on sale for like first 10 chapters. Yamato seemed to exist out of nowhere. Oda seemed misrable during wano talking about how Hunter X Hunter was free and he wasn't but goes on to say every other arc he wrote how he wanted. Problably an editor push after getting the angry twitter lgbtq community to love her. Seems he didn't plan too much after saying to ignore wano and get started with egghead where the real story of one piece begins. Oda handled this very well, but he likely has a lot of experience with dealing with people twice his height, overly excited to meet him, make demands upon meeting him, hasn't washed in 7 days, wants to be someone they read about in a book, never lived in the country they love. The image below represent them nicely.... Trying at full force not to be mad/angry.
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I like to break down the current status for canadates and their fans. Tell me if I'm right for Vivi and Yamato.

Vivi fans are in a good place. They've been following the bread crumbs for nearly 14 years and all of the sudden events are coming together nicely. Personally I'm not a Vivi fan, but her relevent to the story has become clearer. Not sure what she is going to do or where she is going but it seem to be building up to an interesting payoff. Vivi has yet to develop in a meaningful way so it is anyone's guess what she'll do later. Base on some creamy hints however the world will be at war.... What would Vivi's objective be in all of this? The image below represent Vivi fans nicely aging and finding thing interesting over time.

Yamato fans are kinda strange, they actually thought her main characteristic would "character development away" over time in a series where character never change too much. I'm sure Nami will give away money selflessly or ussop won't lie and be strong eventually. They love everything about the character except the main piece... Maybe they were reading Yamato Piece, I heard it is on sale for like first 10 chapters. Yamato seemed to exist out of nowhere. Oda seemed misrable during wano talking about how Hunter X Hunter was free and he wasn't but goes on to say every other arc he wrote how he wanted. Problably an editor push after getting the angry twitter lgbtq community to love her. Seems he didn't plan too much after saying to ignore wano and get started with egghead where the real story of one piece begins. Oda handled this very well, but he likely has a lot of experience with dealing with people twice his height, overly excited to meet him, make demands upon meeting him, hasn't washed in 7 days, wants to be someone they read about in a book, never lived in the country they love. The image below represent them nicely.... Trying at full force not to be mad/angry.
imagine actually thinking gay politics has anything to do with yamatos role/presence in the story
literal brain rot

Those are oda's word not mine. Here are the point paraphased
- Egghead island arc is where the real one piece begins. Skip wano.
- I'm not free writing wano. I want to be free like hunter x hunter writer
- Up until wano I wrote how I wanted.
what does that have to do with yamato and the gay people
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if you have proof ill accept it but your culture war obsession isnt that
not trying to sound rude just lazy

Ninja (not really a role / nami because kunoichi even though that went nowhere, usopp, sanji, brook, robin, idfk)
A ninja is something Luffy would want. He even is still bringing up ninjas comparing Vegapunk to one.

Plenty of Strawhats have shown ninja-esque feats but not one is dedicated to the craft.
Lookout (usopp, sanji, sleepy zoro, binoculars)
Ship Guard (zoro)
Night Watchman (zoro)
Explorer (robin, usopp, jimbei, everybody basically kinda but them especially)
Not one Strawhat is dedicated to being a lookout. A replacement would be "the best in the making".

Zoro is not a reliable Ship Guard. If he isn't napping on the ship he is likely to wander. Same with being a Night Watchman as his sleep schedule is irregular.
Apprentice (idfk kinda left them all behind at wano lol)
Cabin Boy/Girl (basically the above but not necessary as an actual position too lazy to say this less messily)
Potential apprentices in Wano were Tama and "young" Momo. Yamato and "old" Momo don't fit the bill

There were strong apprentices in the past so there could be someone new who fits.
Scientist (franky, weather nami, cooking science godhead sanjino, goofy inventor god usopp)
Surgeon (i am a surgeon dr chopper)
Master-at-Arms (for the straw hats? jimbei and nami work anyways)
Boatswain (jimbei, nami, anybody, whatever)
Sailmaker (never been relevant)
Powder Monkey (not necessary)
Diplomat (nami and jimbei)
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they dont NEED any position. if anybody else joins they might not even have a dedicated occupational role.
But everyone has a role. That would go against the other crewmates having dedicated occupational roles.
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in terms of what lacks a counterpart in other crews the red hair pirates have an apprentice and the blackbeard pirates have a kuzan
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maybe we can get akainu
I know there is jest in the statement but that would be a weird setup of opposing crews by Oda.

I think it is possible for Kuzan to be the secret Admiral of SWORD. It's strange to me that the highest ranking marines in SWORD are rear admirals...

If Kuzan is not fully committed to being a Blackbeard captain, then a headcanon replacement could be Vista. That may make Vista the First Mate depending on when he was recruited and a better opponent for Zoro then Shiryu as Vista likely cares about the WSS title.
Why would they need a surgeon when Chopper has magical bandages that stop internal bleeding?
Has it been stated that Chopper has the ability of a surgeon? Only recall him making and giving medicine.
WE HAVE ZORO, SANJI AND JIMBEI (and franky who although not generally stoic, is still "hard-boiled")
WE HAD LAW (and if you wanna be really france about it mink vice admiral "chain smoking pussy hunter" pedro)

Pedro blowing backs out...Dynamite!
The discussion of Luffy getting a 10th person still definitely isn't over considering what Oda just did with Vivi.

So unless Oda is going to throw the Will of D. into the trash, I expect he'll answer up to as to whether or not Vivi will go to Laugh Tale in order to better understand her legacy with the Will of D.