Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
A chunk of the LGB community legit want to separate themselves from the Trans and Queers because they are negatively impacting their goals. The goal of the LGBTQ is to fight for the basic human rights. They should have the same rights to living, education, jobs and retail access like everyone else. Trans and Queer communities are divided even amongst each other and argue against blatant facts, along with making new definitions on the fly, gives right wing media the ammo they need to label LGBTQ as mentally unstable child chasers as a whole.
A chunk of the LGB community legit want to separate themselves from the Trans and Queers because they are negatively impacting their goals. The goal of the LGBTQ is to fight for the basic human rights. They should have the same rights to living, education, jobs and retail access like everyone else. Trans and Queer communities are divided even amongst each other and argue against blatant facts, along with making new definitions on the fly, gives right wing media the ammo they need to label LGBTQ as mentally unstable child chasers as a whole.
What do you mean by 'retail access'?
A chunk of the LGB community legit want to separate themselves from the Trans and Queers because they are negatively impacting their goals. The goal of the LGBTQ is to fight for the basic human rights. They should have the same rights to living, education, jobs and retail access like everyone else. Trans and Queer communities are divided even amongst each other and argue against blatant facts, along with making new definitions on the fly, gives right wing media the ammo they need to label LGBTQ as mentally unstable child chasers as a whole.
Not gonna lie,if the lqbt movement wasn't associated with some crazy stuff involving trans people and so on,i would probably support it because homophobia is actually a big problem in my country.
It's that they reduced the entire trans movement as unstable Men looking to *erase* women by dressing like em and participating their toilet and sports and shit

Like totally Mens are generally some kinda predators that looking access to girls toilet
Why can't they acknowledge that physical differences between cis and trans people are a thing? Just make a trans category and be done with it