Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Gorosei Informer

Hey your thoughts on this?
*updated:King of hell is green fire not AcoA
Thats an absolutely genius concept and perfectly fitting for Zoro! Such a simple idea but with so much depth potentially! The Wado Ryu style is so ideal too, it fits with that classic Bushido belief and also resonates with Kuina, Mihawk, Koshiroe etc. Really feel the Rurouni Kenshin, Gintama and general samurai type vibes with it, especially the wandering swordsman and such. I can see Fujitora being a fan of that style too, heh. (Plus Fujitora has amazing CoO and gentle precision/precise gentleness too.)

To think of it, Oda has given Sanji two types of flames now and also two types of flames for Zoro? Colour wise? Luffy also has been able to use flames and given his new nika form, maybe he could gain white flames too?
Oda talked about the "mother flame" with Imu recently and Vegapunk mentioned an infinite energy source revolving around fire too recently IIRC?

We don't even know how or why Zoro can use Asura still and also is BOAT is CoO related, although it must be ofc? A prelude to CoO haki? Hell we still dont know how you make a blade turn black either to be fair LMAO!

I remember seeing a theory linking Zoro to the murals with the sky races that Enel found on the moon too. Linking Zoro to Skypeia as a result? It was that arc where Zoro told Enel to his face that he does not believe in/pray to God and was fearless in the face of a (false/self declared) god too. Linking Zoro by his earrings I mean. Skypeia had the "city of gold" and Wano was the "country of gold", feels like this is gonna relate to Zoro somehow, especially given his earrings are golden ofc.
This website in relation to his earrings also said something very interesting:

"Zoro is shown to be very protective of his earrings, and they are often used as a way to identify him. While the function of the earrings is never explicitly stated, it is possible that they serve as a good luck charm for Zoro. This is supported by the fact that, in the series, Zoro is shown to be very unlucky when he does not have them on."

Can someone verify if this is true? It has a LOT of weight to it if its true! A lot of implications potentially! Worth its weight in gold even haha!:zorothink:

Also we still dont know or why he lost his eye. Curious isn't it? Oda was flippant when talking about Zoro losing an eye sometime before too.

@Shimotsuki Ghostly I want to know more about Zoro’s earrings. My head canon is that Zoro mastered his three sword style. He then pierced his ear and got three earrings to commemorate the occasion!

We have Zoro’s earring possibly tying into Skypeia lore, his missing eye, asura, and black blades all of which are Zoro mysteries. I hope Oda answers them in the manga and not an SBS. He gave us his family tree in an SBS and that was painful enough.

Gorosei Informer

@Shimotsuki Ghostly I want to know more about Zoro’s earrings. My head canon is that Zoro mastered his three sword style. He then pierced his ear and got three earrings to commemorate the occasion!

We have Zoro’s earring possibly tying into Skypeia lore, his missing eye, asura, and black blades all of which are Zoro mysteries. I hope Oda answers them in the manga and not an SBS. He gave us his family tree in an SBS and that was painful enough.
Yeah I really like that idea! Wearing 3 earrings to match his mastery over the 3 sword style!

Aye, I wonder if Oda just gave us Zoro's lineage in the SBS now to "satiate" us as he has much grander plans for Zoro in future? He did say prior to the final saga that you can start reading now, the "real story" begins now! Oda has been setting up mysteries and breadcrumbs for decades now, I refuse to believe for Zoro of all characters , would get sidelined this hard and insulted by the author so much.

Oda left way too many major cliffhangers, awkward plot resolutions and mysteries with Wano. There's no way we're not seeing more of it somehow.
I refuse to believe he "forgot" to include Zoro visiting Ryuuma's grave too or that he scrapped that plotline. Thats like Usopp never meeting Yasopp or Luffy never meeting Shanks or Brook never meeting Laboon etc. Or even Zoro god forbid not getting to fight Mihawk and defeat him too!

Even if its "cope", I have to believe Oda has way more planned for Zoro than this. We have his unknown question for Vegapunk and also the mystery of Luffys dream too. I'm sure that Ethanbaron Venus whatever Gorosei, baldy with the sword is gonna be extremely relevant to Zoro one way or another too ofc and I'm certain he has the Shodai.

Oda handled Nidai and Ame no Habakiri way too fucking weirdly in Wano and I refuse to believe Zoro won't get to handle Nidai at least and even own it.

There's no way Oda is fucking up Zoro's writing this badly, I just refuse to believe it. Not yet. I really feel he's sneakily giving us hints and setting up pieces for the most elaborate and time consuming to create narrative contrapation for him. its just that agonising wait to see if this is true or just delusional dreaming and coping.
@Shimotsuki Ghostly I too refuse to believe that Oda would mess up writing Zoro this badly. We were never promised the year of Zoro, but we still got some great moments. What bothers me is that Oda set up so many plot lines for Zoro just to ignore them. I wanted Zoro to have a connection to Wano’s history, especially its lore and being called the city of gold. Why mention something like that and not go anywhere with it?


@Shimotsuki Ghostly I want to know more about Zoro’s earrings. My head canon is that Zoro mastered his three sword style. He then pierced his ear and got three earrings to commemorate the occasion!

We have Zoro’s earring possibly tying into Skypeia lore, his missing eye, asura, and black blades all of which are Zoro mysteries. I hope Oda answers them in the manga and not an SBS. He gave us his family tree in an SBS and that was painful enough.
Either SBS or two piece next generations

Gorosei Informer

@Shimotsuki Ghostly I too refuse to believe that Oda would mess up writing Zoro this badly. We were never promised the year of Zoro, but we still got some great moments. What bothers me is that Oda set up so many plot lines for Zoro just to ignore them. I wanted Zoro to have a connection to Wano’s history, especially its lore and being called the city of gold. Why mention something like that and not go anywhere with it?
Exactly man, I could not concur anymore with this than I already do. Exactly my arguments and feelings.


@Shimotsuki Ghostly I too refuse to believe that Oda would mess up writing Zoro this badly. We were never promised the year of Zoro, but we still got some great moments. What bothers me is that Oda set up so many plot lines for Zoro just to ignore them. I wanted Zoro to have a connection to Wano’s history, especially its lore and being called the city of gold. Why mention something like that and not go anywhere with it?
Emerald City + Zoro’s mother was xebec's daughter which will be revealed when rocks crew flashback happens.