Converted by sword.
Current illegal immigrants are no different from earlier invaders in Radical extremism
Read the post again, I updated it.

What about Hinduism in other countries?

The two major theories for the arrival of Hinduism in Indonesia include that South Indian sea traders brought Hinduism with them, and second being that Indonesian royalty welcomed Indian religions and culture, and it is they who first adopted these spiritual ideas followed by the masses.

Islam came to Sub-continent through traders from coastal regions. Get your facts checked.

Immigrants = Invaders?
Again, I call it BS and a cover up to oppress minorities.
Read the post again, I updated it.

What about Hinduism in other countries?

The two major theories for the arrival of Hinduism in Indonesia include that South Indian sea traders brought Hinduism with them, and second being that Indonesian royalty welcomed Indian religions and culture, and it is they who first adopted these spiritual ideas followed by the masses.

Islam came to Sub-continent through traders from coastal regions. Get your facts checked.

Immigrants = Invaders?
Again, I call it BS and a cover up to oppress minorities.
Islam came to subcontinent through barbarism and brutality of invaders who forced conversions through sword
Always hilarious to see him have dog shit takes on European politics lmfao
That's because Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Communism, (and their variants such as Capitalism, Secularism, Liberalism, Wokeism) are all from the same fount called Abrahamism, which is a world conquering socio-political-economic ideology. While some use ‘God’ others use ‘No-God’ as a prop.

Christianity was established by debunking its elder sibling Judaism.

Islam was established by negating Judaism and Christianity.

Communism was established by castigating all its elder siblings as opium of masses.

It is not reason and logic but unwavering faith and blind belief in ‘The Only God’ and in ‘The No-God’ who is always ‘He’ and never ‘She’ that not only determines your life and death here on earth but also your eternal heavenly post-life and eternal damnation in hell.

Since their advent some 2000 years ago they together slaughtered any where up to 2 billion people, annihilated so many ancient civilisations such as Roman, Greek, Aztec, Inca, Maya, Persian, pre-Islamic Arab, Australian, partly Hindu, partly Buddhist etc.

Hitler’s pogrom of Jews was entirely Christian.

While they are sworn enemies of each other and fight fratricidal wars amongst themselves but when it comes to Non-Abrahamists who are their common theological enemy, they all gang up. For instance, look at India to see how coordinated they are all against Hindus and Hindu religion.

Ironically, Christianity claims as Religion of Love; Islam as Religion of Peace; Communism as Ideology (nay Religion) of Justice etc.
Hitler was an atheist and curtailed a lot of church power.

You couldnt be more wrong once again

But hey, eating Indian nationalistic news so much makes you into an ignorant person
No. The Abrahamic ploy is proven multiple times for a civilization like India
And now around 1 billion people have seen through that and elected a Hindu Nationalist government in India to drive home a single message