That's because Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Communism, (and their variants such as Capitalism, Secularism, Liberalism, Wokeism) are all from the same fount called Abrahamism, which is a world conquering socio-political-economic ideology. While some use ‘God’ others use ‘No-God’ as a prop.

Christianity was established by debunking its elder sibling Judaism.

Islam was established by negating Judaism and Christianity.

Communism was established by castigating all its elder siblings as opium of masses.

It is not reason and logic but unwavering faith and blind belief in ‘The Only God’ and in ‘The No-God’ who is always ‘He’ and never ‘She’ that not only determines your life and death here on earth but also your eternal heavenly post-life and eternal damnation in hell.

Since their advent some 2000 years ago they together slaughtered any where up to 2 billion people, annihilated so many ancient civilisations such as Roman, Greek, Aztec, Inca, Maya, Persian, pre-Islamic Arab, Australian, partly Hindu, partly Buddhist etc.

Hitler’s pogrom of Jews was entirely Christian.

While they are sworn enemies of each other and fight fratricidal wars amongst themselves but when it comes to Non-Abrahamists who are their common theological enemy, they all gang up. For instance, look at India to see how coordinated they are all against Hindus and Hindu religion.

Ironically, Christianity claims as Religion of Love; Islam as Religion of Peace; Communism as Ideology (nay Religion) of Justice etc.
there are so many things wrong with this post...
That's because Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Communism, (and their variants such as Capitalism, Secularism, Liberalism, Wokeism) are all from the same fount called Abrahamism, which is a world conquering socio-political-economic ideology. While some use ‘God’ others use ‘No-God’ as a prop.
Bro what are you talking about.

Judaism isn’t “world conquering”, there are only 16 million Jews globally.

Furthermore secular ideologies like capitalism, liberalism, communism, etc. have nothing to do with religion.

Sounds like you are just lumping together all the things you don’t like.
Sounds like Genetic PTSD. 600 years of subservience will do that to ya 🤣

It is true that people have colonial mindset in sub continent but linking it to 600 years Muslim rule and calling it PTSD is wrong.
Hindus are just like Muslims in this case.
Turk culture is different from our culture.
Same with Persian and Afghani invaders.
Even if they were Muslims.

From what I understand, Tejas is influenced by toxic nationalism and regional power politics.

I believe if he travel the world and experience different cultures and stop listening to politicians his world view will change.

It is true that people have colonial mindset in sub continent but linking it to 600 years Muslim rule and calling it PTSD is wrong.
Hindus are just like Muslims in this case.
Turk culture is different from our culture.
Same with Persian and Afghani invaders.
Even if they were Muslims.

From what I understand, Tejas is influenced by toxic nationalism and regional power politics.

I believe if he travel the world and experience different cultures and stop listening to politicians his world view will change.
Doubt it. He’s too far gone atp.
That is true tho. India was conquered by multiple Islamic empires which no doubt contributed to the spread of Islam.
Islam came to sub continent through Muslims traders in coastal areas.

It started in Indus Valley region.

Saudi Arabia > Iran > Present day Pakistan.
Indonesia and Malaysia are also close to Indian coast.

Are you familiar with Tabligh word? (i.e., religious missionary)

This is how Islam came to sub continent;

Early missionary activity (750–1550)
Muslim missionaries played a key role in the spread of Islam in India with some missionaries even assuming roles as merchants or traders.[citation needed] For example, in the 9th century, the Ismailis sent missionaries across Asia in all directions under various guises, often as traders, Sufis and merchants.

Here is the complete Wikipedia page;

It is true that people have colonial mindset in sub continent but linking it to 600 years Muslim rule and calling it PTSD is wrong.
Hindus are just like Muslims in this case.
Turk culture is different from our culture.
Same with Persian and Afghani invaders.
Even if they were Muslims.

From what I understand, Tejas is influenced by toxic nationalism and regional power politics.

I believe if he travel the world and experience different cultures and stop listening to politicians his world view will change.
Doubt anything will change a Nationalists mindset. Not when his fellow nationalists go around lynching minorities
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This is the exact thing I am fighting against.

But rich coming from someone who was scared and got converted.

Now don't cry Islamophobia when Karma comes for you
You're not fighting nothing lmao. You're on WG.

Scared and converted? You writing a fanfic?

Karma can hop on my nuts. Don't cry when you're ideals implode and you see the consequences :goyea:
Bro what are you talking about.

Judaism isn’t “world conquering”, there are only 16 million Jews globally.

Furthermore secular ideologies like capitalism, liberalism, communism, etc. have nothing to do with religion.

Sounds like you are just lumping together all the things you don’t like.
That's because Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Communism, (and their variants such as Capitalism, Secularism, Liberalism, Wokeism) are all from the same fount called Abrahamism, which is a world conquering socio-political-economic ideology. While some use ‘God’ others use ‘No-God’ as a prop.

Christianity was established by debunking its elder sibling Judaism.

Islam was established by negating Judaism and Christianity.

Communism was established by castigating all its elder siblings as opium of masses.

It is not reason and logic but unwavering faith and blind belief in ‘The Only God’ and in ‘The No-God’ who is always ‘He’ and never ‘She’ that not only determines your life and death here on earth but also your eternal heavenly post-life and eternal damnation in hell.

Since their advent some 2000 years ago they together slaughtered any where up to 2 billion people, annihilated so many ancient civilisations such as Roman, Greek, Aztec, Inca, Maya, Persian, pre-Islamic Arab, Australian, partly Hindu, partly Buddhist etc.

Hitler’s pogrom of Jews was entirely Christian.

While they are sworn enemies of each other and fight fratricidal wars amongst themselves but when it comes to Non-Abrahamists who are their common theological enemy, they all gang up. For instance, look at India to see how coordinated they are all against Hindus and Hindu religion.

Ironically, Christianity claims as Religion of Love; Islam as Religion of Peace; Communism as Ideology (nay Religion) of Justice etc.
This post has so much historical inaccuracy:
1-No Abrahamic religion "debunked" each other.
2-Capitalism,Communism,Wokism are not derived from Abrahamic religions.
3-Christianity didn't destroy Rome(omg lmfao).The Incas,Mayas and Aztecs were already pretty much destroyed once the Spanish arrived due to many decades of drought.Many were,unfortunately,killed by diseases that Europeans brought in their bodies.Most people of Latin America descent have a mix of European,Native American,African and some other ethnicity in their dna(me included).
4-Nazism certainly had nothing to with Christianity(this is the most absurd one).Vatican was also calling out them on their evil acts.The holocaust was happening in secret since Hitler came to power,very few Germans actually knew it was going on.
Abrahamic religions have nothing to do with "conquering" and are not "Sworn enemies" of each other.Europeans started the era of navigation in search of new trade routes and resources.Christianity spread where they went,because Christians believe in saving souls(converting people).Abrahamic religions certainly do not have any kind of cohesion whatsoever to "gang up" on other religions.You are confusing politics with religion.I usually enjoy your posts,but you need to educate yourself about western history/religions properly,mate.
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