BTW, what I propose here is something that I propose for everyone if you are curious to see what kind of environment I swim into:

I'm always connected to scientific sources, left wing field militantism, neutral (as possible) news outlets and especially women, a LOT of women.

And it changes EVERYTHING.

Just try this on twitter: create a new account and follow 100 individual:

- 10 hardscience scientists (cosmologist/biologist/astrophysician)
- 10 softscience scientists (Historian, Sociologist, anthropology etc..)
- 5 sceptics (try to be careful that they are not too right leaning)
- 5 Healthcare influencer (1 psychiatrist (not a psychanalyst)/one doctor and three invisibly disabled infuencer)
- 10 influencal centrist
- 10 influencal REAL leftist
- 5 hardscience youtubers
- 5 Soft science youtuber
- 5 Lgbtq+influencer
- 1 as neutral as possible news outlet (an national news agency for exemple)
- And have fun with the rest. (youtubers / Fun/Game influencer/cat videos etc.)

AND CAREFUL, you must ABSOLUTELY have a rule: You must have the SAME number of WOMEN & MEN (societies don't count)
He's threadbanned

But I'll try to give you a Tejas-esque response:
"Immigrants may be a small number of the protesters, but they were the ones that incited the revolts.

Look up Ahmed Djouru"
Ig, French people were already angry at Macron for his job related policy changes.

But yeah, immigrants (especially Muslims) were the ones who started riots... just because it fits my agenda.