I'm always connected to scientific sources, left wing field militantism, neutral (as possible) news outlets and especially women, a LOT of women.
And it changes EVERYTHING.
Just try this on twitter: create a new account and follow 100 individual:
- 10 hardscience scientists (cosmologist/biologist/astrophysician)
- 10 softscience scientists (Historian, Sociologist, anthropology etc..)
- 5 sceptics (try to be careful that they are not too right leaning)
- 5 Healthcare influencer (1 psychiatrist (not a psychanalyst)/one doctor and three invisibly disabled infuencer)
- 10 influencal centrist
- 10 influencal REAL leftist
- 5 hardscience youtubers
- 5 Soft science youtuber
- 5 Lgbtq+influencer
- 1 as neutral as possible news outlet (an national news agency for exemple)
- And have fun with the rest. (youtubers / Fun/Game influencer/cat videos etc.)
AND CAREFUL, you must ABSOLUTELY have a rule: You must have the SAME number of WOMEN & MEN (societies don't count)