Bellamy is worth. He is someone relevant enough. Being around 50mi at the time Luffy was 100mi and putting terror on Jaya is not for everyone.
Kaido and his blunt weapon is basically a punch but whatever.
Yes Katakuri is fucking weak and Luffy is strong. Still Katakuri went down with few punches from Luffy.
Headcannon about Cracker. He went down by one hit from Luffy. Ridiculous attack but one hit still.
Leakers says "Garp show advantage when he fought black beard pirates" and "Scotch said Garp was fighting all of teach pirates not only aokiji , and apparently he's doing good .". So yes he is fighting all of them and probably taking damage from some of them. Not confirmed as you said but since he used his body to defend Coby why wouldn't he use his body to defend others?
If Garp was already busy with Aokiji he wouldn't be able to protect Coby from Shiryuu.
Invisibility did played a role against Sanji and Queen. Both having CoO. Hell people are getting attacked even without the attacker being invisible...
Garp's CoC attacks are way different from Marco's DF abilities. He is pulling some damage.
Since when is the only guy Luffy has been able to beat with a single punch relevant?
That one punch is what makes him irrelevant because it isnt the reality of Luffy's punches that take way more than one to win.
You could say the major of Orange Town is also relevant bcs he went down from one Luffy's punch as well...
A weapon is by definition superior to a fist so Kaido's club is misplaced in this discussion.
If it wasnt true, Kaido would be using fists instead of the club.
Both Luffy and Katakuri are weak, at least their versions in WCI.
Just because one can handle blunt damage better than the other doesnt mean he is strong.
>Katakuri went down from few punches... 13 is a lot more than 1.
It is not headcanon, check it for yourself. Cracker is wheezing without being hit even once.
Sure, he was finished by a very strong attack but it doesnt change the fact that he was exhausted without every being hit.
We will see who Garp fought when we get the panels.
Everything before that is an assumption based on leaks that have been misleading plenty of times before.
He would be able to protect Coby because he turned his back on Aokiji and went to rescue Coby.
Neither Sanji nor Queen are serious fighters but gags. I dont take such fights seriously and apply whatever happens there to others.
Sounds like Garp's CoC attacks arent serious enough to put Kuzan down.
We can assume that they arent serious enough to put down Shiryu either.
Imagine pulling you ultimate attack and opponents come back without serious harm... Only happens to punchers. They simply suck.