Go watch it this instant.
I found it great and unlike the Disney movies it really feels like Star Wars. I think you should watch it.
Just finished the Mandalorian, a good show, the 8 episodes are quick to watch.
I like all the aspects about the Mandalorian culture, costums, history etc. Even in The Clones Wars, Mandalore was shown a lot. I like this race of warriors.
I also like the travel : the numerous worlds we visited, the jail, etc.
The bounty hunters system and guild is cool but underdevelopped, except Mando all are irrelevant.
About the time period we have some difficulties to really know at what time we are. We know that the empire is destroyed and the new republic is here but that's it.
About the character : Mando is cool, with his code etc. He can play the bad guy but he is very much a hero.
Baby Yoda is cute x100, he is fun and his force powers cool. I think we will find out more about him in S2.
The ex trooper girl is nice too, it is a good thing to have a cool woman role.
The bad guy : nothing much to say, we have to wait S2 because he is not developped during this one.
The tone of the shown was more or less mature : deaths etc. And the hero or the main cast can be hurt. The bullshit is not very high and it is good. The only moment that was a bit bullshit was during the last episodes againts the 100 stormstroppers.
Overall a good show and I think I will watch the S2.