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I'm assuming u were scum reading them before

Town u is typically more confident in her reads and doesn't change her mind easily
I just lost a town game where I was too confident in my reads so I’m still shook from that.
didnt think this day would come
agreeing with Ultra 👀

Vote lynch Ekko
guy is grasping
That was quick
What's with all the entrance analysis :catpole:
Kagura is scum. She’s pocketing Ultra and Ratchet so far.
This post here, from my boy Charlie.
I smell the agenda, it's bloody gnarly
Reading it twice, makes me go yuck
If this guy's town, his name aint chuck

Aight so he might do something like this as town
Strong read it aint, you know he's a clown

Now struggle with Ekko, a read to make
Gun to head, Imma let him bake
Veto I do, his lynch day one
Now peace out, I'll see you anon
Someone invest Charlie please.
If stupid is equating to how you've been playing and your performance so far in day 1 here then I agree. You haven't moved past Ultra, me, or anyone else on you. You aren't solving, your sheeping your loyalty to Prof, and haven't done much else. As I said earlier you are coming off rattled and unable to progress.

I suggest you work harder at improving my image of you, because nothing you've done has felt authentic at all.
Ekko needs to give reads. If he did, I totally missed it.


Certified Memelord
Yes, that is what I was referring to!

As this is a Pokemon round I´m having the vague idea that Midnight might be able to evolve his pokemon into a more powerful one if he sacrifices his voting power for a cycle. I admit, this might be NAI, but still, he could as well be trolling us completely like he did in JJK round when he was making up stuff he did not actually know or by giving us a false census.
ok we agree then, and i said watching him directly last game i perceived that he reeks of agenda as scum. maybe i had host tmi so it was easy for me to detect, but i dont feel like hes doing it here except in his last post where he said "who said the 0 VP is permanent".

feel free to vote him up and see, not stopping u!
Post them again because I'm not going through 50+ pages of spam to find them.

thats straight up cap ive been doing more than almost everyone. thread is just dead so im drawing blood from stone
Also when I was catching up most of it was me seeing you just reacting to Ultra and others voting you. So maybe I missed it but I'll need you to post your compiled reads.
Well, Fang didn't strike me as obvious town right away so that's something i probably should look into. I'll have to ISO UwU/Mitch/Lanji. I remember them posting but can't remember anything they've been saying tbh.
@Ekkologix so i looked them up

Going with "vibe"/"gut feeling", after looking at fang's posts i still can't say i think he's town. He sounds more reserved i think. I thought it would get more obvious. Hmm... Maybe Indie, question mark. I don't think i've ever seen indie Fang.

I'd actually like to get read on him from a few people. @Ratchet @Flower @Naomi for example

UwU is JW, right? So scum in Dressrosa and town in Harry Potter. Well, in Dressrosa game he practically disappeared at some point. In Harry Potter he had some hot takes (reads) but welp, he had them. I think i remember he's not a fan of D1 (as town) so i'd wait and see what he'll do next cycle. So far it's nothing, but it's nai imo.

Mitch has only 20 posts and all of them are fluff. @MitchMatch yo, anything game related? you might end up lynched/vigged, mate

Lanji welp... Not much here. He wants to push Ultra and sees something there but it kinda went nowhere. Also this "who are we voting today". I can't remember, how often does town Lanji sheep people?

So basically out of these people Mitch is posting for sake of posting. You could say same thing about Lanji but he at least have some game related posts. UwU i'd like to revisit next DP. Fang i'm paranoid about rn.

I'd appreciate any feedback tbh
@Ekkologix so i looked them up

Going with "vibe"/"gut feeling", after looking at fang's posts i still can't say i think he's town. He sounds more reserved i think. I thought it would get more obvious. Hmm... Maybe Indie, question mark. I don't think i've ever seen indie Fang.
This doesn't really jive for me. Would you actually care to explain how you came to this conclusion that you think I'm indie or non-town or even scummy going by that extension of thought? How am I playing reserved here? Do you have evidence to back this up? What clues or behavior have I exhibited that would demonstrate that I am operating outside of my town-meta?
Also need to actually ISO Charlie's posts because I'm seeing most of his posts have been sidelong sniping commentary and that is raising my suspicion a bit. Its happened more then a few times already.
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