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Certified Memelord
He buddied him since the start of the game, are you surprised?
r u jealous?

Why you got dest/prof as town
both from their early game posts

dont get agenda from X in coming and starting a town group with naomi and the rest and trying to get to me town read pot. why do u have sus on him? u consider urself a pretty good reader of him so do tell pls

prof is shitposting in townie way making those jokes in his entrance seem comfy to post in thread. i know its likely multiball and can be scum hunting another faction but i have no issue with his early conq observation and his responses to ratchet were fine
Honestly, I just think your posts are more elaborate and less emotional. Or rather, less confrontational would make more sense. I'm not convinced you're scum btw. I'm adressing my concern and asking others for their opinion.
You've barely played any games with me though?
Psychic's mafia Greek Mythology game was on NF which is generally a more relaxed setting unless your dealing with Ratchet or Ultra or Ekko specifically I was tunneling you and Kobe who were scum team most of the game. I was even more "relaxed" as the scum jailor/duelist in Melkor's recent game. I killed you ironically night 1 because Ratchet used a rule bending to protect himself from getting voted and lynching Psychic/Ultra.

Most recent games either you or me have died like either day 1 or night 1 or 2. I don't really buy your line of reasoning or thoughts to establish this argument that I'm being OOC.


Certified Memelord
@Ekkologix so i looked them up

Going with "vibe"/"gut feeling", after looking at fang's posts i still can't say i think he's town. He sounds more reserved i think. I thought it would get more obvious. Hmm... Maybe Indie, question mark. I don't think i've ever seen indie Fang.

I'd actually like to get read on him from a few people. @Ratchet @Flower @Naomi for example

UwU is JW, right? So scum in Dressrosa and town in Harry Potter. Well, in Dressrosa game he practically disappeared at some point. In Harry Potter he had some hot takes (reads) but welp, he had them. I think i remember he's not a fan of D1 (as town) so i'd wait and see what he'll do next cycle. So far it's nothing, but it's nai imo.

Mitch has only 20 posts and all of them are fluff. @MitchMatch yo, anything game related? you might end up lynched/vigged, mate

Lanji welp... Not much here. He wants to push Ultra and sees something there but it kinda went nowhere. Also this "who are we voting today". I can't remember, how often does town Lanji sheep people?

So basically out of these people Mitch is posting for sake of posting. You could say same thing about Lanji but he at least have some game related posts. UwU i'd like to revisit next DP. Fang i'm paranoid about rn.

I'd appreciate any feedback tbh
actually had mitch as weak townish from way of fluff. seems like with JJK. null/town

lanji is only werid for actually agreeing with me as opposed to usual when hes against me and calling me shit player etc.. can be a blindspot for me

JW im gna rescind my weak town read off if he continues doing nothing but shading. as scum he tends to shade more and be slightly informed of thread, similar to aries. as town he does fk all


Certified Memelord
I´m not really able to get any reads for UwU or Mitch myself but from my previous round´s experiences regarding LANJI I´d say that he is a kinda underrated player and him doing such a T-Pein style thing like asking that and just sheep someone is feeling strange to me.
mitch is going to be easy to read when actions come out
But if you must know. I agree with Tpein that had a defeatist attitude. More over, unless I missed something, I don’t see you being worried about a mislynch. Are you jester my Kekko?


Certified Memelord

Any other reason besides this?

Why Prof? Because your friends? Why did you change your read on Psychic?


Why again?
naomi on town meta shitposting gifs, finding early town, being paranoid of certain players

reloaded also on town meta for similar reasons to naomi, i dont know how well he can replicate this as scum. id imagine he'd be tad more nervous

gave reasoning for prof to ultra

flower u've played favs urself u know where my read is coming from

ratchet my weakest TR. while i disagree with take on prof i dont think he comes off from a scummy angle. need to see more from him rly. not a big fan of him going inactive after the PR. my position on him will be if he doesnt do shit by day 2 we can cast him to fire

Well that's nice but I've interacted with plenty of players. When I did a more recent quick ISO of your posts, you were still until an hour ago mainly interacting with people who were voting or sussing you. Kind of ironic to make this claim about my direction on you, isn't it?
demonstrably untrue
also most of my voters voted me AFTER i interacted with them because they r scum or town that cant see beyond whats in front of them


Certified Memelord
But if you must know. I agree with Tpein that had a defeatist attitude. More over, unless I missed something, I don’t see you being worried about a mislynch. Are you jester my Kekko?
such a loaded question

first its gross to think im being defeated just cuz i was being annoyed of people (psychic at the time) scum reading me for not being memey and joking around. i felt the read was unjust to scum read someone for actually trying to solve the game

also neither u, nor tpein, have established how this is a scum tell
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