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The End and the Beginning
Also think Charlie is likely town from the way he handled end of day

By the way @Charlie I dunno if you missed the post but Flower was basically angling for you to be killed after you wasted your ability to confirm her so that she could be fully confirmed - I dunno why you got so defensive.

@Flower Stop with the truth telling please I don't want to have to make a ruling against it, I don't think you want to rely on that stuff too
as long as this is town victory! :endthis:
We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering. You ask, what is our policy? I can say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is town victory, town victory at all costs, town victory in spite of all terror, town victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without town victory, there is no survival.



The End and the Beginning
Y’all let Ratchet case me for a bit lol
There isn't a lot more I have to say on it because you were AWOL for a bit too - I just think as town you'd be campaigning to get votes of Flower like Charlie had, here you kept engaging with her on the easy to argue points that she was giving you which logically were superior to what she was saying but didn't actually look like you doing due diligence or whatever

I'm happy to get the quotes if needed
There isn't a lot more I have to say on it because you were AWOL for a bit too - I just think as town you'd be campaigning to get votes of Flower like Charlie had, here you kept engaging with her on the easy to argue points that she was giving you which logically were superior to what she was saying but didn't actually look like you doing due diligence or whatever

I'm happy to get the quotes if needed
No u


How did kiku make me waste an ability?
How did u know she used heat wave?
My ability lasts a cycle though.
She outright admitted it.
Okay, then it lasts for night phase too, okay. Couldn´t know that.

Btw, what did you do last night? You have not simply used something on Kagura because of your dispute last day, have you?
Haven't got time to catch up, I'll do that tomorrow morning- but reading g over the end of day I really think Prof is scum lol. I grabbed the post below - his progression around Flower was horrible. Ultra raised a good point regarding how he threw away his tell on Kagura when it was convenient (btw @Psylocke this co-operation thing isn't going so well, I said Kagura was lean town and tried to convey why as best i could at the time, but you completely ignored this and I want an explanation) and his final vote on inactive Conq left much to be desired. But the big thing that keyed me on was how he handled Flower.

This post is basically him asking g Ultra to give him a reason to keep his vote on the wagon - he's not interested in scumhunting so much as he is being safe afterwards.

In other words just sheep me on this guy I'm literally never wrong

Vote: Dr_Professor83
Thanks for letting me know you’re mafia.
Plz y’all order me to shoot him lol
You can kill Ratchet. Lol


The End and the Beginning
You think she’s Town tho?
Well then how would she be telling a half truth?
Basicslly these are valid points but he never turns it into suspicion when he really ought to be.
Flower you yourself accuse people of game throwing in this situation
Where does Kiku come into this?
Why would he have to flip?
And these do nothing to help - just talking about minor logical issues in her defence instead of analysing the wider picture
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