News One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 PV2


I will never forgive Oda
He’s in PW3, such a beast of a character
I only got into the franchise at 4, sadly never had the chance to play him
Speaking of Skypia, Enel was already among the most fun to play with characters in Pw3, they could have done so much with him in Pw4, same goes for Kuma and Magellan...Yeah indeed, they really improved the levels compared to Pw3 a lot, you can really feel the scale in Pw4, also the destructable enviroment was a welcomed addition.

Also they need to work on the variety of game modes, playing the story was fun and all, but besides that the game got stale pretty quickly.
I'd love a custom campaign type deal. Kinda like Dynasty Warriors Empires, where you can make your own empire regardless of faction and conquer new territories by invading the map and winning the battle. With a good enough character and map roster, this'd be fun.


I'd love a custom campaign type deal. Kinda like Dynasty Warriors Empires, where you can make your own empire regardless of faction and conquer new territories by invading the map and winning the battle. With a good enough character and map roster, this'd be fun.
100%, Man, I had the same idea for years, like turn the "Throne Wars" into a game mode, or dedicate it a spin of entirely until the story has progressed enough to go for another Pw.

My idea:
You choose a faction:
- Revolutionary
- Marine/Wg
- Pirate

In the beginning the character selection would be limited to relatively weak characters to have a feel of progression throughout the game:

- Sabo without Mera
- Koala maybe

- Pre Ts versions of Tashigi, Smoker, or Coby

- East Blue goons as Kuro, Don Krieg, Buggy and Arlong
- Pre ts Strawhats with the exception of Jinbei
- Pre ts Worst Gen member, with the exception of Teach

From there you jump into hubworld and you gonna start in one of the Blues
The timeline begins at the start of Luffy's journey

Key Features for all factions:

- Conquer territorys
- Recruit new crewmates/member of your unit by improving your reputation, doing certain tasks, rise in ranks etc
- Basic Ressource managment as hiring fodder, improving your ship and defenses on your conquered territories etc
- Rise in ranks
- World events from the manga, as Whitebeard making his move at a specific day etc you can join
- Giving your teammembers basic orders ingame and on the hubworld
On the Hubworld you would be able to choose which characters gonna defend your territories, or start even their own attempt of conquering
Ingame it be split up to:
Follow me
Defend Territory X
Attack Territory X
- Upgrade your characters by doing certain tasks, or with enough Berry
You Start as East Blue Luffy with a limited basic moveset - > upgrade him by fighting/investing berries to level up - > Invade El to learn G2/3 - > upgrade him further to learn more moves -> Have done a specific task to turn him into his Post Ts version -> upgrade him further to learn more moves > overthrow Doffy to use G4 > Invade Wci to learn Snakeman and Fs etc
- Recruiting characters/rising in ranks as Marine allows you to play as them and unlocks them to be available from the start in your next run

Faction specific features:
- No Idea rn

- Rise in ranks by accomplishing certain orders, conquering territories and capturing pirates/revos
Higher rank = more territories at your disposal to control, more ressources available and you recive authority over other characters
- At some point by fullfilling certain tasks, you'd be able to join CP9 and later on CP0

- Earn bounties
- Increase your reputation to be offered the position of an Warlord
- Join one of the Emperors, or overthrow them to become one yourself allowing you to have more allies at your disposal on top of your max 10 crewmates

Gorosei Informer

And there you go.

Onigashima Luffy
Gear 5th
Onigashima Law costume
GEAR 5TH?! But no Calamities?! LMAO! FFS I knew they would go for ridiculous choices, the biggest money grabs lol.
No Green Bull either SMH.

Ofc we get Uta especially lmfao. I'm happy we might get Roger playable FINALLY though!
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Seems to be taken down from imgur? Imgur claims it doesn't exist but imgur is being real fucking weird for me too.

I did a backup too:
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Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
GEAR 5TH?! But no Calamities?! LMAO! FFS I knew they would go for ridiculous choices, the biggest money grabs lol.
No Green Bull either SMH.

Ofc we get Uta especially lmfao. I'm happy we might get Roger playable FINALLY though!
They're coming in character packs and not all at once. And none of them were in the same pack. Looked like 3 characters a pack.

I just posted all that were confirmed right there.

Gorosei Informer

They're coming in character packs and not all at once. And none of them were in the same pack. Looked like 3 characters a pack.

I just posted all that were confirmed right there.
Oh shit so we're getting more than 1 pack?! Like before?! That makes a lot more sense! It was 3 characters a pack last time too.

Ah thats great then, tyvm for all the info anyway man!

Gorosei Informer

So still no calamities? LOL

Very happy to hear about Garp, Roger snd Rayleigh! Hybrid Kaido and Yamato too!
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Law gets a new costume and possibly moveset potentially with awakening, Law was in Red too but Kidd gets snubbed again?!

Kidds in PW4 already but now he can have a proper moveset if they would let him! Plus awakening too, BAH!
Uta was a given. But I’m salty that they never put any of the other movie characters :lusalty:

I have to wonder how much this developers knows because there is not a better time to make Koby a playable character. The timing is too perfect :saden:

And Rayleigh at last:perocry: