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Yeah, that vote is dumb lol.

> literally just got home from work at midnight after a stressful party.
> hasn‘t even read the full thread and just points out something which pinged her.
> gets called apathetic.

Top kek. Ratchet knows better and has no excuse. He can go.

And I go to sleep now. GN.

Vote Ratchet.
Good Night flower Chan! :sweat::catpole:
Yes but I'm pretty sure it's intentional on her part, she always does this. You know I always quite liked Yandere characters but Naomi is a referendum on them I might need to revise that opinion.

I should probably just disregard her slot from here on out to be honest
You know Ratchet, contrary to what you might believe.....sometimes it's not all about you.

Well once he has killed the Mafia in his wincon we can always revisit the topic can't we? I'm not really seeing why he must needs be dealt with today - even if it's all baloney he doesn't have much of a race left (and I do think he's probably truthful about most elements - not the lynchproof parts)
Should we lynch Michelle today or have Dest shoot her tonight?


The End and the Beginning
Yeah, that vote is dumb lol.

> literally just got home from work at midnight after a stressful party.
> hasn‘t even read the full thread and just points out something which pinged her.
> gets called apathetic.

Top kek. Ratchet knows better and has no excuse. He can go.

And I go to sleep now. GN.

Vote Ratchet.
Alright well you can respond to what I said tomorrow then? Lose the attitude, you voiced suspicion on Charlie more than being pinged, you seemed ready to suggest a lynch on him actually.

Flower I don't really believe you think he's scum but if you have the case then present it as soon as you can.
Alright well you can respond to what I said tomorrow then? Lose the attitude, you voiced suspicion on Charlie more than being pinged, you seemed ready to suggest a lynch on him actually.

Flower I don't really believe you think he's scum but if you have the case then present it as soon as you can.
charlie admitted to being a opportunist to get town creds
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