Gorosei Informer


LMFAO, it was nice knowing you guys! I'm about to take a "Divine Departure"!

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Netflix didn't feel like wasting money on second best swrodsman shanks when they have Mihawk to wank


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:ihaha: I deserve it.

But I'll weasel my way outta of it like always :pepebusi:
Weasel? An interesting choice of word there...

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Netflix didn't feel like wasting money on second best swrodsman shanks when they have Mihawk to wank

taklu you realize I m one of those very few rare shanks fans who loves mihawk and doesn't think shanks os WSS right??

LMFAO, it was nice knowing you guys! I'm about to take a "Divine Departure"!

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Weasel? An interesting choice of word there...


Gorosei Informer

Right before the ban hammer
The Ban Hammer of Elbaf, Mjolnir! Rumours are it was used to ban Thanos and turn him into Bannos, but then he came back as @BangOO🍅 (BangOO away - Ban Go Away)

I always feel a surge of Moderators Haki when I see that emote from Al. Now I'm picturing Shanks vs Green Bull with Al using that emote to "ban" Kinyagi from Wanogen with his supreme, overwhelming Moderators haki.

Its so powerful it's rumoured to have even "banned" Admin Pantheos and turned him into "Bantheos" after a Divine Departure from here! He did the impossible! Plus a betrayal of such magnitude that would make @Mr. Reloaded jealous!

"You dare use my admin powers against me Al Sama?"

(Don't ask, over a week of insomnia has made me very weird ( actually weirder) lately LOL)
That speech scene from Oppenheimer is living rent free in my head, man that was so good
The final speech, the gym scene, the buildup towards the test, the interrogation breaking him or even some of those fantastic scenes in the beginning of him having those visceral visions towards the quantum world. I'm still quite shook by all of them 2 days after watching the movie

and the soundtrack.... . this could be an unpopular opinion but for me Ludwig's work here surpassed even some of Zimmer's best. It's perhaps not as versatile as Zimmer's but that one score used by Ludwig is just impossible to put into words, there's nothing I've heard quite like it. Especially these two

Have been pretty sad these past couple of days that there wouldn't be a theatre experience like this for quite a while...
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