The IOM, now embedded within the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), concluded there was more than sufficient evidence that, beyond reproductive biology, there were major differences in the biology of women and men that greatly affected their health and influenced treatment and prevention strategies.

Importantly, the committee emphasized that neither the health of women nor men is simply a product of biology but is also influenced by sociocultural and psychological experience. To differentiate between these broad areas of investigation, the members created working definitions of “sex” — when referring to biology — and “gender” — when referring to self-representation influenced by social, cultural, and personal experience.

I guess all of you know more about sex vs gender than the Yale school of medicine. Especially those of you who just graduated from high school.
It actually is because everybody base on science to justify their beliefs in atheism.
Well, no.

You are just making shit up or regurgitating shit from your favorite religious apologist.

This is far from true lmao
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Science doesn't need any belief system to work.
Which is why religious people also do and value science
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Ok you are just trolling right?
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Well, no.

You are just making shit up or regurgitating shit from our favorite religious apologist.

This is far from true lmao
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Which is why religious people also do and value science
I'm trying to use a new epistemologic technique to try to deconstruct his argumentation. I just need a reply from his part.
It's the belief that god doesn't exist.
Thats still not true, but even if, that doesnt constitute a belief system

I believe in bigfoot, is that a belief system?

You seriously are so extremely wrong on this topic its amazing
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No, atheism is not a belief. Its the ABSENCE of belief.

You would find it strange that I say that you are a believer that harry potter magic is not real, right? Well its the same.

Atheists are not believers. They don't need to be
I mean there are atheists who believe what he claims, but there are plemty atheists who are agnostic atheists who just dont actively believe in god (like me)
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I can find definition of what I'm saying too.
Yes, because both is part of atheism

Explicit and implicit atheism.

I told you pages ago about this distinction, but apparently you are immune to learn new information

Even the most well-known atheist richard dawkins doesnt subscribe to the version of atheism you claim is the only one.
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Are you a believer ?
Would be very surprised if he wasnt
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Congrats, you are an atheist
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I mean there are atheists who believe what he claims, but there are plemty atheists who are agnostic atheists who just dont actively believe in god (like me)
That's why I brought a more precise definition of atheism.*** Sceptic have studied this question. And indeed, even atheist get lost in the definitions.

Would be very surprised if he wasnt
He is agnostic. What I will try to demonstrate to him is that he doesn't have to talk at the place of atheist.

*** the definition being that atheism is more of a state of the belief rather than a belief in itself. Sceptics (at least french one as I'm more aware of french sceptic, consider that atheism is the absence of belief in a particular god.

In short, you can be a believer in Allah but you will be atheist of everyother deities. Meaning that you believe in Allah and have an ABSENCE of belief in other deity.

That's why I think we should be careful when we say "I'm an atheist". The most precise answer should be (in your case for example) "I'm atheist of every god there is.

AL sama

Red Haired
Naturally. Politics is complicated and nuanced, but so many turn it into a simple black n' white, good vs evil. There are only 2 sides and you are either with me or against me and since I'm a good person who wants the best for everyone, you must be a bad person who wants the worst for everyone.
this kinda applies to everything cause nothing is truly black and white
This is bullshit made up in the last century and used by leftist in their woke agenda.
Yes the western woke agenda also invented gayness and women's voting rights, you are right the west is 100% evil and must be taken down for the benefit and glory of the human race.
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Should I explain?

This is a female. The observed physical characteristics are vagina, womb, ovaries, wider skeleton structure around the hips, YY chromosome. The physical characteristics are observed, classified hence allows the human to be classified as female.

Genders are identities that one is associated with. A male human can state he associate with being a female but his sex will still be male based on his observed physical/functional characteristics. Science is not about being woke, science is about observing, classifying, re-classifying, and hypothezing about "Stuff".

Science at it base is simply rigorous observation.
Atheism is a position held with certainty that there isn't a god.

If you have to substantiate it you have to appeal to a different cause unless there are other argumentation i am not aware of.. Like appeal to no cause.. Which still seems natrualistic

Ofc that mental gymnastics comes in the form of science, philosophy and argument against what theists claim directly like attributes of god etc

Because atheism is an appeal to naturalistic causes not supernatural.. that universe and existence came to being by a random natrual event.

That's the fundamental difference between atheism and theism and you have to appeal to science and logic to argue the atheistic position.

So saying that athiesm doesn't entail beliefs is dim-witted and ignorant

Its a belief in naturalistic causes of the universe and not supernatural.

Beheadings are my favorite political topics :blush:
Lets go and discuss it in Afghanistan
I'm sure they'll have proper answers
My point is that there will be a time when robot behavior and functionning will be indestinguishible(?) from human's behavior and fonctionning. With everything it uncompass : sentience / emotions etc. Maybe more..
Behavior ≠ emotions
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You I'm happy this hasn't come to country and im gonna try my level best to become a government official to ban this whole stuff to even enter my country. .

This concept was never heard of in the past and never should have existed.
It's like Y'all so comfortable that you start making new problems because there isn't any.
2 days ago you wanted to come to the Netherlands for euthanasia and now you want to be a government official?:saden:
caping much fam??

can't you see what he is trying?? lol
I think he is just trolling at this point
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In practice people pretty much turn it into a religion
Who does? And how?
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Atheism is a position held with certainty that there isn't a god.

If you have to substantiate it you have to appeal to a different cause unless there are other argumentation i am not aware of.. Like appeal to no cause.. Which still seems natrualistic

Ofc that mental gymnastics comes in the form of science, philosophy and argument against what theists claim directly like attributes of god etc

Because atheism is an appeal to naturalistic causes not supernatural.. that universe and existence came to being by a random natrual event.

That's the fundamental difference between atheism and theism and you have to appeal to science and logic to argue the atheistic position.

So saying that athiesm doesn't entail beliefs is dim-witted and ignorant

Its a belief in naturalistic causes of the universe and not supernatural.

Lets go and discuss it in Afghanistan
I'm sure they'll have proper answers
Yall dont get what atheism is. Pretty funny

atheists dont necessarily reject all kinds of the supernatural btw, like ghosts for example, or god/higher power in the deistic sense. . .

Atheism in essence is just the answer "no" to the question "do you believe in god/gods?"

So saying that athiesm doesn't entail beliefs is dim-witted and ignorant

Its a belief in naturalistic causes of the universe and not supernatural.
Doesnt apply to atheism in general, applies to atheists who subscribe to materialism or something.

But then again, thats philosophy, you dont need to care or know about philosophy to be an atheist.
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