Future Events On Zoro vs Shiryu

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Shiryu has been very, very unimpressive.

As is I can't even place him above King.

He seems to be a low diff for the likes of Garp in a 1 vs 1, let alone Top Tiers in their prime.

He doesn't seem to have what it takes to give Egg Head Zoro a King level fight, let alone Raftel Zoro.

I feel like Shiryu needs a massive power up to give Zoro a difficult fight at Raftel.

Alternatively, it could be that I'm just massively overrating Zoro.
Do you think Dragon Damnation is a Flying Slash Attack or not?..
Yeah, because it was a slam not an actual attack let alone with any type of haki. Garp was fucked thanks to Kuzan lol.
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Never expect from Oda to start and give all supreme grades left and right at this point.
Actually Garp started Wobbling after Shiryu attack in that same panel Shiryu takes his sword out and is literally getting back up in the next frame. No name attack from Shiryu got Iron garb Wobbling. Shiryu literally fine at the end of the chapter
Tried to sneak Coby, but Garp knew. Meaning invisibility is useless on him in a straight 1v1, at least based on his current DF mastery.

Even after stabbing, got smacked down quick, bloodied and huffing.

Yeah, in a pure 1v1, dude will get low diff'd
Kaido got smack down by Luffy on the roof. Whats your point?? Shiryu literally is getting up in the nect frame. Garp wobbling right after from a no name attack. I ask again when did Garp low diff Shiryu or prove he can
Kaido got smack down by Luffy on the roof. Whats your point?? Shiryu literally is getting up in the nect frame. Garp wobbling right after from a no name attack. I ask again when did Garp low diff Shiryu or prove he can
I already explained.

Garp proved that Shiryu's current DF mastery is useless on him, it's as if he's only facing base Shiryuu.
That attack will never land in a pure 1v1.

Garp will beat the shit out of Shiryuu, while maybe he lands one blow if lucky.

It's a low diff
Bit of a mix between option 1 and 4 (but more of option 1). Shiryu hasn't had his DF for more than a month or two right? So I expect him to power up decent bit, unlocking awakening and maybe even his sword getting a DF one if not already. Said awakening can then become extremely OP to people who even have very good CoO like Zoro, requiring next level CoO to defeat.
Tried to sneak Coby, but Garp knew. Meaning invisibility is useless on him in a straight 1v1, at least based on his current DF mastery.

Even after stabbing, got smacked down quick, bloodied and huffing.

Yeah, in a pure 1v1, dude will get low diff'd
The fact Shiryu still got smacked despite setting up a whole plan with a bait to land a sneak attack on Garp and then only reappeared after Garp was defeated says a lot on how a fair fight would go between them lol
But to fair Garp's haki is likely much more advanced than Zoro. He seems more like of an COA/COC type but his COO must be top tier too


Kitetsu Wanker
He proved that he can sense Shiryuu invisibility, because he knew where exacctly Shiryuu was going.

Meaning, in a pure 1v1 he won't get hit from invisibility.

Yea, you just talking to talk
The issue is, why did he get hit in the first place despite knowing it all?
Why didnt he low diff Shiryu?
Garp knew his intent and everything and still couldnt stop him.
And wait for Shiryu to bust out named moves, DF Awakening and another DF.
It is Garp who is getting low-diffed and you will agree after you see Shiryu's full skillset.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
But to fair Garp's haki is likely much more advanced than Zoro. He seems more like of an COA/COC type but his COO must be top tier too
Is Garp even confirmed to have Haoshoku coating? His Impact attacks looked no different from Coby's and Coby hasn't even awakened basic COO.
Is Garp even confirmed to have Haoshoku coating? His Impact attacks looked no different from Coby's and Coby hasn't even awakened basic COO.
Galaxy Impact and Galaxy Divide has the exact same visual cues as COC, from the thick town leght black lightning trails to the sfx. If that's not COC then I don't know what COC is even supposed to look like
Koby's attack did not produce thick and long black lightning
Honestly I hope Zoro fights someone cooler, Shiryu lost all hype to me the moment he was revealed to have Absalom's powers. This is such a L fruit that even shiryu fans want him to get another fruit somehow