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I miss this forum during break weeks man
When people were ready to eat each other alive?
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You're a disgrace to the WSS title and CoA.. Black Blades are not CoA, it's AdCoC cause AdCoC is cooler and stronger right..
Why am I a disgrace to WSS title and CoA? 😭😭😭...
Ofc it's Adcoc.
Adcoc is stronger and cool that's a fact as well.
Lmao this is what y'all do. Can't accept fact and Go for insults then 😂😂😂😂.
What you said was not a fact it was an assumption, where is your proof which confirms your assumption that everyone would have died without Zoro. He played his part and everyone praised him but no one ever said that they would be a goner if he didn't block that attack. I think a different story plays in your head. But you still stop wanking won't you???:suresure::suresure:


Context matters. Roger recognized Prime Sengoku, not current old, white haired Sengoku.
Now he is old, easily tired, put him against Master of Stalling like Golem Pica, it is game over for Sengoku.
U refuse to believe you are serious, old garp cracked pizarro's skull and coby broke his arm.

Sengoku wouldnt even need his haki to deal with an inferior version of pizzaro, regular shockwaves would be enough


What you said was not a fact it was an assumption, where is your proof which confirms your assumption that everyone would have died without Zoro. He played his part and everyone praised him but no one ever said that they would be a goner if he didn't block that attack. I think a different story plays in your head. But you still stop wanking won't you???:suresure::suresure:
ZKK fans refuse to understand that zoro will never be that relevant lol.


What you said was not a fact it was an assumption, where is your proof which confirms your assumption that everyone would have died without Zoro. He played his part and everyone praised him but no one ever said that they would be a goner if he didn't block that attack. I think a different story plays in your head. But you still stop wanking won't you???:suresure::suresure:
Kamasuri Took out a whole Crew
Hakai > Kamasuri and these were just 5 people with not even good defense. Just human standards. They ain't surviving lmao.
Luffy nearly died with Thunder bagua.... Everyone took severe damage just from one Adcoc user. Two together and the scale of attack. Would have wiped them all out. Trust you are the only with This pathetic view. 😂😂😂
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