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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
So… we skipped Kuma's backstory
Kuma's backstory will be brought up at a relevant point in the future.

Really annoying it got offscreened, though.

At this point I wish Oda had never done the Saturn/Kizaru are coming to Egghead bit, and had them showing up be a complete surprise.

We've wasted too much time prepping for it, and it's made the hype too high for Oda to fulfil that hype.
Thanks to Redon. 17 pages.

__**ONE PIECE 1089: Barricading Incident**__
> Cover Request: A cow waiter on 2 legs brings Nami a love letter from Sanji (that is hiding outside).
> The chapter starts at Foosha Village, Woop Slap is reading about Garp in the newspaper. Woop Slap trusts that Garp would be fine. Makino's son is laughing at Luffy's photo in the newspaper (it's a normal Luffy photo, not Gear 5). Makino talks with her son.
> Makino: "You've grown to like Luffy-onichan, right?"
> Cut to Mt. Colubo, to Dadan Family's base. We see Dadan's reaction to the news at the newspaper, she's asking in tears what Garp and Luffy are up to.
> Suddenly, a huge earthquake starts. It's taking place 6 days after Lulusia Kingdom destruction. There is a huge hole in the middle of the sea, at the place that was once Lulusia Kingdom (just like the hole beneath Enies Lobby).
> We cut then to people all over the world feeling the earthquake. We can see...
> - Momonosuke in Wanokuni
> - Uholisia in Kanokuni
> - Iceberg in Water Seven
> - Hina in Marine HQ
> - Imu in Mary Geoise (he just says "...")
> - Laboon in Twin Cape
> - Some prisoners in Impel Down
> - Citizens in Loguetown
> - Ivankov in Kamabakka Queendom
> We can see another random islands too. The sea around the world rises by 1 meter, sinking many islands. Then back to Foosha Village, where villagers are looking at rising tides. Woop Slap is looking too worried.
> Cut to Egghead Island, Marine battleships are surrounding the island. Kizaru destroys 1 of Vegapunk's Sea Beast Weapons with a normal beam. But Kizaru has not started the attack yet since he doesn't want to cause too much damage to the island.
> Kizaru calls Sentomaru and ask him to surrender but Sentomaru refuses. We see a little flashback panel of young Kizaru demonstrating his beam to young Vegapunk and child Sentomaru (Kizaru is sitting in the ground while he's shooting beams with his finger to the air). Sentomaru continues talking.
> Sentomaru: "Uncle Punk managed to develop Pacifista's laser by doing research on your power. I can't believe you are the one coming to kill him!!"
> Kizaru: "Unfortunately I can't cover you from the "researching on Void Century" charges, Sentomaru-kun. In the end, I have to obey orders..."
> We can see that around Egghead Island there are 100 Marine battleships with 9 Vice Admirals and 30,000 Marine soldiers in total (as well as Saint Saturn and Kizaru). Doberman and Doll are part of the Vice Admirals, but there are new characters too (we saw some of them in Chapter 1078).
> Saint Saturn is having a meal inside his room. Vice Admiral Doberman enters and reports the overall situation. We can see a recap of entire Egghead Island and where are all characters (with chibi-characters). Saturn orders Doberman to sink the researchers' ship that escaped the island earlier as well.
> Cut to Egghead Island. York is calling Mary Geoise, complaining why they try to kill her along with other Vegapunk. The Gorosei reply that they saw her as no different from other Vegapunk. However, after Lulusia's incident, they have a new idea and they might keep York to help them with producing more Mother Flame weapons.
> It's revealed that York is the one that sent Mother Flame to the Gorosei. The power plant for producing them is on Egghead Island too. York made the Gorosei promises not to hurt her or the research laboratory, and to make her a Tenryuubito. Gorosei agrees (we see that Saturn and Kizaru are listening the conversation too).
A boring chapter where Nothing much happens bar the chaos aftermaths of lulusia being destroyed
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