Current Events Alright let me get this straight when it comes to Luffy, Zoro, Kizaru, and Saturn



You could drop that superficial wound BS because Kaido never called it that. Kaido didn't say anything after Oden scarred him during battle.

It's been proven true time and time again the more damage your character receive in battle the more time it takes for them to recover. Kaido needed more than 8 days to be covered from Oden's attack and his DF gives him better recovery and healing than the ancient zoan DF. No, They weren't fully healed. Get over it.

Kaido never neg Zoro. He couldn't even hit Zoro once during their battle. Hitting Zoro who was already on the ground after the battle is over because of the injuries he received from 2 Yonkos and from running out of energy is not neg diff . That is no different than kicking a person who's down on the ground after your friends beat them for you.

PS: Luffy still struggle against a character who's weaker than King only because of the power he received from King. Imagine believing GB can neg a 100% King but Luffy can't do the same to a weaker King.
You could drop that superficial wound BS because Kaido never called it that. Kaido didn't say anything after Oden scarred him during battle.

It's been proven true time and time again the more damage your character receive in battle the more time it takes for them to recover. Kaido needed more than 8 days to be covered from Oden's attack and his DF gives him better recovery and healing than the ancient zoan DF. No, They weren't fully healed. Get over it.

Kaido never neg Zoro. He couldn't even hit Zoro once during their battle. Hitting Zoro who was already on the ground after the battle is over because of the injuries he received from 2 Yonkos and from running out of energy is not neg diff . That is no different than kicking a person who's down on the ground after your friends beat them for you.

PS: Luffy still struggle against a character who's weaker than King only because of the power he received from King. Imagine believing GB can neg a 100% King but Luffy can't do the same to a weaker King.
Every time commanders faced admirals, they got negged, story itself is on my side.
Every time commanders faced admirals, they got negged, story itself is on my side.
During Marineford the admiral got the better of YC when they was distracted. During Wano GB beat 2 weaken YC. Don't leave out any part of the story.

What does that have to do with Zoro who blocked a combo attack from 2 Yonkos and beat Kaido in a 1v1 clash with 20 to 30 broken bones. That was before his Wano grow where he beat a YC at mid diff who was it weaken.

If I didn't know any better I would say you're arguing at admirals are stronger than Yonkos. BM couldn't neg Marco.
I love Zoro but these dumbass posts are honestly annoying. Did y’all learn nothing from wano?

Y’all did this exact same nonsense. You were so sure that Zoro would defeat Kaido, only for him to be pushed to high diff by Kaido’s rhm. The same dude Zoro fans claimed Zoro could low diff during the rooftop.
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Luffy will 1v1 kizaru. Zoro will at best clash with him.

Zoro will likely 1v1 a VA. Said VA will probably be portrayed as special amongst the VAs. He’ll probably be an admiral candidate, he might even be a logia.


World's Strongest Swordsman
I love Zoro but these dumbass posts are honestly annoying. Did y’all learn nothing from wano?

Y’all did this exact same nonsense. You were so sure that Zoro would defeat Kaido, only for him to be pushed to high diff by Kaido’s rhm. The same dude Zoro fans claimed Zoro could low diff during the rooftop.
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Luffy will 1v1 kizaru. Zoro will at best clash with him.

Zoro will likely 1v1 a VA. Said VA will probably be portrayed as special amongst the VAs. He’ll probably be an admiral candidate, he might even be a logia.
Sick of this bullshit narrative these fucking weirdos pedal just because zoro didn't kill kaido.
These are my posts in wano prior to roof piece and some even earlier in wano.
When people were saying zoro is weaker than Hawkins and Drake
Zoro vs orochi
Zoro vs kyoshiro as his final fight
Zoro and sanji vs tobi roppo
When zoro beats king, which in itself proves a few statments ridiculed by you i expect you to beg for forgiveness.
I dont think kyoshiro is a bad guy.
So i expect zoro to beat king and hit kaido.
A lot will be revealed when we see what zoro actually did with mihawk. But if he was sparring for 2 years with the wss then hes come back a hell of a lot stronger than people give him credit for and i said in dressrosa theres no chance that caps at doffy. Now we are in wano and he hasnt haf the extreme diff growth luffy had in wci where you can point to and say yeah hes gone up levels. But it looks like hes gonna fight king and maybe even cut kaido so yeah i dont think doffy would be enough for him.
Yeah zoro was gassed by the giants so what he still saved everyone by splitting the cliff.

He failed in his dream its like luffy beating mihawk for zoro.

Zoros gonna beat king and cut kaido.
Whoa nice try. Dont try shift the goalposts.
You said kaido would never meet zoro lmfao and im damn sure its about cutting kaido not killing him.

Beat king and cut kaido thats all ive ever said.

No orochis kyoshiros or whatever other shit pedalled.
And for all the shit YOU ALL CHATTED

Post from 4 YEARS AGO etc

Zoro vs king after kaido didn't make sense to me because from his intro and ALL WANO oda had built up kaidos durability
And no one expected oda to make king superior to kaido in the stat kaido has been hyped for the most.

So don't tell us what zoro fans were saying.
Try remember what retarded shit you were all pedalling.
Imagine comparing vas to freaking King lmao
Oda can always retcon a few VAs to which ever level he wants. Let’s not forget Croco went from getting defeated by no gear Luffy to going head to head with YCs and clashing just fine with top tiers pre ts. Oda is clearly setting the 9 VAs for each SH. He ain’t gonna let them be one shot materials.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Using the same failed argument used for old ZKK to the new ZKK? :gokulaugh:
You guys never learn
Don't talk to me about never learning crackhead
Sick of this bullshit narrative these fucking weirdos pedal just because zoro didn't kill kaido.
These are my posts in wano prior to roof piece and some even earlier in wano.
When people were saying zoro is weaker than Hawkins and Drake
Zoro vs orochi
Zoro vs kyoshiro as his final fight
Zoro and sanji vs tobi roppo

And for all the shit YOU ALL CHATTED

Post from 4 YEARS AGO etc

Zoro vs king after kaido didn't make sense to me because from his intro and ALL WANO oda had built up kaidos durability
And no one expected oda to make king superior to kaido in the stat kaido has been hyped for the most.

So don't tell us what zoro fans were saying.
Try remember what retarded shit you were all pedalling.
Zoro vs orochi
Zoro vs kyoshiro as his final fight
Zoro and sanji vs tobi roppo
This is wrong for the same reason ZKK was wrong. Oda has a pattern. Bro has been doing it for 20+ years.

Yeah I made some dumbass matchups too but I learned from my mistake in wano. Oda isn’t going to change his formula.

That’s why Zoro fought King instead of killing kaido, and it’s why he’ll probably fight a VA instead of beating Kizaru.

good news is, Zoro always receives special treatment despite being a subordinate. Meaning he is likely to clash with Kizaru or Saturn, he’s likely to save Luffy’s ass, and whatever VA he does fight will probably be some zodiac admiral candidate.
Oda works with a simple combat structure, it´s the same ever since 1997 and they still refuse to accept lol.

We are still on YONKO saga, admirals ain´t going down now.

Akainu and the rest of admirals will come right before WG final fights.
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IF admirals are THAT far above commanders, don´t take a genius to know that vice admirals and admiral candidates are equal/slightly superior to them.

Also, he scarred a kaido that was ACTIVELY tanking everything.
Ah nah then I disagree. This admiral is definitely losing lol, he's highly central to this arc and Oda is hyping a big clash. The Yonko Saga is also done, this is the Final Saga
If there is a serious fight.. Zoro would fight kizaru. If the serious fight is for luffy it would be kizaru Or Saturn.... Zoro vs kizaru as a serious fight most probably won't happen...